Cantillon Goldackerl Gueuze

Formerly brewed at Cantillon
Style: Lambic - Flavored
Brussels, Belgium


on tap


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RATINGS: 94   WEIGHTED AVG: 4.06/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 303   ABV: 10.1%
In the lambicworld you have mixed beer with winegrapes for centuries but what has never been done is to use grapes that have been infested with Nobel Rot. (Botrytis Cinerea)
Said and done! We contacted the controversial, austrian winemaker Willi Opitz.
Mr Opitz is very well known for his sweet wines and has won awards such as Late Harvest Winemaker of the Year. He has also made wines for McLaren,the department store Harrods in London as well as the wine Mr President that has been drunk in the White House both by President Clinton and President Bush. He is very innovative and has learning by doing as his motto and he seamed just enough Rock `n´Roll to go along with our new crazy idea. And just as we thought. When he gets the question he replies: " if you are going to make a new unique mixture of beer and wine, I am going to be a part of it!"
Mr Opitz has his vineyard in Burgenland near the lake Neusiedle. The mist and fog from the lake come in over the growth in the autumn mornings and make a terrific climate for the Nobel Rot.
The Botrytis forces out the water from the grapes and makes the sugars crystalize and contributes with a concentration of tastes that are just unbelievable.
The blending!
On the 19th of November of 2004 the little molded sweeties arrived to head-brewer Jean Van Roy at the Cantillon Brewery in Brussels. 35kg of Sämling and 35kg of Welschreisling. That is the same 50/50 mixture that Willi Opitz uses to make his "Beerenauslese Goldackerl".
A very sweet, slightly acidic dessert wine with different tropical fruits in both nose and palete. We macerated the grapes in a secondfill cognac barrel using a 2-year old, soft lambic with strong wine caracter.
The fermentation begun after a few weeks and went on for almost 3 months and created a wonderful, dry, extremely fruity botrytis lambic with lots of raisin and Cognac in the nose!!!
Bottling according to the Champagne Method!!
On februari the 8th the Botrytis Lambic was bottled. But still one more unique action was to be taken.
When making a "Gueuze" the blender adds a bit of young lambic to his old when bottling. The young lambic still has fermentable sugars and will create a secondary fermentation in the bottle. This method was created by the Benedectine monks in the 1530 ´s and is known to the world as "The Champagne Method".
In our Botrytis Lambic we have added the Wine "Beerenauslese Goldackerl" in the bottles both for fermentable sugars as well as the extra flavour. That of course will name our beer Goldackerl Gueuze.

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ClarkVV (9063) - Boston, Massachusetts, USA - OCT 21, 2016
750mL bottle drunk 10/8/16.
Another one in fine condition, but it was stored properly which I can’t emphasize the importance of enough. Great carbonation and off-white head. Clear, sparkling bronze liquid.
The nose reminds of the vin jaune that came before it but contains more rich honey as well as more grape fermentation notes (pepper, varied spice). I won’t pretend to be able to smell the botrytis at work here but the beer is marvelously complex and interesting. Honey, peach, yellow cherries and mild acetic acids provide a pleasant, tart fruitiness. No alcohol in the nose, though of course some stronger esters. Not a barnyard bonanza but still contains plentiful, subtle funkiness, with light cheese rind, mousey cellar notes and very light hay.
Kumquat again, as seen with vie est belge. Tart, juicy, yellow fruits really mix wonderfully with lambics, the slightly more playful, tart, juiciness underscoring the stronger, deeper bacterial acidity. This one is certainly stronger, though not necessarily even sweeter than others and yet there’s no booze. Sour, though it’s tapered off over the years, I assume. The lactic acid manifests as light citrus rind and the texture is richly soft with tight carbonation. Delicate for its size and very cool that it’s so drinkable.

jtclockwork (21083) - , New Jersey, USA - OCT 9, 2016
Bottle thanks to Clark - Grana padano share - pours gold white head - nose/taste of funk, wet hay, grape funk, oak, lemon, honey comb, dirty old books and touch of vanilla - medium body

Huhzubendah (3781) - Washington DC, USA - OCT 8, 2016
Many sincere thank yous to Nick for sharing this rare gem. Decanted. Light golden / orange body with a off-white head of random bubbles. Aromas of honey, white wine, mead, funk, must. Robust and intense. Unique and superb. Sweet, white wine, vinous, lingering honey, dandelion. Amazing.

GrumpyOldTroll (60) - New Jersey, USA - MAY 6, 2016
pours in a nice dark gold color with moderate head that fades quickly. The nose is wine and grapes with bit of funkiness. Solid mouthfeel and intense flavor. I’m a big fan of this beers.

PriorL (3067) - Gent, BELGIUM - JUL 17, 2015
Bottle in Akkurat, Stockholm. Shared with Mathieu87. APPEARANCE: clear blond beer, small unstable white head. NOSE sour, barnyard, fruity, bit over the top? Muskat. TASTE: sour, dry, oak, bit off.. Vinegar, grassy, not the best Cantillon.

Nische (3994) - Stockholm, SWEDEN - MAY 30, 2015
Bottle at Akkurat. Looks like apple juice with almost no head. Aroma of apples, earthy leafs, tart barnyard and grapes. Somewhat of a wine/beer crossover with very well hidden alcohol. Some taste resembling the cognac barrel with barnyard, stable, hay, overripe grapes. Not very acidic, but very dry.

DSG (22780) - Tel Aviv, ISRAEL - MAY 23, 2015
[4/25/15] Bottle sample at a tasting at omhper’s place in Tyresö. Thanks omhper, AndySnow and hackobock for sharing great beers! 2005 bottle. Clear golden. Very interesting aroma of wine, grapes, funk, cognac, cobwebs and oak. Sour funky flavor with oak, lemon, lots of wine, grapes, and a bit of cognac. Medium-bodied, slightly alcoholic. Very good, interesting and unique.

AdamChandler (5974) - Enfield, New Hampshire, USA - MAY 8, 2015
75CL Bottle split 4 ways

A - Very dark golden orange color. A nice 2 finger head at first but faded fast

S - The nose is very interesting. Very grape forward. Almost wine like with a distinct mold aroma. A little funk almost no other Classic cantillon traits.

T - Good rich bubbly mouthfeel that’s dense and pretty remarkable. Sour is intense but manageable. The rotten grape taste is unique and actually pretty darn special. A lot to say but not much time.

M - Intense and thick due to higher gravity from grapes. Walnut and tree nuts and musty old cheese.

O - I found this beer to be so unique and special and deserving of the hype. The cost to taste value is impossible to compare but it is a world class Lambic.

biggsbowler (635) - Port St. Lucie, Florida, USA - APR 29, 2015
Bottle at Akkurat - yellow/orange pour. Grapes, wines, lemon zest, and tart nose. The taste is sweet, grape, wine, and a slight sourness. Really good!!!

50belair (4330) - Florida, USA - APR 29, 2015
Bottle at Akkurat. Clear yellow pour with a white head. Funk with sweet vinous aromas. Absolutely delicious. Huge sweetness from the grapes with sour vinous undercurrents. So complex with oak, funk, wet hay, and muted citrus undercurrents. Fantastic mouthfeel and body. This just about pure perfection.

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