RATINGS: 79   WEIGHTED AVG: 4.04/5   SEASONAL: Series   EST. CALORIES: 435   ABV: 14.5%
Outskirts is an Imperial Porter aged in Bourbon Barrels. Outskirts presents itself on the nose with aromas of star anise and the unmistakable vanilla-wood-alcohol punch of the bourbon barrels in which it was aged. Semi-sweet chocolate, treacle and a trace of dried blackberry flavors combine with vanilla and leather on the palate to deftly hide it’s 14.5% alcohol content. Viscous but never cloying, soft wood tannins and alcohol spiciness balance Outskirts’ formidable body.

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bytemesis (13152) - Sunnyvale, California, USA - DEC 14, 2019
UPDATED: DEC 14, 2019 Bottle. Pours opaque black, small tan head, some lacing. Aroma is rich, bourbon, cocoa, oaky vanilla, anise, molasses. Flavor is quite sweet, medium bitter, a tad hot. Full body, silky. lingering heat...

rami_pl (11428) - Warsaw, POLAND - AUG 28, 2018
Rami Rami is drinking an Outskirts by Cigar City Brewing at Mikkeller Bar Warsaw Mega beczkowe, wanilia, kokos, bomboniera. W smaku slodycz. Dosc pelne w ogole, slodkie, desrowe. Alko schowane. Sliczne piwo, 4.4+
Rami Rami: Nie no, zajebiste jest, 4.5

Tmoney99 (19268) - Cincinnati, Ohio, USA - MAY 24, 2018
UPDATED: JUN 11, 2018 Bottle shared by alexsdad06. Poured dark brown with a moderate fizzy tan head that mostly lasted with good lacing. Medium to heavy toasted chocolate malt and wood with a bourbon alcohol aroma. Medium to full body with a smooth texture and flat carbonation. Moderate to heavy toasted bourbon sweet flavor with a moderate to heavy dark sweet finish of medium to long duration. This is another CC standout beer.

alexsdad06 (16451) - West Chester, Ohio, USA - MAY 24, 2018
UPDATED: JUN 9, 2018 750 ml bottle shared with Tmoney99 and the Nine Giant crew. Pours dark brown to black in color with a small khaki colored head. The aroma and flavor have big dark fruit, blackberries, molasses, vanilla, mild roasted malts, chocolate, bourbon, oak, a hint of spice, sticky mouth feel, dry, solid drinking big beer.

juiceisloose (3665) - Windermere, Florida, USA - MAY 20, 2018
750 ml bottle from El Catador club. Pours nearly pitch black in color and topped by a thin, fleeting tan colored head of foam that fades quickly to a thin film and leaves some sticky legging on the glass. The aroma is really nice showing huge notes of rich dark chocolate, fudge, bourbon, and vanilla laden oak along with more subtle notes of dark berries, earthy roast, and the requisite booze to let you know this is one big beer. The flavor follows suit with big dark chocolate, earthy, roasted malts, and vanilla to give a nice espresso like feel, followed by a big bourbon punch and soft oak tannins and a touch of dark berries as well. The oak adds a touch of spice while the roast adds ample balancing bitterness on the back end to go with the boozy warmth from the alcohol. Nearly full bodied and smooth with ample carbonation that leads to a lengthy, warming and dark chocolate, vanilla, and bourbon finish that lingers on after each sip. Really tasty stuff and an awesome barrel aged imperial porter. Awesome beer and a great example of what Cigar City is capable of producing.

zvikar (11915) - Ramat Gan, ISRAEL - APR 15, 2018
CBC2016S01, pours black with a small head, aroma of chocolate, vanilla, coconut, whiskey, flavor of chocolate, vanilla, coconut, whiskey, full bodied, amazing

Ibrew2or3 (10208) - Tempe, Arizona, USA - MAR 5, 2018
750mL bottle pours with a deep dark mahogany colored body that supports a thin mocha colored head of foam. The aroma offers up reduced sugars, booze and then lighter notes of chocolate and dark fruity esters. Another pull and a boozy chocolate brownie sensation is noticed. The taste delivers smooth slick sweetness, molasses, nectar sweet malts and booze. Toward the finish pleasing chocolate notes and a quick flash of sweet dark fruity esters are noticed amid the booziness. Really nice sipper.

dnstone (5952) - Saarland, GERMANY - JAN 25, 2018
Pours black with a tan head, like dirty motor oil. Has a rich coconuty, caramel, and chocolate aroma and taste. Quite sticky. Notes: on tap

willisread (6518) - Farmington Hills, Michigan, USA - NOV 26, 2017
Pour from a bottle shared. Cheers Dylan. Pours a pitch black with a small bit of head. Big rich, bourbon-forward nose with cacao nib, coffee and caramel toffee chews. Definitely boozy on the palate, but more cacao, chocolate, tobacco and faint roasted malt smoke. As it warms up lots of fig, plum and prune notes start to rear their head. Surprisingly drinkable with the heat from the 14.5%. Lingering cacao nib, coffee, oak, fig and bourbon. A big, bold beer.

BlazerT (1617) - Sosnowiec, POLAND - SEP 23, 2017
Imperialny porter leżakowany w beczkach po bourbonie. Uwarzony w ramach 4 edycji El Catador Club. W aromacie mnóstwo mlecznej czekolady z wyraźnymi nutami przyprawowymi, piękne akcenty waniliowe. Wyraźnie wyczuwalna melasa, ponadto stawiam na słody żytnie, co czyni piwo lekko pikantnymi. Po ogrzaniu wychodzą piękne ciemne owoce oraz nieco beczkowate-drzewne nuty. Pije się jak imperialnego stouta. Profil piwa bardzo zbliżony do Darkstar November z Bottle Logic, choć to inne style. Ciało pełne, aksamitne, gładkie, mega wyklejające, takie lekko likierowate. 14 ABV zupełnie niewyczuwalne. Z dodatkowych rzeczy umilających degustację, niezwykle zbita, beżowa piana dosyć długo utrzymująca się. Jedne z lepszych imperialnych porterów jakie piłem. Ma swój charakter i klasę. Nie jest jakoś przeładowany "dodatkami", ale za to dopracowany do perfekcji. WIelkie WOW i ciesze się, że mam jeszcze jedną butelkę.

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