Chimay Grande Réserve Vieillie En Barriques: Chêne Francais, Chêne Américain, Rhum - 2017

Formerly brewed at Abbaye de Scourmont - Chimay
Style: Belgian Ale - Strong Dark
Chimay, Belgium
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RATINGS: 140   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.79/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 315   ABV: 10.5%
36% french oak, 42% american oak, 22% rum Note: this entry is for all the 2017 Chimay Blue BA releases.

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SVD (4589) - Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS - DEC 10, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 10, 2021 Bottle shared, dark brown/red brown beer, small head. Aroma is rum, oak, wood, raisins, fruit, caramel, malt, molasses, sweet. Taste is the same, wood, oak, bitter, raisins, rum, alcohol. Nice one

drmet (1467) - GERMANY - MAR 31, 2021
UPDATED: MAR 31, 2021 L: -pours a cloudy dark brown with ruby tinges and a big,foamy,offwhite head S: -dried fuits,fruitcake,orange zest,syrupy,caramel,vanilla,coconut,strawberries,h the nose +spicy,oak F: -medium carbonation -medium to full body O: Great Barrel-aged Belgian sipper.Full of flavour.

dnstone (5952) - Saarland, GERMANY - NOV 10, 2020
UPDATED: NOV 10, 2020 Pours a copper color with white sudsy head that settles off. Sugary boozy spiced aroma. Lighter flavor that the normal blue; brown sugar and light rum boozy character. Notes: bottle from a previous Belgium trip, opened Nov ‘20

Cunningham (12125) - Halden, NORWAY - OCT 18, 2020
UPDATED: OCT 18, 2020 Ooooohhhh yeah one more please. Solid yummy for my body and soul Dark pour with a fine creamy head Pleasant and fine aroma. No sticky alcohol Mellow fine carbonation level and a fine balanced sweetness Dark malt, vanilla, oak, some rum and mild fruity flavor [Bottle from Systembolaget in Sweden]

davidezdonz (1514) - Hong Kong, HONG KONG - SEP 17, 2020
UPDATED: SEP 17, 2020 A 375ml corked and caged bottle, bottled on 10th August 2017, with a best before date of end of 2022. Poured into a Chimay goblet glass. I always thought of the Chimay Grande Réserve and thus also it’s barrel variants to be a Belgian Quad, but it appears most sites list it as a Belgian Strong Dark Ale, so that’s what I’m going to do. Not going to debate this or differentiate the styles as a simple search will show many threads. It was a slightly hazy dark amber brown colour with a half finger beige head that dissipated quickly to a replenishing ring around the glass, while leaving some nice lacing. Aromas of light to moderately sweetness, dark fruit, plum, prunes, oak, coconut, vanilla, with notes of rum. Tastes of sweet malt, dark fruit, plum, prunes, grapes, fig, raisin, toasted oak, toasted bread, brown sugar, clove, vanilla, rum, light booziness. Medium to full bodied, with moderate carbonation. Overall, nice, complex and enjoyable, but not as good as the base beer in my opinion. I think it’s partly because rum is not one of my favoured liquors.

rayaron (5840) - Kfar Saba, ISRAEL - JUL 22, 2020
UPDATED: JUL 22, 2020 Bottle sample at a tasting. Hazy bronze-brown with beige head. The aroma has notes of rum, coconut, wood, vanilla, yeasts, malt, alcohol. The flavor is sweet and mild bitter with lots of wood, alcohol, coconut, vanilla, oxidised, apple, rum. Full-bodied.

DSG (22780) - Tel Aviv, ISRAEL - JUN 22, 2020
UPDATED: JUN 22, 2020 Bottle sample at a tasting at Yoav's place. Cloudy brown with floaties, beige head. Vanilla, wood, dark fruits, some coconut, caramel, some alcohol, sweet, a bit of alcohol.

Iznogud (10166) - Zagreb, CROATIA - MAY 24, 2020
UPDATED: MAY 24, 2020 Bottle, 750 ml shared with Miro B and Max. Black with surprisingly white head. Malty, caramel, moderate sweetness, some dried fruity notes, smooth. Somewhat thin finish. Medium bodied.

Ungstrup (47893) - Citizen of the universe, DENMARK - APR 14, 2020
UPDATED: APR 14, 2020 Bottled. A dark brown beer with a tan head. The aroma has notes of dried fruits, caramel, vanilla, rum, and malt. The flavor is sweet with notes of over ripe fruits, candy sugar, dried fruits, malt, vanilla, and a bit of rum, leading to a dry finish.

GRM (6280) - Aylmer, Quebec, CANADA - MAR 18, 2020
UPDATED: MAR 18, 2020 Brown bottle, 0.75 l, 10.5%, date : 15/20/2017, best before 2022, Péché day 2019, drunk at L’autre œil, savoured on March 23, 2019; eye: brown, semi-opaque, thin sheet of tan head, slight lacing; nose: malt, candied sugar, slight alcohol, slight madeira, Belgian yeast, alcohol; mouth: malt, candied sugar, slight alcohol, slight madeira, Belgian yeast, alcohol, slight alcohol warmth, light acridness, finale in candied sugar with light presence of alcohol, full-bodied, mildly sweet, lightly syrupy texture; overall: fine

Bouteille brune, 0,75 l, date : 15/20/2017, meilleure avant 2022, journée Péché 2019, bue à L’autre œil, bue à L’autre œil, savourée le 23 mars 2019; œil : marron, semi-opaque, mince couverture de mousse fauve, très légère dentelle; nez : malt, sucre candi, très léger alcool, très léger madère, levure belge, alcool; bouche : malt, sucre candi, très léger alcool, très léger madère, levure belge, alcool, léger chaleur d'alcool, légère âcreté, finale en sucre candi avec légère présence d'alcool, corsée, moyennement sucrée, texture légèrement sirupeuse; en résumé : bien

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