RATINGS: 25   MEAN: 4.21/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 4.04/5   EST. CALORIES: 318   ABV: 10.6%
Stout with vanilla and coffee beans added and aged on maple wood

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juiceisloose (3665) - Windermere, Florida, USA - AUG 16, 2020
UPDATED: AUG 16, 2020 750 ml El Catador bottle. Pours nearly pitch black in color and capped by a small tan head of foam that settles in quickly to a thin film. The aroma shows notes of roasted coffee, mocha, toasted vanilla, and rich, dark chocolate to go with some earthy roast and bourbon soaked oak with a touch of maple wood. The flavor follows suit with the rich dark chocolate, roasted coffee, mocha, and toasted vanilla right up front followed by the dark malts, caramel, maple wood, and a light balancing bitterness on the back end. The bourbon oak adds smoothness, depth, and ties everything together. Full bodied and smooth with soft carbonation that leads to a rich, dark chocolate, roasted coffee and toasted vanilla on the finish with lingering notes of bourbon and warmth from the alcohol. This is a really good beer and a very nice barrel aged stout. Makes me wish I could have tried the original so I could see how they compare.

drsordr (3984) - Loveland, Ohio, USA - JAN 11, 2020
UPDATED: JAN 11, 2020 Bottle pour opaque black with moderate mahogany head. Nose red fruit, lactose, vanilla, chocolate, light barrel. Taste chocolate, red fruit, vanilla, barrel.

ctipping (3902) - Florida, USA - NOV 11, 2019
UPDATED: NOV 11, 2019 750 mL bottle. Black with a khaki head. Smells of vanilla, chocolate, a little bourbon, and some oak. Tastes sweet. Oak. Vanilla. Bourbon. Maybe I'm making it up, but there's a slight maple tinge. Back end is oaky and boozy. Heavy, but not excessive. Surprisingly good.

Dedollewaitor (19875) - Odense, DENMARK - SEP 6, 2019
UPDATED: SEP 6, 2019 Bottle @ Black September, Ratebeer Odense. The Texas connection. Pours Black with a small beige head. Roast, Wood, coffee, maple, soft , smooth. Full bodied. Long finish.

Christian (16103) - Odense, DENMARK - SEP 6, 2019
UPDATED: SEP 6, 2019 Black september, Oluf Bagers Gade. Black with a lasting tan head. Aroma of licorice, molasses and bourbon. Sweet and thick, roasted flavour with vanilla, dark chocolate and dark sugar.

bergstaden (6306) - Røros, NORWAY - JUL 28, 2019
UPDATED: JUL 28, 2019 Black with a brown head - Good dark malt aroma with vanilla and some chocolate - Good dark malt body with a good wood barrel flavour with vanilla and some chocolate flavour - The good dark malt flavour with wood and vanilla goes into the finish - This was real good

alexsdad06 (16451) - West Chester, Ohio, USA - JUL 3, 2019
UPDATED: JUL 4, 2019 750 ml bottle from the El Catador club shared with Tmoney99 and the Dutch's crew. Pours dark brown to black in color with a small tan head. The aroma and flavor have roasted malts, chocolate, wood, some maple sweetness, a hint of smoked malt, coffee, lactose, vanilla, medium full bodied, very solid, worth the wait.

Tmoney99 (19268) - Cincinnati, Ohio, USA - JUN 17, 2019
UPDATED: JUN 17, 2019 Bottle shared by alexsdad06. Poured black color with an average frothy tan head that mostly lasted with good lacing. Moderate to heavy complex toasted dark malt and maple aroma. Medium to abundant body with a smooth texture and soft carbonation. Moderate to heavy strong dark sweet flavor with a moderate to heavy dark sweet finish of medium to long duration. This is a standout beer.

Cybercat (10436) - Atlanta, Georgia, USA - MAY 18, 2019
UPDATED: MAY 18, 2019 Pours dark chocolate with a fair golden-tan head. Aroma yields roast malt and semi-sweet chocolate, a bit thin but tempting. Flavor presents sweet chocolate, roast malt, bourbon, molasses, earthy and woody notes. Texture features heavy body and lively fizz. Water your moat!

bytemesis (13152) - Sunnyvale, California, USA - JAN 21, 2019
UPDATED: JAN 21, 2019 Bottle. Pours inky black, small creamy brown head, lasting with nice lacing. Aroma is vanilla, mocha, espresso, brown sugar, fudge. Flavor is pretty sweet, light bitter, rich and decadent. Full body, creamy mouthfeel.

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