RATINGS: 104   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.35/5   IBU: 60   EST. CALORIES: 183   ABV: 6.1%
Roasted rye malt

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Raistlin (1668) - London, Ontario, CANADA - DEC 7, 2019
UPDATED: DEC 7, 2019 Pours copper colour with average head. Medium body with medium sweetness to it. Aroma of rye hops. Bit of a bitter finish. Both aroma and taste of citrus but only mildly.

WortStein17 (93) - Alberta, CANADA - NOV 1, 2018
Very clear with a nice reddish brown color, it poured with a finger and a half of tan foamy head that has great retention to it and leaves a good amount of lacing on the glass. Faint aroma to it, lightly sweet rye malt notes with a ghostly trace of citrus to it. Nice mildly sweet, caramel malt forward with a good amount of spicy, peppery rye flavor to it with faint slightly fruity notes, some citrus and black currant hints to it as well as a ghostly traces of bitter cherry and floral hop aromatics. Lightly bitter coffee and black pepper notes on the back-end with a faintly pithy, green plant-like hop finish that lingers with a suggestion of blackberry brambles. Medium bodied with a slightly above average amount of carbonation.

DuffMan (10981) - the land of bitumen, beef & beer, Alberta, CANADA - JAN 29, 2018
Can. Deep orange, off-white head. Toasty, Caramell, marmalade, moderately better finish.

dfearnley (3422) - Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA - OCT 17, 2017
Aroma of lightly toasted barley, rye, brown sugar, and a little mace. Taste is rye, light orange, and rounded out with bitterness. It pours a deep red with a dark tan, frothy head that looks like pond scum.

Bahumat (187) - Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA - SEP 8, 2017
Sour, filled with rye, some pleasant sweetness. Overall, I wouldn't buy this again, and I wouldn't want to drink it again, but it isn't undrinkable or a pour-out. Just not my thing.

AleRider78 (2690) - Winchester, Ontario, CANADA - AUG 22, 2017
Pours a huge frothy off white head and has a hazy coppery/brown appearance. Aromas of rye and barley malts, some hints of caramel and toffee as well as earthy/floral hops. Flavours of roasted and caramel malts. Nice crisp hoppiness to balance things out. Rye and barley malts mainly in the finish. Creamy and slick mouthfeel, well balanced. Really good, not too bitter and easy to drink.

bulldogops (2907) - St Albert, Alberta, CANADA - AUG 12, 2017
Rating #2670 - 2016.06.30 - Can from MLCC. This was a deep coppery brown coloured pour with a mild tan foam that faded to a ring. Nose was toffee, and canola oil. Mild toffee and caramel malt sweetness, but a load of noble hop grassiness. Finishes dry, earthy, and accrid.

AlainG (3049) - Montréal, Quebec, CANADA - AUG 8, 2017
Ambrée cuivrée ayant un e mousse soyeuse qui se résorbe lentement. Un nez de cola, d’herbes et d’épices. Des saveurs poivrées, de seigle, légèrement amères ainsi qu’une forte effervescence au travers tout ça. Un bel arrière-goût fruité. (2257-240717)

shawnmurphy (1798) - Plattsburgh, New York, USA - JUL 10, 2017
16-ounce can pours slightly hazy light brown-amber with creamy light tan head and lacing. Aroma: not much, but some faint caramelized brown sugar. Flavor: brown sugar, black and white pepper, rye bread, finishing bitterness from hops. Mouthfeel: medium-bodied. Tasty; nice balance.

sawyerpc15 (229) - Bowser, British Columbia, CANADA - JUN 22, 2017
Really enjoyed this Pale Ale that was very hoppy and had an IBU of 60. The colour was dark and the flavour did not overpower the smoothness.

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