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RATINGS: 7   MEAN: 3.51/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.31/5   ABV:
Cidre houblonné

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Marduk (15939) - Reval, ESTONIA - AUG 22, 2019
UPDATED: AUG 22, 2019 Tap (Griendel, Quebec). Pale white-yellow color. No head. Apples, acidic, dry old grassy hops in aroma/taste. Flat carbonation. Drinkable brew.

mcberko (34280) - Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA - MAR 4, 2019
UPDATED: MAR 4, 2019 Bottle sample at Mondial Des Cidres, pours a clear blonde with a small white head. Aroma brings out plenty of dry hops, along with crisp green apple skins. Flavour brings out vibrant dry hops, some citrus, and light acidity. Nice use of the hops here. Good stuff.

czar (13375) - Québec, Quebec, CANADA - MAY 31, 2017
pours clear very pale yellow with a fizzy white cap, some bubbles softly surfacing. tartish apples, green ones mostly, light bitter citrus, some asian pears, never too fragrant, faint pale melon fruitiness, wood dryness, some fresh herbs. bright to moderate carbonation - kind of foamy though; light body, fairly tart citrusy finish. straightforward yet very fun - dry, tart and woodsy-citrusy hopped cider.

SlovakSniper (5557) - Candiac, Quebec, CANADA - MAY 13, 2017
C’est sans aucun doute le meilleur cidre houblonné que j’ai pu boire. Beau nez de pommes avec des herbes, des notes citronnées et d’autres fruits. Le goût est tout autant intéressant: belle et bonne pomme, houblons larges, sans fausses notes. Le corps est pétillant mais jamais forcé. La finale est sèche. Super facile à boire. Bien ficelé. Cidre rafraîchissant.

Lubiere (19735) - Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA - MAR 4, 2017
A pale blonde cider with aroma of cascade hops, apple skins, apple jam, light acidity, pleasant. In mouth, a nice tart sweet apple jam, light acidity, lemon notes, nice and refreshing. Mondial des Cidres 2017.

tom10101 (6528) - Quebec, CANADA - NOV 19, 2016
Bottle (355 ml) at home. Split 2-ways. Clear pale yellow with a medium quickly vanishing white head leaving no lacing. Aroma features herbal hops, tropical fruits, tart apples and lemony notes. Taste is of carbonic acid, herbal notes, lemon, apples and light tartness. Light body. Medium-high carbonation. Dry finish. Good hopped cider cocktail with nice aromatic hops features. A bit unidimensional though.

mathieuc (3997) - Québec, Quebec, CANADA - NOV 11, 2016
Pours a sparkling clear pale golden with a lot of bubbles throughout, quite festive! Nose is crisp, lightly tart apples and nice grassy hops. Taste is more of the nicely dosed hops and crisp apples. Dry and not too boozy. Super dry, in fact. Body is light and carbonation pretty high and lightly prickly. Overall a really nice dryhopped cider, scratches all the spots!

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