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RATINGS: 25   MEAN: 1.64/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 1.81/5   EST. CALORIES: 102   ABV: 3.39%
This likeable light beer won’t fill you up. Aguila Light is a choice beer for the youthful, modern, innovative spirit. For straight forward people who enjoy life to the fullest. ABV from 4% to 3.39%

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MarkoNm (5204) - Novo mesto, SLOVENIA - NOV 25, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 25, 2021 Can, Jota Jota. Clear golden, thinner white head, not lasting. Almost no nose to speak about, just hints of grass. Slight sweet start, a bit of corn. Hints of bitterness. No realy aftertaste. Light body. It's not water, but not much more character than that. Still drinkable.

Nisse666 (12812) - Göteborg, SWEDEN - SEP 25, 2021
UPDATED: SEP 25, 2021 Can Jota Jota Food 2021-09-25 Göteborg AR: dry Gras, hard bread, dust AP: pale coppery, wee thin white lid F: dry, wee flavors, dry bread

JordBEERg (108) - FINLAND - SEP 21, 2021
UPDATED: SEP 21, 2021 Follow the trip on instagram @juurperi #olutmaailmanympärimatka #beerworldtour Beer country number 106 Colombia

ResinousKeep54 (12) - Cali, COLOMBIA - MAR 7, 2021
UPDATED: MAR 7, 2021 Color dorado no muy brillante, espuma burbujeante y de poca duración más parecida a la de una gaseosa. Su aroma tiene un dejo de cereal, pero puede ser una sugestión por conocer la Águila normal. No tiene mucho cuerpo, la carbonatación es la suficiente para una cerveza light. Poco regusto, se toma fácil.

PilsnerDoctor32 (2165) - madrid, SPAIN - JAN 29, 2021
UPDATED: JAN 29, 2021 Lata 330ml Dorada, espuma blanca, jabonosa, desaparece en momento. Aroma con dificultad se puede decir malta, cereales pero no tiene ni aroma ni sabor ni presencia. Es una agua con gas y con colorante añadido. Fatal

Werckmeister (6298) - Vienna, AUSTRIA - OCT 27, 2019
UPDATED: OCT 27, 2019 0,33l can at a hostel in Barú, Colombia. Yellow clear color, small white head. Smells of corn, malty, marzipan, average smell. light body, light carbonation. Tastes malty sweetness, light marzipan, bit watery, light tobacco, bit grainy. Finishes light to medium bitter with notes of tobacco, grains and malty notes. Not that great 5,3,5, 2,9

Kleg (2050) - The Beach, Florida, USA - APR 11, 2018
Drank straight from the bottle in the port of Cartegena, Columbia. Light skunk nose. Sweet, light and smooth macro lager taste. As expected, just a lighter version of their Cerveza Aguila. Quenches the thirst.

xOscarGz (9) - Barranquilla, COLOMBIA - FEB 27, 2018 does not count
UPDATED: MAR 7, 2018 Cerveza industrial Lager. Color dorado pálido con poco aroma a malta y cereales. Con un cuerpo fragil, carbonatación media, casi nada de amargor y muy simple e insípida. Recomendable para mitigar la sed y refrescar un poco, es una de las peores cervezas del mercado Colombiano............................. Industrial Lager beer. Pale golden color with malt and cereal aromas. With a fragile body, medium carbonation, almost no bitterness and very simple and insipid. Recommended to quench thirst and refresh a bit, is one of the worst beers in the Colombian market.

Piw (2128) - Rüsselsheim, GERMANY - MAR 9, 2017
330ml Flasche. Klar und golden mit minimaler Schaumkrone. Leicht getreidig. Leichter Körper. Milder Geschmack.

luttonm (7592) - Seattle, Washington, USA - FEB 7, 2017
Can in Bogota. Super pale lager. Light corny nose, fuzzy sip. Innocuous and bland. Fairly dry and drinkable.

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