Brewed by Doppelleu Brauwerkstatt
Style: IPA
Winterthur, Switzerland
Serve in Shaker, Tulip


on tap


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RATINGS: 44   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.23/5   IBU: 65   EST. CALORIES: 180   ABV: 6%

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SVD (4589) - Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS - JAN 7, 2022
UPDATED: JAN 7, 2022 Can shared, orange beer, small head. Aroma is citrus, hops, sweet, malt, fruit. Taste is the same, citrus, hops, malt, fruit, bitter sweet, long citrus, grapefruit aftertaste. Very nice

labeerinthum (5897) - Milano, ITALY - DEC 30, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 30, 2021 Bottiglia. Il gusto al naso resta attratto dal luppolo. L'intensità olfattiva è normale e la maniera in cui permane è sufficiente. Il mantello birroso superiore è caratterizzato da una schiuma che resiste poco. La grandezza delle bollicine è medio-fine. Il liquido appare pesantemente velato. Il corpo è strutturato. L'amaro è intenso. La forza gustativa è elevata e la durata è buona. Le sensazioni boccali finali risultano luppolate. Il retrogusto è intenso. In bocca l'aroma è quello di miele, crosta di pane, frutta secca, luppolo, resina, pino, agrumi, pompelmo, ananas e arancia rossa.

Theydon_Bois (33079) - Hazlemere, the lower Xhitlerns, Buckinghamshire, ENGLAND - NOV 10, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 10, 2021 Can split at MM tasting, thanks to Tips, 11/08/21. Hazed orange with a light egg shell white cap. Nose is sweet malts, orange zest, soft malts, melon. Taste comprises orange jelly, soft malts, melon, light minerality, faint pine nip. Medium bodied, fine carbonation, semi drying close with balanced hop bitterness. Ok serviceable IPA if a little off the mark of modern day expectations.

Leighton (30699) - London, Greater London, ENGLAND - AUG 11, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 11, 2021 Can shared in HW - cheers to Tips. Pours clear orange-gold with a creamy, white head. Lightly sweet, bitter pine, ripening citrus fruits, melon, bread crust. Light to medium bodied with average carbonation. Bitter piney finish. So so.

madmitch76 (34026) - , Essex, ENGLAND - AUG 11, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 11, 2021 11th August 2021
Tasting at Chez Cloin. Thanks to Tips for the can. Light have on this gold beer, small pale cream colour head. Smooth palate, airy, semi dry, decent fine carbonation. Fairly sweet malts. Some lager like tang in the mid. Juicy citric peel hops, semi sweet pine. Light finish. Somewhat of an odd duck but I find it entertaining.

mR_fr0g (23876) - Hertfordshire, ENGLAND - AUG 11, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 11, 2021 Can shared at Colin's place. Thanks. A mostly clear golden orange coloured pour with a a frothy off white head. Aroma is earthy hop, herbal, nutty, stale hop. Flavour is composed of semi sweet, nutty malts, pine, grassy citrus,, little sweaty. Palate is semi sweet stale, moderate carbonation. Fine.

pleispleis (1128) - Maccagno, ITALY - AUG 2, 2020
UPDATED: AUG 2, 2020 bottiglia 33 cl, schiuma bianco sporco fine persistente, colore giallo/arancio velato, al naso ananas caramello frutta tropicale agrumi, in bocca caramello pompelmo frutta tropicale uva, corpo rotondo, lieve astringente, carbonatazione moderata, oily, dolce con amaro accentuato lungo nel finale. Buona ben fatta c. COOP Tenero 02.08.20

HenrikSoegaard (18560) - Randers, DENMARK - MAY 13, 2020
UPDATED: MAY 13, 2020 Creamy white good mostly lasting head. Orange colour. Moderate malty and hoppy aroma. Moderate bitter flavor. Heavy long bitter finish. Oily palate.

Marcius (518) - Geneva, SWITZERLAND - APR 23, 2020
UPDATED: APR 23, 2020 Amber color with dense head... On the nose the hops is quite strong... in the mouth its bitterness is very well balanced with its caramel malty taste... nice IPA

DLCwolf (25) - ITALY - JAN 18, 2020
UPDATED: JAN 18, 2020 Schiuma densa e abbastanza persistente. Colore quasi tendente al rossastro, torbido. Al naso un sentore quasi al coriandolo. Al palato un buon sapore che però crolla nel retrogusto, troppo amaro e di luppolo. Qui perde la buona posizione. Male

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