RATINGS: 130   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.72/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 255   ABV: 8.5%
Good Gourd aged in rum barrels.

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juiceisloose (3665) - Windermere, Florida, USA - OCT 28, 2018
750ml bottle. Rating from old notes. Pours a cloudy, dark reddish orange color and capped by a small off white layer of foam that settles in quickly to a thin film and leaves streaks of lace around the glass. The aroma shows notes of rich pumpkin and fall spices with notes of clove, cinnamon, vanilla, and nutmeg all while mixing nicely with a sweet rum soaked oak and spices from the barrel. Like a sweeter version of a pumpkin pie with some of rummy booziness. The flavor follows suit with the rich pumpkin and pumpkin flesh pushing through along with cinnamon, clove, and nutmeg followed by the sweetness and spice from the barrel with rum soaked oak and rich vanilla to tie in all together. The barrel is noticeable, but not overpowering or too boozy. Just a really nice mix of pumpkin, spices, and rum that lends a nice sweetness throughout without getting cloying. The vanilla really shines as it warms up and adds a nice balance and depth. Full bodied and smooth with balanced carbonation that leads to a pumpkin, spice, vanilla, and rum soaked oak finish that lingers on with the sweetness after each sip. Really tasty stuff and a really good pumpkin beer, but best shared with friends as it is a big beer. Excellent use of the rum barrel as well.

Korcz (3388) - Warsaw, POLAND - JAN 14, 2017
Backlog, ocena przepisana z untappd, w ramach uzupełniania profilu na ratebeer. CBC #85. Otóż pumpkin ale może być dobre.

drsordr (3984) - Loveland, Ohio, USA - JAN 26, 2016
Bottle shared by alexsdad06 pour hazy copper with moderate ecru head and moderate dense floaters. Nose sweet cinnamon, pie spice, light rum. Taste big sweet up front, sweet pumpkin pie, cinnamon, almost bubble gum, all with underlying hint of rum. I’m a fan of big flavors and this is big, albeit all sweet.

bytemesis (13152) - Sunnyvale, California, USA - NOV 29, 2015
Bottle thanks to 50belair! Pours quite hazy reddish hazel, lots of big floaters, small beige head, some lacing. Aroma is rum, Tom and Jerry mix, cinnamon, nutmeg, pumpkin flesh. Flavor is quite sweet, malty, heavy rum, pumpkin spices. Medium body, quite hot.

solerunner (24) - Georgia, USA - NOV 23, 2015
Too much cinnamon and not enough pumpkin. ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

corby112 (2804) - philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA - NOV 22, 2015
Pours a dark golden orange color that appears caramel brown in the glass wih mahogany edges and a two finger off-white head that slowly settles into a thick, lasting ring. Streaks of sappy lacing coat the glass on the way down. Intense aroma but still very inviting. Smells like a rum soaked pumpkin pie with a prominent barrel presence that’s nicely integrated into the notes of a pumpkin beer. Dry charred oak with slight toothpick character but not harsh or overwhelming. The tropical rum spiciness blends well with the autumnal spices, sweet malt and pumpkin pie notes. Rum soaked fruit cake with pumpkin purée, allspice, clove, nutmeg, ginger and vanilla. Wow, this is a really big beer and you can definitely feel and taste it. Huge barrel presnce with strong rum flavors without becoming too hot or overpowering. Subtle oak and vanilla bean but not too charred or toothy. Spicy rum blends well with the autumnal spices and pumpkin pie flavors. Rum flavor is a little too sweet for my preference but there’s a heavy spice presence balancing things out. zesty hints of black pepper, allspice, glove, ginger and nutmeg. The spices and strong barrel flavors take over the pumpkin elements. Shows up more as it warms with vanilla, nutmeg and pumpkin purée. Some boozy heat in the finish but the high ABV is decently masked once the palate adjusts. Could use more complexity and better balance but it’s pretty flavorful with a nice blend of spicy rum, oak barrel, earthy spice and desert/pumpkin pie sweetness. Feels more like a barrel aged pumpkin barleywine.

AdamChandler (5974) - Enfield, New Hampshire, USA - NOV 7, 2015
Dark brown. Hazy, no head. Draft pour. Smells fantastic. Tons of rum and pumpkin. Good mouthfeel. This is very thick. Boozy with a lot of rum and maple and tootsie roll chocolate. There’s just so much. A single glass is enough.

WillRunForBeer (2859) - Massachusetts, USA - NOV 6, 2015
Draft at Parker Pie. Pours murky medium brown with a few off white bubbles. Aroma is big dark rum, pumpkin pie spice. Flavor follows. I think the rum barrel really works with this. Molasses, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice.

brokensail (18691) - Bay Area, California, USA - NOV 6, 2015
Bottle @ La Palma Sour Fest 2015. Dark amber colored beer with a thin ring of off-white foam. Definitely a bit on the sweet and boozy side, but much more enjoyable than I typically find rum barrel aged beers. Lots of vanilla and marshmallow, some maple syrup, and a bit of sweet potato. Kind of hot on the flavor for my liking.

RLiddell (145) - Valrico, Florida, USA - OCT 9, 2015
Bottle secured as member if El Catador club, aged 12 months. Aroma is nutmeg and pumpkin and a hint of rum. I have always been a fan of Good Gourd, but aging in rum barrels gives it an extra dimension that is just magnificent! If you get the chance, try this beer!

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