Brewed by Microbrasserie Charlevoix
Style: Belgian Ale - Strong Pale
Baie-Saint-Paul, Canada


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RATINGS: 465   WEIGHTED AVG: 4.01/5   SEASONAL: Special   IBU: 70   EST. CALORIES: 300   ABV: 10%
Bière forte brassée avec Amarillo, Simcoe, et Strisselspalt.

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strowlands8 (572) - Ontario, CANADA - JUN 27, 2020
UPDATED: JUN 27, 2020 500ml bottle about 3 months old. Finally rating this bad boy after about 10 years since first trying it. Probably one of the most iconic Canadian beers in my mind (and I think at one time the highest rated on this app). Pours nearly clear gold, with an expectantly tall and fluffy head. The aroma is classic Belgian triple with a good kick of euro hops (maybe the Simcoe and Amarillo fade quicker?). Grassy, yeasty, floral, pear, and lightly herbal - awesome. Definitely some sweetness, and a little bit of lingering bitterness. Medium-light mouthfeel with high carbonation as the style demands. Pretty awesome beer, basically as good as I remember.

Beese (12774) - Tooting, London, Greater London, ENGLAND - FEB 23, 2020
UPDATED: FEB 23, 2020 12oz bottle at Pizza Port, Carlsbad, CA on 01/05/2008. A cracking beer. Really true to style and could easily hold its weight with the Belgian masters.

beerplace (6389) - Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA - OCT 13, 2019
UPDATED: OCT 13, 2019 500ml (thx, Alex M.!) shared with Andrey after relay change :) Appearance: hazy golden with a white head. Aroma: hops and classic Belgian Saison notes. Taste: along the same lines. Overall: good stuff, if you are a fan of the style.

Grumbo (14439) - Ipswich, Suffolk, ENGLAND - AUG 25, 2019
UPDATED: SEP 16, 2019 24/8/2019. Bottle from Beautiful Beers, Bury St Edmunds and shared at the Ipswich & North Essex beer share. Pours clear bright gold with a good size off-white head. Aroma of toffee, fruit, light herb, yeast, flowers and hops. Medium plus sweetness, light to moderate bitterness. Medium body, creamy texture, but above average carbonation.

superspak (9600) - Greensboro, North Carolina, USA - JUL 30, 2019
UPDATED: JUL 30, 2019 750 ml bottle into chalice, bottled on 1/31/2012. Pours slightly hazy medium golden amber color with a 1-2 finger dense and fluffy off white head with fantastic retention, that reduces to a nice cap that lasts. Thick foamy lacing clings on the glass, with a moderate amount of streaming carbonation. Fantastic appearance. Aromas of big lemon, orange, grapefruit, peach, pear, pineapple, apricot, mango, melon, passion fruit, citrus peel/zest, peppercorn, clove, pine, honey, candi sugar, white bread dough, and biscuit; with lighter notes of toast, banana, bubblegum, herbal, floral, wood, grass, and yeast earthiness. Damn nice aromas with great balance and complexity of citrus/tropical/earthy hops, fruity/spicy yeast, candi sugar, and pale malt notes; with big strength. Taste of big lemon, orange, grapefruit, peach, pear, pineapple, apricot, mango, melon, passion fruit, citrus peel/zest, peppercorn, clove, pine, honey, candi sugar, white bread dough, and biscuit; with lighter notes of toast, banana, bubblegum, herbal, floral, wood, grass, and yeast earthiness. Light-moderate pepper/clove yeast spiciness; and pine, herbal, floral, woody, grassy bitterness on the finish. Lingering notes of lemon, orange, grapefruit, peach, pear, pineapple, apricot, mango, melon, passion fruit, citrus peel/zest, peppercorn, clove, pine, honey, candi sugar, white bread dough, biscuit, toast, banana, bubblegum, herbal, floral, wood, grass, and yeast earthiness on the finish for a while. Fantastic complexity, robustness, and balance of citrus/tropical/earthy hops, fruity/spicy yeast, candi sugar, and pale malt flavors; with a great malt/bitter/spiciness balance; and no cloying/astringent flavors after the finish. Fairly crisp finishing. Light-moderate increasing dryness from lingering bitter/spiciness and carbonation. Medium-high carbonation and medium-full body; with a very smooth and moderately creamy/bready/grainy/sticky balanced mouthfeel that is great. Minimal warming alcohol for 10%. Overall this is a fantastic hoppy Belgian strong pale ale. All around fantastic complexity, robustness, and balance of citrus/tropical/earthy hops, fruity/spicy yeast, candi sugar, and pale malt flavors; very smooth and dangerously easy to drink for the big ABV, with the modestly bitter/spicy/drying finish. Great Amarillo, Simcoe, and Saaz profile. Fantastic balance of juicy/earthy hops, Belgian yeast, candi sugar, and pale malts. Light residual sweetness with crisp drying. Very well attenuated, and not overly sweet/heavy for the ABV. A highly enjoyable offering, and spot on style example. This aged wonderfully. Very well attenuated, and not overly sweet/heavy for the ABV.

Rasmus40 (30538) - Beder, Aarhus, DENMARK - JUN 30, 2019
UPDATED: JUN 30, 2019 Bottle from BeautifulBeers.co.uk. Clear golden with a white head. Aroma is sweet, malty, yeasty and light hoppy - grass. Flavor is quite sweet and rather bitter. Sweet and rather bitter finish with warming alcohol. Oily and soft. 300619

biilz (1529) - SPAIN - JUN 14, 2019
UPDATED: SEP 27, 2019 Аромат весьма неплох и уникален, очень много от цветочных благоуханний, буквально ощущается сладкая пыльца от свежих цветов. Также немного солода и фруктово цитрусовых ноток. Цвет полу мутный, золотой бешено густая и пышная пенка. Вкус еще лучше. Сначала уже знакомые цветочные нотки, затем легкие пряные с намеком на корицу. Легкие спелые фрукты. При глотке намеки на цитрусы, много солода и едва ли уловимые ноты хмеля, при чем европейского. Удивительно но в конце появляется стойкие ноты от бананов а также немного пшеницы. Фруктовое идиллия тоже тут но уже на втором месте. В целом просто топчик, но Де долле штиле нахт круче, как ни крути.

unrated (5) - - FEB 8, 2019 does not count
UPDATED: FEB 8, 2019 Une bière que je débouche lorsque j’ai quelque chose à fêter. Forte en alcool mais compensée par son taux de sucre élevé, elle se laisse boire. Sa mousse peut être abondante, passez votre verre à l’eau avant de verser!

BuckeyeBoy (14695) - Boise, Idaho, USA - AUG 7, 2018
750ml bottle thanks to footbalm. Pours out golden topped with a white head. Nose is sweet fruit notes belg yeast candy notes and some crisp hops. Taste is more of the nice sweet malts spice and that belg yeast kick.

mjs (10227) - Helsinki, FINLAND - MAR 9, 2018
(Bottle, 0.75 l - bottled on 18/01/2017, thanks VastActiv, at tiong's tasting, 20180309) The beer poured golden and hazy. Its head was medium sized, white and it lasted long. Aroma had fruitiness, honey and Belgian style yeast. Palate was medium bodied with medium carbonation. Flavours were fresh dates, honey, grass, malts and bitterness. Aftertaste had dates, honey and bitterness. A very good hoppy tripel.

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