RATINGS: 742   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.58/5   EST. CALORIES: 210   ABV: 7%
Like a stamp on a tramp, this beer is about not so subtle seduction. Soft but complex malts, Chambly yeast, sweet orange peel, Columbus, Amarillo, and Centennial hops have merged to create a bodacious Belgian IPA.

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Cheeseboard (2971) - Somerset, ENGLAND - NOV 9, 2020
UPDATED: NOV 9, 2020 Bottle sampled August 2014 from historic notes. Pours lightly hazed dark golden with a small off white head. Aroma: malty, wheaty, yeasty, hoppy, fruity, floral, light herbal. Taste: moderate sweet & light to moderate bitter, malty, fruity, citrus. Medium body with soft carbonation

Svesse (12015) - Hässelby, SWEDEN - AUG 12, 2020
UPDATED: AUG 12, 2020 (Bottle) Amber colour, slightly hazy, with lasting white head. Hoppy, spicy nose with notes of tropical fruit (pineapple, mango), mandarin, grapefruit, elderflower, honey, resin and a touch of clove. Hoppy, spicy taste with grapefruit, mango, pineapple, orange peel, honey, spicy hints of elderflower, juniper and clove, and a generous citric, resiny bitterness in the finish. Medium body, with a slight sweetness. Tasty, with generous amounts of citric, tropical hops andspicy Belgian hints. Very nice.

larsga (7692) - Oslo, NORWAY - AUG 24, 2017
Big offwhite head. Clear brown body with small particles and light carbonation. Fruity resiny old tobacco aroma with spicy malty notes. Spicy peachy funky taste with floral wooden notes. Mid-bodied. Mild, slightly fizzy mouthfeel. Dryish resiny funky cinnamon aftertaste with wooden resiny notes. Weird. This is all over the place. Lingering wooden citric finish. It’s complex, but it’s not harmonic. (0.33l bottle, from wine monopoly, Strømmen.)

AnG_BrgNor (819) - Bergen, NORWAY - AUG 12, 2017
Bottle. Atrwyellow with white lasting head. Citrus fruits, spices from the yeast, some grass and some malt (at least in the taste). Nice bitter ending.

dnoaksson (826) - , SWEDEN - MAY 17, 2017
Om Norrlands Guld är för stunder då du vill vara dig själv är det här ölet för stunder då du vill vara lite mer än dig själv. En genväg till en något härligare och piffigare version av den du möter i spegeln en vardagsmorgon. Detta, ett humlerike på jorden, där luften är mättad av mognande frukter och där glömskan sänker sig som ett dis från bergssluttningarna.

Wim (5766) - Weelde, BELGIUM - APR 9, 2017
Together with Yves at his home hazy amber coloured body with a white head and a spicy citrus fruity hop aroma a spicy sweet fruity citrus hop bitter taste with an alcholic bitter finish

Yves (4095) - Turnhout, BELGIUM - APR 8, 2017
Shared with wim at my home. Hazy amber colored beer with small white head and lots of carbonation. Hopped floral aroma. Full sparkling palate. Finish is hopped fruited bitter.

PapaVillum (955) - Valby, DENMARK - MAR 25, 2017
Kobberfarvet og ufiltreret IPA med et belgisk twist og en pæn offwhite skumtop. Frugt og belgiske gærnoter møder næsen. Appelsin-aromaen står tydeligst frem. Smagen indledes frugtagtigt, overtages af en humlebitterhed, hvorefter gærnoterne sættes ind. Vel balanceret bryg. Udover gæren fornemmes appelsin, citrus, lidt grapefrugt og harpiks. Middel fyldig krop og ligeledes karboneret på et middel niveau. Olieret konsistens og en bittersød afslutning. Overall: Humlet, men med balanceret frugtsødme og tilpas mængde gær. Dejligt bryg. Forstår ikke meningen med navnet. 355 ml, flaske, 7.0 % ABV, BB: -, købt i SuperBrugsen på Christianshavns Torv i CPH. ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

arsol (2318) - Sørumsand, NORWAY - MAR 18, 2017
Rødbrun farge med offwhite skum. Svak lukt av aprikos. Smaker fruktig og medium fylde. Fruktig og bra bitter avslutning.

Jenner707 (100) - DENMARK - FEB 27, 2017
Unfiltered Amber Brown beer with a Large head. The sent is great, the taste is less impresive. Aroma of citra and armadillo hops, the taste has some of the sweetness from belgian beers and the turfing bitter aftertaste from IPAs. Overall a Great beer, for all occations!

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