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RATINGS: 86   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.63/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 330   ABV: 11%
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jgb9348 (9218) - Arlington (Pentagon City), Virginia, USA - MAR 1, 2020
UPDATED: MAR 1, 2020 Deep, super dark brown coloured body with a small, single to at most two centimetre tall tan and light brown head that fades fairly quickly, just as expected for an older aged beer. Aroma of chocolate, roasted malt, nuts, earth, bourbon, alcohol, pitted fruits, prunes, molasses and yes, a ton of cherries - very nice throughout with a very complex smell. Medium-bodied; Strong earthy and very roasted malt notes dominate up front with a ton of chocolate and light coffee flavours with a good deal of molasses and caramelised sugars, all with a huge dose of cherries throughout with a large tart finish and a good robust complexity from the bourbon, and it even shows a dash of rum as well. Aftertaste shows the cherries and robust malt flavours the strongest with a lot of pitted fruit and sweetness soon afterwards with a faint glimmer of the yeast and alcohol, but that is fairly well hidden. Overall, a very nice and incredibly complex beer with a bunch of fruit flavours, some chocolate and coffee as well, but the major player here is the roasted malt, complex pungency and deeper caramelised sugar notes that have some molasses as well. Nice to try, and perhaps a touch thin, but the complexities are still abound and the flavour is still nice with some proper body, even after 5+ years! I sampled this red wax-sealed, 33 cL bottle, purchased from De Bierkonig in Amsterdam, Holland, The Netherlands on 17-January-2015 for €5,40 sampled at home in Washington, more than five years later on 29-February-2020 - LEAP DAY. Even though I bought this just after my second daughter was born, I now have another kid and the daughter who I left just after birth is now past 5 years old! Bottled on 20-November-2014...for the series as: 20-Nov-2014 (Bottled) // 17-Jan-2015 (Purchased) // 29-February-2020 (Sampled)

Inbreak (9705) - Loddefjord, NORWAY - NOV 18, 2018
26.09.2014, tap sample @ Borefts:
Small brown creamy mediumlasting head. Aroma is very neutral, kind of sour-ish, dark malts, ashes, hints of sour cherries. Taste is harsh and neutral, sour coffee, weeds, wood, unripe banana, bark, hints of sour cherries. Medium bitterness, harsh mouthfeel. Meh! So far away from the "regular" bourbon edition, must be infected or something...

Kita (3655) - Koper, SLOVENIA - AUG 20, 2016
Bottle, 0.33l. Murky almost black color with thin totally diminishing light brown head and average sparkling appearance. Aroma of cherries, must, oak, chocolate, caramel and mild roasted malt. Taste starts with moderate sweet and sour cherries, following is woody, chocolate and roasted malt, mouthfeel is initially dry, later warming and spicy, while finish is mild bitter. Full body, oily texture and soft carbonation in palate. Interesting imperial stout thinned by cherries that totally hide it’s strength...

Rask0lnikov (2713) - Tallinn, ESTONIA - JUN 23, 2016
330 ml bottle. Bottled 20.11.2014. From Õllepood nr. 2. Dark brown colour. Medium beige head. Hints of cherries. Hints of berry wine, sour bread hints of smoke in the aroma. Cherries at first. Hints of caramel. Hints of sour bread. Hints of red wine. Slight peat in the end. Quite interesting, maybe not ideally balanced, but nice experiment. Quite heavy bodied, medium carbonated, well drinkable beer.

Christos (6109) - Arnhem, NETHERLANDS - JAN 19, 2016
(De Molen Rasputin on Cherries Bourbon BA) Bottle 330 ml, sealed with red wax. Served into a snifter at home. ABV 11% Dark brown colour on the body, small, fizzy brown head on top, colapsing fast. Aroma of sour cherries overpowering everything else, light alcohol after a deep sniff. Taste of sour cherries but not that sour actually, on the contrary is quite sweet, berries, chocolate, little bit of bourbon. Medium body, good carbonation. Nice.

GlasgowTAD (2015) - Glasgow, SCOTLAND - DEC 26, 2015
Pours dark deep-brown-black with a consistent light brown head. Aroma is sweet cherries and slight vanilla. Taste is heavy on sweet cherries, moderate tart cherries, slight roast, warm booze, vanilla. Too cherry forwarf; not much else comes through,

sjogro (9247) - The Hague, NETHERLANDS - DEC 3, 2015
Borefts 2014. Black with pink beige head. Cherries, sour, weird combination of spiciness, fruit, bourbon and vanilla. Backlog from 2014/09/27.

Sammy (17445) - Toronto, Ontario, CANADA - NOV 11, 2015
Alex’s bottle. Bubbly head. Cherry subtle in aroma, big in taste. smooth and very drinkable. lots of cherry in finish.

TheJvd (1362) - NETHERLANDS - SEP 21, 2015
From tap at Borefts ’14. Pours dark brown to black with a small tan head. Aroma has some roasted malts, tartness, cherries. Taste has cherries, some tartness, chocolate and roasted malts. Medium body and carbo.

markoijelena (4745) - Belgrade / Amsterdam, SERBIA - AUG 18, 2015
Bottle 0.33l at The 8th Belgrade tasting Session Two at Alberto place in Pozarevac.18.07.2015.Thanks Colin dEnk for this bottle.Pour it dark really red color with small white head.Aroma of milky cherry.Taste tart, cherry, coffee, dark chocolate, some figs.Ok balanced.

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