Brewed by Cantillon
Style: Lambic - Gueuze
Brussels, Belgium


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The Lou Pepe Gueuze is a blend of three different 2-year-old lambics. The standard Cantillon Gueuze is a blend of 1,2, and 3-year-olds. The inclusion of the younger lambic (which still has some unfermented sugars in it) sparks a refermentation in the bottle that gives Gueuze its famous champagne-like spritziness. The simple idea behind the special Lou Pepe blend is that it should have much more of the taste of old lambic, which is of course much harder, drier, more sour, and more complex than the young stuff. (Though 3-year-olds are generally more complex than 2-year-olds, it's not necessarily so; the 2-year-olds used in this instance have as much character as most 3-year-olds.) This being Gueuze, it has to be spritzy, so the brewery opted for the same method used in conditioning champagne: everyday refined sugar is dissolved in water and added to cause a refermentation. The sugar ferments out completely, so there is no residual sweetness, which Jean-Pierre famously detests.

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pictoman (3080) - Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA - NOV 6, 2020
UPDATED: NOV 6, 2020 Poured from 750mL bottle (2011 vintage). Slightly hazy golden orange with minimal white head. Earthy funk, wood, dry, but sweet tones. Complex.

beerplace (6389) - Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA - NOV 6, 2020
UPDATED: NOV 6, 2020 750ml (thx, Matt!) at Phill's place. 2011 label. 2013 cork. Appearance: hazy golden with a white head. Aroma: earthy, minerally, fruity, some barrel, very complex and elegant. Taste: along the same lines, tons of minerals. Overall: very nice, a bit too minerally for me, though.

brunopbraga (101) - Fortaleza, BRAZIL - OCT 11, 2020
UPDATED: OCT 11, 2020 APARÊNCIA dourado profundo, turvo. espuma branca de baixa formação. AROMA funky, madeira, maçã e uva verde. SABOR cítrico, couro, funky, madeira e maçã verde. SENSAÇÃO corpo médio, acidez moderada e baixa carbonatação.

melush (11220) - SPAIN - AUG 1, 2020
UPDATED: AUG 1, 2020 75cl Bottle @ De Bierkoning, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Amber colour with a thin white head. Aroma is yeast, fruits, slightly tart. Taste is yeast, citrus, apples, white grapes, oak. Medium body, average carbonation.

GarrettB (2381) - San Diego, California, USA - MAR 18, 2020
UPDATED: MAR 18, 2020 January 1st, 2016 - Also kicking off 2016 is a beer from almost a decade ago: the 2007 Cantillon Lou Pepe. Our assumption is that this is perhaps a little long in the tooth, even for a mythically legendary beer like this, but I have high hopes and great trust in the Belgian craftsmen who have honed this recipe through generations. And it seems that my trust was well allocated, because the smell is absolutely beautiful. Chocolate, cream and with a slight fruity sweetness, even the few ounces at the bottom of my glass unfurl up and out and indulge my olfactory with incredible grace and strength. But the taste is spicier, and while it borrows some of the chocolate from the nose, it expresses more like a mole with that kick. Absolutely fascinating, and delicious, this has aged quite wonderfully.

Zlotta (7579) - Hagen, GERMANY - DEC 24, 2019
UPDATED: DEC 24, 2019 0.75 l bottle from 'De Bierkoning', 2013 vintage, bottled in April 2015, cellared for almost four years, consumed on Christmas Eve 2019. Almost clear, orangeish amber with a thin, slightly fluffy, slowly diminishing, white head. A bit sweetish, sourish-fruity, gently funky aroma of old lemon, oak, horse blanket, a touch of quince and traces of leather. Just a little sweet, quite sour, gently funky and rather fruity taste of old lemon, quite some horse blanket, leather, oak and a touch of gooseberry, followed by a medium long, fairly tart, rather woody-dry, funky finish. Medium body, slightly astringent, spritzy and gently effervescent mouthfeel, soft carbonation. Very tasty and well-balanced Gueuze, a real pleasure.

AssKicker (2577) - Strasbourg, FRANCE - DEC 20, 2019
UPDATED: DEC 20, 2019 Gueuze 2010. Couleur orangée voilée. Mousse généreuse qui tient bien. Nez fermier, animal bien comme il faut. En bouche ça tabasse pareil. Finale sèche et plutôt âcre. Un peu boisé. Acidité modérée. Bon, je ne suis pas expert en Gueuze mais c'est sympa.

Jow (6235) - The Hop, Massachusetts, USA - SEP 28, 2019
UPDATED: SEP 28, 2019 Bottle shared by my Zwanze buddy mj. Yellow pour. Funky nose for sure. Tastes of basement, cheese, grassy, bbqsauce. Yahoo Zwanze day

PowY (3777) - Vienna, AUSTRIA - AUG 7, 2019
UPDATED: AUG 7, 2019 750 ml bottle vintage 2003, shared by Werckmeister, many thanks! Pours a clear dark golden with a white head. The aroma is funky, moldy, cellary and lightly cheesy with wood, some green apples, some white grapes and some fruity tartness - very smooth. Medium body with a light to medium acidity and a medium tartness - very well balanced. The flavor starts with some acidic notes, lots of wood, leather, light mildly funky notes, some citric notes, green apples and grape skin. Finishes dry with lots of wood and tart. Overall very smooth with a good complexity. Aroma: 8 Appearance: 4 Taste: 8 Palate: 4 Overall: 17

murzyn (1300) - Sosnowiec, POLAND - JUN 17, 2019
UPDATED: JUN 17, 2019 Barwa złota, piana duża. Aromat cytrusowy, śliwkowy, octowy, funky. W smaku winogrona, owoce, ocet, funky. Fajny balans. Dobre pifko.

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