Brewed by Brasserie Dieu du Ciel!
Style: Belgian Ale - Strong Dark
Saint-Jérôme, Canada
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RATINGS: 26   MEAN: 3.88/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.76/5   EST. CALORIES: 318   ABV: 10.6%
Bière hybride issue d'un moût de Quadrupel, croisé avec un moût de raisins du Vignoble Rivière du Chêne fermenté de façon spontannée, le tout élevé en barrique de chêne Millesimé

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azzurro (1954) - Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA - JUL 19, 2021
UPDATED: JUL 19, 2021 Taken while getting supper ready (chicken and garlic mashed), beautiful complexity, rich taste, must try!

rodenbach99 (4842) - Longueuil, Quebec, CANADA - APR 10, 2021
UPDATED: APR 10, 2021 Bouteille 2020. Bois, vin, épices, sucré pas trop, long, funk, vin rouge, raisin, long, cher mais très bon.

stef73 (1299) - Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, CANADA - JAN 3, 2021
UPDATED: JAN 3, 2021 Bière belgian ale , on a des notes de vin avec boisé ,au goût un mélange de vin acidulé avec côté boisé très bon comme bière

Eructoblaster (6993) - Gatineau, Quebec, CANADA - JUN 22, 2020
UPDATED: JUN 22, 2020 Bouteille - 750ml. Robe cuivrée, voilée et coiffée d'un col blanc cassé, mousseux, mince et fugace. Arôme malté/houblonné riche, costaud et agrémenté de nuances boisées, vineuses et de levures. L'alcool est présent mais ne prend pas trop de place. En bouche, c'est frais, puissant et complexe. La base maltée/houblonnée est appuyée par des notes boisées, vineuses et liquoreuses. Le tout se conclut sur une longue et réconfortante finale sucrée/boisée. Fantastique!

punkska101 (3023) - Chambly, Quebec, CANADA - AUG 24, 2019
UPDATED: AUG 24, 2019 Bottle thx Seb for buying shared with Alex A : red wine, raisins, light licorice, alcool. App: murky reddish brown with small white head. T/p: med to full with lightly acidic finish. Moderate high carbonation. O: This is nice but not in the style I prefer the most. The barrel add a nice twist to the beer.

Stoned99 (2439) - Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu, Quebec, CANADA - AUG 24, 2019
UPDATED: AUG 24, 2019 750ml botte shared with Jo at his place, thanks for the share. Aroma: fig, strong vanilla, woody, dark red fruits, veggies a bit. App: clear dark orange dark red, minimal white head no lacing. Taste and palate: full body, quite bold, medium high sweetness, lots of dark red fruits, high carbonation, light bitter finish. Overall: much better than anticipated. I'm not a big fan of the style but this one is well made and the barrel aging gives it a good woody and vanilla touch. Good but not my style.

GRM (6280) - Aylmer, Quebec, CANADA - AUG 14, 2019
UPDATED: AUG 14, 2019 Glass, 4-ounce, draught, during Foudres Unis, trip with Sébastien Bertrand, savoured on August 11 2018; eye: bronze with a golden hue, semi-hazy, no effervescence, ring of beige head, no lacing; nose: roasted malt (?), woody, fruity, malt, musk, light wild yeasts; mouth: roasted malt (?), woody, fruity, malt, musk, light wild yeasts, light alcohol, light tannin, lightly dry woody finale with fruity presence, medium body, lightly below-average carbonation, mildly sweet, slightly fleshy texture; overall: quite good

Verre, 4 onces, en fût, durant Foudres Unis, voyage avec Sébastien Bertrand, savourée le 11 août 2018; œil : bronze avec une teinte dorée, semi-voilée, pas d’effervescence, anneau de mousse beige, pas de dentelle; nez : malt torréfié (?), boisé, fruité, malt, musc, léger levures sauvages; bouche : malt torréfié (?), boisé, fruité, malt, musc, léger levures sauvages, léger alcool, léger tanin, finale boisée légèrement sèche avec présence fruitée, corps moyen, carbonatation légèrement sous la moyenne, moyennement sucrée, texture très légèrement charnue; en résumé : bien bon

mcberko (34280) - Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA - MAY 23, 2019
UPDATED: MAY 23, 2019 750mL bottle, pours a deep dark amber brown with a small beige head. Aroma is very woody, with lots of oak barrel character, followed by wild yeast, and some subtle grape must. Flavour is very complex, with oak barrels, some red wine notes, some slight green pepper, wild yeast, and dark red fruits (especially red currants). The barrels and wild yeast combine with a lot of fruitiness. Just lovely.

fiulijn (27110) - Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA - MAY 22, 2019
Bottle, Sergey's hunt
Dark maroon colour, the head disappears quickly. Strong aroma of currants, grapey and a bit earthy. I appreciate the strength, it has a good body, it's fruity, currants, but also a bit too earthy.
Good but… weird.

beerplace (6389) - Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA - MAY 22, 2019
UPDATED: MAY 22, 2019 750ml bottle (thx, Mathieu P.!) at Josh's. Appearance: hazy copper with a tan head. Aroma: kompot boiled from lots of different berries and fruits (red currants, apricots, prunes, etc) with lots of sour and sweet notes as well as lots of bready notes. Creamy notes from oak. Taste: similar, quite carbonated. Overall: very interesting.

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