RATINGS: 17   MEAN: 3.89/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.72/5   EST. CALORIES: 135   ABV: 4.5%
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davidezdonz (1514) - Hong Kong, HONG KONG - OCT 15, 2020
UPDATED: OCT 15, 2020 So, unfortunately this bottle got forgotten in my cellar for almost 5 years, but after tasting it, it’s aged well. A 750ml corked and caged bottle, bottled on 28th October 2015. Poured into a Holy Mountain tulip glass. It was a mostly clear golden colour with a one finger white head that had pretty good retention and left some lacing. Aromas tart, lemon zest, melon, honey, oak, light funk and brett notes. Tastes tangy, tart, lemon, lemon zest, lime, white grapes, light funk, brett, and a touch of minerality. Dry, light bodied with moderate to soft carbonation. Overall a forgotten bottle in my cellar that I did not get to try fresh, but this tastes great right now. I can’t comment on the wet hops, but it’s got good fruity citrus and white grape flavours that were nicely balanced with the funk and brett. Refreshing and enjoyable to drink.

jredmond (10321) - New York, New York, USA - NOV 25, 2016
Bottle courtesy of Nathan, shared with Paul. Pours a hazy golden body with thick white lacing. Nose is slightly strange, but with nice notes of citrus, bright hop and mineral character. Mouthfeel is medium bodied, really balanced and delicate with nice mineral hop character, citrus and light hop leaf flavor.

Reynolds314 (3472) - Connecticut, USA - MAY 21, 2016
Dangerously drinkable tart saison. Fluffy white head on a hazy pale pour. Aroma is herbal, melon, grapefruit, strong funk, and cereal. Taste is perfect tart with medium hop bitterness. Not a perfect hf palate but quite good.

djd07 (26246) - Houston, Texas, USA - APR 4, 2016
Bottle. Pours a hazy yellow gold with thick frothy white head that lasts. The aroma is honey, oak, funk, brett. Medium mouth, funk, lemon, honey, light tartness, lingering dryness, very nice.

ctipping (3902) - Florida, USA - MAR 27, 2016
750 mL bottle. Very hazy pale yellow. Smell is nicely hoppy. Grapefruit and grass. Pungent. Bretty and a little acidic. Taste is wheaty, crisp, lemony tart. Nice hop flavor again. Grapefruit hop lingers. Light body. Low carbonation. Very nice.

bytemesis (13152) - Sunnyvale, California, USA - MAR 22, 2016
Bottle - thanks @@aron! Pours fairly hazy pale yellow / straw, medium white head, good lacing. Aroma is light, citrusy, hints of lemon and pine, clean Brett funk, mineral water, hay. Flavor is the same, dry, light plus funk, quite citrusy with an underlying hay note. Clean and refreshing. Light body, nice effervescent carbonation. Very enjoyable. I really like the low ABV Saisons from Casey.

jtclockwork (21083) - , New Jersey, USA - MAR 6, 2016
Bottle - pours pale cloudy yellow white head - nose/taste of citrus, oak, sour funky lemon, toasty grass - lighter medium body

Atom (3078) - Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA - MAR 4, 2016
750mL bottle dated 11/20/15 pours a clear pale straw yellow with a large white head. Dry musky dusty aroma, bready, earthy, light lemon, and a touch of yeast. Light and crisp taste, lightly tart, dry yeast, touch sour, earthy bitter hop bite to the finish. Tasty, we’ll balanced and easy drinking.

ajnepple (12995) - Lakewood, CO, Colorado, USA - JAN 22, 2016
750 ml bottle from Base Camp Wine & Spirits. Bright yellow appearance with a white head. Fresh aroma of tart fruits, Brett, citrus zest, grassy hops, barnyard funk, light pine and rustic yeast. Similar flavor, adding a mild earthy hop bitterness with a light sour finish. Light and refreshing overall. Another winner from Troy.

daknole (11051) - Scottsdale, Arizona, USA - JAN 12, 2016
Awesome brew! The essence of the hops melds with the earthy, funky, brett, leathery notes of the base beer. So good.

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