RATINGS: 11   MEAN: 3.45/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.31/5   EST. CALORIES: 177   ABV: 5.9%
Wild farmhouse ale aged in oak & lightly dry hopped.

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brokensail (18691) - Bay Area, California, USA - JUL 25, 2021
UPDATED: JUL 25, 2021 On tap @ De Garde. Cloudy pale yellow beer with a finger of white foam. Get a fair amount of soapy and medicinal/herbal notes on this, which I don't really care for. Some earthy and floral hops, yeast, and a bit of stone fruit. Some lemon peel and rind. Lightly bitter and spicy on the finish. Not my favorite.

Ernesto987 (6082) - Arizona, USA - MAY 4, 2018
Bottle, standard wild card de garde, some bandaids, some awesome complex yeasty flavors, grains, flowers, herbs, grassy notes, and acetone.

ineedbeer (3410) - California, USA - SEP 26, 2017
Poured from a 750 ml bottle. Aroma is moderately hop forward with some herbal, floral and earthy tones with a bit of pineapple and citrus. Light citrus and acidic notes with hints of oak and grain. Pours a hazy, yellow.straw color with a medium large, fluffy, pillowy, white head that recedes steadily but quickly to the edges where it lingers for a bit before it disappears. No lacing or legs. Flavor is gross. Rotting herbal, vegetable notes with an astringent acidity and some rubbing alcohol. Light citrus, pineapple and floral notes. Light oak. Flavor is a bit better as it warms, but it's still not great. Mouthfeel is medium light to light bodied with medium carbonation. Moderately strong astringency and low alcohol warmth. Overall, not great at all, not even good. Something went wrong with the dry hopping or the way it is interacting with the beer...or they tried to dry hop to hide a bad beer.

fiulijn (27110) - Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA - AUG 12, 2017
Tasting at SF
Cloudy blond color, generous head. The aroma is funky, floral. Lively mouthfeel, astringent, lemon peel.

fiery1 (4103) - Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA - AUG 11, 2017
750ml bottle @ the office. Pours a golden straw colour with a thin white head. Nose is stone fruits, pepper, yeasty, and hints of oak. Flavour is semi sweet with a light sourness, peppery, and saison funk. Interesting.

Ferris (23109) - Burnaby, British Columbia, CANADA - AUG 11, 2017
Bottle - Light vanilla and some citrus notes. Cloudy gold with a small white head. Light sour notes, again vanilla and a citrus peel.

Oakes (26757) - Gibsons, British Columbia, CANADA - AUG 11, 2017
Cloudy, straw. Little bit of head. Aroma is fairly medicinal and yeasty, and while I’d like to be picking out hop, I’m not. But then, there’s no such thing as sea hops so maybe I’m smelling that non-entity. On the palate, it is tart, with a dash of yeastiness, and it has a touch of fruitiness.

mcberko (34280) - Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA - AUG 11, 2017
750mL bottle, pours an opaque cloudy blonde with a small white head. Aroma is fairly peppery, with saison yeast, a touch of oak and some farmhouse funk. Flavour is somewhat phenolic, with peppery notes, saison yeast and a touch of funk. Finishes rather phenolic, with a nice saison character. Flawed, but not bad.

superspak (9600) - Greensboro, North Carolina, USA - JUL 26, 2017
750 ml bottle into tulip glass; no bottle dating, but is a recent release. Pours hazy pale golden yellow color with a 1-2 finger fairly dense and fluffy white head with good retention, that reduces to a small cap that lingers. Nice spotty soapy lacing clings around the glass, with a moderate amount of streaming carbonation retaining the cap. Aromas of big lightly tart lemon, lime, orange peel, grapefruit, pineapple, peach, apricot, red apple, passion fruit, papaya, guava, mango, melon, white wine, peppercorn, hay, straw, grass, toasted oak, leathery/musty funk, wheat, cracker, light vanilla/white vinegar, and yeast/oak earthiness. Damn nice aromas with great balance and complexity of fruity/funky/spicy yeast, citrus/tropical hops, oak barrel, and moderate pale malt notes; with great strength. Taste of big lightly tart lemon, lime, orange peel, grapefruit, pineapple, peach, apricot, red apple, passion fruit, papaya, guava, mango, melon, white wine, peppercorn, hay, straw, grass, toasted oak, leathery/musty funk, wheat, cracker, light vanilla/white vinegar, and yeast/oak earthiness. Moderate peppery yeast and tannic oak spiciness; with light lactic tartness on the finish. Lingering notes of tart lemon, lime, orange peel, grapefruit, pineapple, peach, apricot, red apple, passion fruit, papaya, guava, mango, melon, white wine, peppercorn, hay, straw, grass, toasted oak, leathery/musty funk, wheat, cracker, white vinegar, and yeast/oak earthiness on the finish for a good bit. Awesome complexity, robustness, and balance of fruity/funky/spicy yeast, citrus/tropical hops, oak barrel, and moderate pale malt flavors; with an awesome malt/tart/spiciness balance, and zero astringent flavors after the finish. Moderate dryness from tart/spiciness and carbonation, increasing through the glass. Medium-high carbonation and medium body; with a very smooth, moderately crisp, bready/grainy/sticky/tannic, and lightly acidic balanced mouthfeel that is great. Zero warming alcohol as expected of 5.9%. Overall this is an awesome wild saison. All around great complexity, robustness, and balance of fruity/funky/spicy yeast, citrus/tropical hops, oak barrel, and moderate pale malt flavors; very smooth, crisp, and refreshing to drink with the moderately spicy/tannic and lightly lactic balanced finish. Really well developed and highly funky Brett complexity, with nice hop/oak balance; and a solid pale malt backbone. A really enjoyable offering, and spot on style example.

BuckeyeBoy (14695) - Boise, Idaho, USA - JUL 1, 2017
On tap at the brewery pours out a golden straw color topped with a white head. Nose is nice fluffy citrus floral hops some funky sour notes. Taste is more of the floral hops some light fruit almost.

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