Brewed by Brouwerij Huyghe
Style: Belgian Ale - Strong Pale
Melle, Belgium


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RATINGS: 3562   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.62/5   EST. CALORIES: 255   ABV: 8.5%
Bottle: Unfiltered Strong Blond Beer Launched on December 26th 1989 @ 9% abv. Abv reduced from 9% to 8.5% in 2003. "The particular character and the unique taste of "Delirium Tremens" result from the use of three different kinds of yeast. Its very original packing, which resembles cologne ceramics, and the colourful label contribute to its success."

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Thomas_W1 (3036) - Rastatt, GERMANY - JAN 1, 2022
UPDATED: JAN 1, 2022 Flasche 0,33l: Golden, klar, kräftiger stabiler mittelporiger Schaum; frische + leicht fruchtige Nase, kräftige malzige Süße, würzig, dezente Zitrusnoten, leichte frische Hopfennoten, kräftig Malz, Malzzucker, kräftig Karamell, Honig, getrocknete/eingelegte Früchte, kräftige belgische Ale-Hefearomen, malzig-süße Bitterkeit; würziger + fruchtiger Körper, sehr süß, kräftig Malz, Malzzucker, kräftig Karamell, Honig, leicht nach Med, sehr cremig, sehr kräftige Kohlensäure, kräftige Hefearomen, grüne Bananen; würzig-süßer Nachgang

ozzatoadisback (452) - ITALY - DEC 24, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 24, 2021 Pours light amber to dark golden, with a frothy white head that shows ok retention but not much lacing. The aroma has a soft sugary and slightly doughish base, with fruity notes of peach and pear, light spiciness and a bit of warming feel. Taste notes follow the aroma closely, but with that sweet/sugary base getting a bit too dominant and kind of covering the other flavours. It's overall still pleasant with a balanced, dry enough finish and aftertaste, partly thanks to alcohol attenuation. Quite warming, with some perceptible alcohol in the mouth: kinda feels like more than 8.5% abv. Medium to dense in body with medium to high carbo; but a soft, small-bubbled kind of carbonation that gives the beer a pleasant semi-full, semi-soft mouthfeel. Overall: enjoyable and nicely warming, but there are finer belgian strong ales.

SilkTork (7107) - Southampton, United Kingdom, Hampshire, ENGLAND - DEC 18, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 18, 2021 Dec 2021. 8.5%. 330ml bottle, beautifully and humorously designed - very much on trend these days, from Amazon. I do like this. Warm, friendly, easy drinking, full of malty/yeasty goodness and flavour. Great fun. A heart warming and uplifting beer. All beer should be like this. Over the years I have grown to love this. It reminds me of being in a bar in Montmartre after the Paris Marathon in 2006. A warm, fuzzy, happy, satisfied moment. Yes. I like this beer. [4.0] Nov, 2006. 8.5% abv Strong pale ale with very firm carbonation. Attractive golden colour. Warming strength, lots of light fruits - apricot, melon, peach, apple, touch of pear. Mild hop bitterness - but this is more about the pale malt - which tastes fully brewed dry. A dry, fresh fruit salad. Very clean and pleasant. [3.7] March, 2004. Part of the Tripel Taste Test. Conclusion: I find the maltier notes more to my liking than the Leffe or Floreffe. Just slightly darker. The finish is perhaps a bit muddy with a simple bitterness. [3.3] Sept, 2002. 9% abv. The Strong Blondes of Belgium are usually fun beers not be be taken too seriously. They originated as high alcohol beers because of the restrictions on serving spirits and so were not initially designed for beer drinkers. They are in a sense the opposite of the holy beers of the Trappists - these are devilish brews, ones not to sanctify, merely to enjoy. The high alcohol is the main point, the rest of the brew is designed to make that alcohol palatable. Delirium is fun: it is pleasant and it is intoxicating. There are flavours there, but the overpowering alcohol is the be all and end all of this ale. Get your nose close to the glass and you are already heading for a high. It has sweetness and it has some sharpish fruit. it has a dry, chalky finish. But above all else it has a Super Lager kick. I kinda liked it. [2.9]

Aukedebier (76) - KAUTTUA, FINLAND - DEC 4, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 4, 2021 Got from Belgium (Laarne) in a 330ml bottle. Eye: clear golden beer with nice white head. Lively carbonation. Nose: Biscuit, booze and typical Belgian yeast. Tongue: pretty much what the nose detected. No outstanding taste. No weird after taste, but not really complex. This is actually a triple, I guess.

dragnet101 (2331) - Birmingham, West Midlands, ENGLAND - DEC 3, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 3, 2021 330ml bottle from Tesco. Pours a light cloudy gold with big white head which settles to a nice top. Aroma of grains, banana, spice. Taste is quite boozy, yeasty and fruity with a floral bitter and honeyed finish. Its a good beer but it gets a bit samey after a while as there is not much flavour progression from start to finish like you can get in the best Belgium beers.

Nordcore (3009) - Lyngen alps, NORWAY - NOV 20, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 20, 2021 Golden, clear with a large foamy head. A fruity nose with some banana sense and some spices sense. Medium bitter with a fruit and some banana ending. Like

jonathanbaetens (36) - - NOV 19, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 19, 2021 Great, strong beer, tasting relatively fruity. It has a full body and favourable flavour. Didnt drink it for a long time but it is up there with the better triple beers

KeunJinCho (1) - Seoul, SOUTH KOREA - OCT 19, 2021 does not count
UPDATED: OCT 19, 2021 1. 아주 잘 만들어진 맥주 2. 풍미, 질감, 거품, 향, 쌉쌀함, 첫맛, 끝맛 등등 모든면에서 최상위 등급! 3. 전체적으로 조화롭게 배합된 맛

Fisler (2189) - Bamberg, GERMANY - OCT 17, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 17, 2021 Typisch blumig, würzig, belgisch blond, sehr cremig, bekömmlich, fast schon süffig im Trunk. Hinten nussig, lecker.

Schnabelhund (152) - TAIWAN - OCT 2, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 2, 2021 Delirium Tremens pours hazy golden with a fluffy big head with some lacing. Yeasty notes and green apple swell in the nose with brushes of pear and lemon zest, while a creamy milky note plays a minor role in the background. The flavor starts off with brown cane sugar, then lets the tongue melt under a graceful interplay of pear and green apple before gently moving to the yeast’s peppery spice and some residual sugar balanced by a hop bite in the finish, in which the alcohol is much more gentle than expected from a brew with 8.5% ABV. The high carbonation and spiciness add a very nice zing to it. Pink elephants on parade, here they come! Hippety hoppety.

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