Brewed by Cantillon
Style: Lambic - Flavored
Brussels, Belgium


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RATINGS: 1717   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.84/5   EST. CALORIES: 150   ABV: 5%
Cantillon is the brewer of Belgium’s most authentic lambic. This kriek 100% lambic is blended lambic beer brewed with cherries.

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Piepenhenrich (2821) - Steinbach, GERMANY - NOV 5, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 5, 2021 Hazy dark red with a thin pink head that dilapidates quickly. Cherry aroma. Nicely sour, taste is cherry, some spice, distant ginger bread.

maciejgmaciej (2562) - POLAND - OCT 19, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 19, 2021 Bardzo wyraźnie kwaskowe, wyraźnie dzikie, wiśniowe, orzeźwiające. Bardzo dobre.

rumore (3109) - Rimini, ITALY - OCT 15, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 15, 2021 Glass from a bottle, at the brewery. Pours opaque dark red, with close to no foam. Aroma is of cherries and wild strawberries. Body is slightly thin, with average carbonation. Medium astringency. Taste is medium-high sour, with just a little underlying sweetness. Final is average in length.

hauxe (3004) - Butzbach, GERMANY - SEP 20, 2021
UPDATED: SEP 20, 2021 2018 bottle. Blood red with a fleeting, fizzing head. Aroma of oak, cherries and balsamico. Taste is tart up front, quickly turning intensely sour. Finishes with lingering sour cherries and an odd hint of black olives. Medium bodied, dry, with a rich smooth feel. Love the aroma and the texture, but this much vinegar? Too intense and not even particularly refreshing. Goes down a bit like an unfinished marinade. No thanks.

melush (11220) - SPAIN - JUL 3, 2021
UPDATED: JUL 3, 2021 37,5cl Bottle @ La Buena Cerveza, Madrid, Spain. Dark red colour with a thin pink head. Aroma is cherries. Taste is cherries, tart, hints of vinegar. Medium body, average carbonation.

kamanova_boy (1648) - Bratislava, SLOVAKIA - JUL 1, 2021
UPDATED: JUL 1, 2021 Dark red, hazy colour, little pink head, aroma of funk and cherries. Taste is rather sour, cherries, funk, wood, intensive. Excellent

surething_ii (4846) - Šenkvice, SLOVAKIA - JUN 30, 2021
UPDATED: JUN 30, 2021 On tap at 100 pív. Pours dark reddish with thin white head. Obvious cherries, medium sourness, dry mouthfeel. Good thing.

Gwilbreuf (314) - FRANCE - JUN 11, 2021
UPDATED: JUN 11, 2021 Le nez évoque le funk et la cerise. En bouche, c'est sublime et remarquable d'équilibre. Il y a de l'acidité, du funk et du boisé mais cela reste mesuré. La cerise est bien présente et s'équilibre avec l'ensemble pour donner une bière désaltérante et assez facile d'accès malgré le travail demandé pour ce type de bière. Un bel exemple de la maîtrise et du savoir faire Cantillon.

alex_leit (13033) - Minsk, BELARUS - MAY 2, 2021
UPDATED: MAY 2, 2021 Bottle. Scarlet color, clear, slightly pinkish foam. Aroma: sour, moderately wild, a little vinegar, rich sour cherries with sweetness. Sour taste, a bit sweet, varied cherries, a little wild, a little cherry liqueur, good!

Lore (5131) - Budapest, HUNGARY - FEB 21, 2021
UPDATED: FEB 21, 2021 hazy ruby colour, minimal pinkish head; aroma of sour cherry jam (or canned sour cherry), balsamic acid, some woody and earthy notes; taste is basically the same with some bitterness; excellent one!

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