Brewed by Brasserie Dieu du Ciel!
Style: Stout - Imperial Flavored / Pastry
Saint-Jérôme, Canada
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RATINGS: 2352   WEIGHTED AVG: 4.13/5   SEASONAL: Special   IBU: 76   EST. CALORIES: 285   ABV: 9.5%
Péché Mortel (French for "Mortal Sin") is an intensely black and dense beer with very pronounced roasted flavours. Fair trade coffee is infused during the brewing process, intensifying the bitterness of the beer and giving it a powerful coffee taste. Péché mortel is brewed to be savored; we invite you to drink it in moderation. This stout style, high in alcohol and bitterness in order to favour preservation, was historically brewed to support the long and arduous voyage necessary to export the beer from England to Russia. The word Imperial comes from the fact that the beer was specially brewed for the Russian tsar’s court.

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maledictum (986) - Pyongyang, NORTH KOREA - NOV 19, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 19, 2021 Espuma beige, consistente y duradera. En nariz café molido. Cremosa, cuerpo medio. En boca más café. Seca y torrefacta. Nada dulce. Alcohol bien integrado. Rica.

jybi (1866) - Nouméa, NEW CALEDONIA - AUG 16, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 16, 2021 Café, café, café ! Voici le maître mot de ce péché mortel dont le brasseur a dû intégrer un maximum de café dans la recette. En termes d'intensité aromatique nous sommes donc ici servis et ce dès l'attaque, avec de surcroît un bon dosage amertume/alcool (à 9,5% soutenant bien la structure). De légères épices et des nuances de noisette, chocolat et caramel viennent tout de même compléter la palette aromatique. L'ajout de café amène forcément une petite astringence, notamment en seconde bouche, mais sans que cela ne soit trop prononcé. La texture est fine sans une grande sucrosité, ce qui la rend plus facile à boire, mais on en perd de la profondeur. Mais ce n'est clairement pas ce qui est recherché ici, tout comme pour la complexité. Du café, intense et brut, très bien fait.

GoufCustom (3017) - HONG KONG - MAY 23, 2021
UPDATED: MAY 23, 2021 341ml bottle with twisted cap bought at Cave Beer Point in Mei Foo. Looks: Opaque deep Cola blackish brown colour with a thin layer of dirt-like yeast sediments; Near zero head with residual soapy beige foam which fades in 10 seconds; Good sticky lacing and zero carbonation. Aroma: Very fragrant roasted dark malt, with potent alcohol, liquorices, black coffee, strong cream, chocolate, strong caramel, toffee, sugar, light biscuits, yeast, light lemon and light grass. Taste: Close to strong sweet dark malt, with strong roastyness, strong Chinese herbal tea, strong black coffee, strong burnt toffee, strong dark chocolate, cream, caramel, alcohol, Cola, floral, sugar, strong earth, spices, yeast, strong lime, strong bitter hops and grass. Body: Full body. Very slick palate. Mouth Feel: Strong dark maltyness in a thick and fairly viscous background. Immense Chinese herbal tea a la “24 Flavors” (廿四味) hit hard and fast - uniquely strong herbal bitter but pleasant sweetness - I have not tasted from any beer since City Brew’s 24 Flavors IPA, and that one actually was infused with Chinese herbs to recreate that flavor, so how this one achieve this is beyond me but it’s totally amazing! The usual RIS profiles of coffee, burnt toffee, chocolates and cream are overshadowed by the herbal greatness but still very much alive, with booze being very well hidden. Flowery with restrained and pleasant mid-to-strong sweetness. Earthy yeasty, strong limey hops with grass to round. What a blitz! Hoppiness: Light lemon and light grass in nose. Floral, strong earth, spices, strong lime, and grass in taste; Bitterness - malt and hops - is strong Chinese herbal and very subtle and for a lasting, high-level bitter roasted dark malty finish. After Taste: Fairly dry. Herbal burnt toffee and pleasantly strong bitter to mouth. Comments: Geez, this brewer never ceases to amaze me. Just when I thought its aroma is quiet and low-key at best, it hits with a fantastic, coffee-led, 24 Flavors-inspired taste of Chinese herbal tea and burnt toffee that is bold but so easy to drink and enjoy. Words are insufficient to describe how great this is. Tasting is believing!

Fisler (2189) - Bamberg, GERMANY - MAY 9, 2021
UPDATED: MAY 9, 2021 Satter Espresso-Duft, im Trunk derb Mokka, bitter, Schokoeis, malzig, sehr intensiv und auch sehr lecker. Für fast 10 Umdrehungen echt gut trinkbar.

dunklermessias (1865) - GERMANY - APR 27, 2021
UPDATED: APR 27, 2021 Deep black color and a creamy tan head (might be a nitro). Roasted coffee beans something wooden and dark chocolate. Very nice, silky mouthfeeling.

caribou43 (2456) - Lausanne, SWITZERLAND - APR 2, 2021
UPDATED: APR 2, 2021 This bottle is coming from the bootlegger, at Paris. Opening it, yesterday, at home, Epalinges, before to sleep and it was the perfect beverage during this hot night before a cold wave. The body is black, normal carbonation, white and brown foam. Since a long time that I didn't try an imperial stout. Of course, I was not disappointed, a solid beverage, boozy but the alcohol is well hidden, well balanced, subtle and classical with aromas of roasted malt, dark chocolate vanilla, a bit syrupy, hop at the final, step by step is perfect, good job.

Foffern (2838) - Bodø, NORWAY - JAN 8, 2021
UPDATED: JAN 8, 2021 Three year old bottle. Has a dark brown to black colour with a small light brown head. Aroma of roasted coffee beans, oak, cocoa, dark chocolate and ash. Flavour of ash, roasted malt, very dark chocolate and coffee. Has a silky mouth feel, full-bodied and a medium bitterness. Rich and a bit surprisingly bitter.

javiercrasher (1390) - Granada, SPAIN - NOV 21, 2020
UPDATED: NOV 21, 2020 Espuma beige, consistente y duradera. En nariz café molido. Cremosa, cuerpo medio. En boca más café. Seca y torrefacta. Nada dulce. Alcohol bien integrado. Rica. Bottled 19/03/2020.

ZayZay (450) - Montréal, Quebec, CANADA - NOV 1, 2020
UPDATED: NOV 1, 2020 Robe noire, impénétrable, sans relief. Fine mousse brunâtre temporaire. Arômes: café espresso, grains de café torréfiés, cendres, note de chocolat noir. Saveurs: bien exécuté entre des notes de grais de café torréfiés corsées en bouche et une finale moyennement amère (presqu'aigre) temporaire. Texture: ronde, effervescence négligeable, corsée.

crajun (1483) - , Texas, USA - OCT 31, 2020
UPDATED: OCT 31, 2020 bottle purchased in NM and dranked in TX. finally found this. dissapointed actually. too much coffee. normal stout stuff - roasted, chocolate, but the coffee just dominated this one for me.

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