Brewed by De Proefbrouwerij
Style: Quadrupel / Abt
Hijfte, Belgium


on tap


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RATINGS: 135   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.43/5   EST. CALORIES: 255   ABV: 8.5%
Abt Style Belgian Ale

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harrymel (1551) - Spokane, Washington, USA - DEC 25, 2013
This one gushed out of the bottle. Pours nice dark brown with head upon agitation only. Smells like a fermented cantaloupe. Not good. Downright nasty. Luckily, tastes a little better, but notebough to save this one. The beer has resin like falcon with hints of coffee and hemp. Medium mouthfeel. Nothing special. Got this one on clearance, and now I know why. Serving type: bottle 01-13-2011

Beergeek23322 (2602) - Chester, Virginia, USA - APR 28, 2013
February 2011. From a 750 ml. corked bottle. Poured hazy dark brown with a beige head. Dark fruit aromas, yeast, brown sugar with a slightly sweet finish. A good beer, but does not stand up to the Trappist quads.

DrSilverworm (11039) - Cincinnati, Ohio, USA - FEB 2, 2013
750ml bottle, shared with my cousin. Was on closeout for $2 from the Party Source. Hazy dark red / brown color, opaque. Thin khaki head leaves decent lace. Bigger body, though no viscosity. Light carbonation. More sweet taste, earthy hop character, little dark fruit, light red grape. Some mustiness. Hint of chocolate. Not bad. A steal for sure, at $2. I’d still feel cool about paying up to $7 for this. My cousin felt that it was like a wine. Indeed, it’s pretty vinous, those grape / raisin flavors are pretty satisfying. Kind of a smooth, creamy body. Enjoyable, drinkable Belgian, I’d have happily picked up the other 4 bottles that were available at the price if I knew it was this decent. The price factor may be affecting my rate, but this is legitimately solid. Maybe age has done well for it?

Chudwick (4684) - Taylor Mill, Kentucky, USA - JAN 19, 2013
750ml bottle - pours dark brown with beige head and spotty lacing. Nose is basement, dark fruit and nutty. Flavor adds toffee. fairly flat. Sweet. licorice aftertaste. was expecting more from an Abt.

thewolf (13753) - Kolding, DENMARK - APR 2, 2012
Bottle. [thanks after4ever]
Pours deep brown with a big, creamy, off-white head. Lovely duration. Aroma is light boozy, chocolate, soft plums and sweet malts. Medium carbonation, fine dry and creamy mouthfeel. Flavour is sweet, malty, chocolate, liqourice. Long, malty, sharp bitter finish. Elegant and quite like a stout. Lovely really.

AmEricanbrew (8281) - Oaklatx, Louisiana, USA - NOV 12, 2011
Three or four year old bottle. Ruby brown color with lasting tan head. Big ass rootbeer spice, toasted caramel, black licorice, vanilla, toffee aromas. Rich smooth mouthfeel. Toasted caramel flavors with sherry, vanilla, black licorice spice, easy smooth finish.

Jkripp (141) - Washington, USA - JUN 29, 2011
Aroma smells of dark roasted malts, chocolate, and caramel, maybe traces of hops. The taste begins full bodied and malty, and finished with a mellow flavor of bitter hops and chocolate. The appearance is a hazy auburn color.

poisoneddwarf (4653) - Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho, USA - JAN 21, 2011
750 ml corked and caged bottle into Trappist glass. Pours a dirty brown with no head, only a skiff and collar of off-white foam that disappears quickly. Aroma is apples, burnt popcorn, butter, cheese, licorice and molasses. Taste is mostly sweet with just a hint of sour and bitter. Finish is long and alcoholic. Carbonation is medium, body is medium-full. So far, the best by far I’ve had from this brewery.

Glouglouburp (6103) - Montreal, Quebec, CANADA - JAN 14, 2011
In short: A very fruity Abt with annoying sour grapes. Bad example of the style.
How: Bottle 750ml. Consumed almost 1 year after purchase.
The look: Cloudy burgundy topped by a long-lasting small beige head
In long: The pleasant nose is full of raisins and other dark fruits. So far so good. Taste is a letdown. Way too much prunes, raisins, dark grapes, pastry dough. The beer was a bit vinous and the strong fruity character of the beer at times felt into sour grapes territory. With each glass I lowered my score with the sour grapes flavor that was bothering me more and more as I drank the bottle. A lazy beer named after a lazy individual who is too lazy to study physics but wants to understand the universe.

Beerdrinker79 (2189) - Idaho, USA - JAN 7, 2011
750 ml bottle- Pours dark cloudy with a thin bone white head, decent lacework. The aroma is raisins molassess and brown sugar. The flavor is brown sugar and molassess with an alcoholic bite, it has a gritty taste to it, almost like there is undesolved brown sugar in my mouth, the worst quad I have ever had. Thats not to say that this isn’t worth drinking, but for my money there are a lot better quads out there.

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