Serve in Snifter, Tulip


on tap


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RATINGS: 24   MEAN: 3.57/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.48/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 270   ABV: 9%
Massive amber ale loaded with American hops--Chinook, Cascade, and Centennial. Get a glass and get your hop mouth on. 50 IBUs.

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jackl (8677) - Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA - NOV 3, 2017
Keg @ Dragonmead. Deep amber pour with a small head. Pine cone, plenty of C-hop character. Some toffee. Drinks fairly boosty. Oily. Blunt piney hoppiness. Chewy. Meh.

arminjewell (9756) - East Lansing, Michigan, USA - JAN 18, 2015
Pour on tap at the brewery, dark reddish pour with white head, aroma brought notes of caramel, toffee, some earth, touch of spice, yeast, some grassy and piney hops come through. Taste is a mix of caramel, toffee, red fruit into some pine, grass, touch of orange marmalade, finishing slightly dry, bitter, with some spice.

Ferris (23109) - Burnaby, British Columbia, CANADA - SEP 12, 2014
Draft - Rich caramel malts and some pine hops. Cloudy copper with a decent white head. Sweet caramel, light bitter hops and a dry bitter finish.

Alextricity (509) - Michigan, USA - APR 17, 2014
Had on-tap at Dragonmead. Appearance: A fairly deep red color. Clear. No head on it. No lacing, really. I like the color though. Smell: Hops. Looking for this beer on this site, I’m surprised that this is said to be a strong ale, but sure, why not. Smells like a red IPA to me. Plenty of piney and grapefruity freshness in Juggernaut. Some sort of malt character, but this is no doubt a hoppy beer. Taste/feel: The biggest disappointment I found with Juggernaut was without a doubt the feel. Almost no carbonation, and a little on the thin side. Then again, this is said to be a strong ale. I’ve only had one strong ale (Stone’s Arrogant Bastard) and the feel was similar now that I think about it, so that could just be my ignorance. Hoppy, bitter, and quite red IPA-esque. Not a great beer in my opinion, but it’s still a very nice and tasty option.

Sammy (17445) - Toronto, Ontario, CANADA - DEC 3, 2013
Good effort, on tap at the brewpub. A good bitterness, light red colour wth a lace sheet. Good drinking. Mild hop aroma, hint of smoke.

firstsip (733) - Michigan, USA - SEP 14, 2013
Juggernaut... ah. Definitely the superior red at Dragonmead. Slight bready taste. Good bitter malt presence. Dry and unsweet. Deep amber color. A taste that hides the ABV well.

Dogbrick (17956) - Columbus, Ohio, USA - MAY 10, 2012
Sample at the brewpub. The beer is a clear reddish-amber color with a medium off-white head that recedes steadily. Partial rings of lacing on the glass. Aroma of hops, fruit and malt. Medium to full body with a citrusy hops character and notes of caramel malt and herbs. The finish is malty up front with a hoppy aftertaste. Decent overall.

strongpieman (1651) - Mount Airy, Maryland, USA - DEC 29, 2011
Draft. Dark red color, a little cloudy, thin head. Aroma was moderate - some hops, but not strong. Overall smooth and warming, full body. Good but not as much as I was expecting.

esjaygee (3902) - Oak Creek, Wisconsin, USA - SEP 4, 2011
On tap at the GTMW 2011. Reddish amber with a large tan crown. Aroma seems more malty than hoppy with caramel, citrus and mild floral hops. Taste is balanced and drinkable with caramel, citrus and fruit and it didn’t finish all that bitter.

badnewsbeers (2312) - Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA - MAY 10, 2011
Juggernaught double red. Reddish orange with small head. Indisticnt hops. Earthy and grassy. Some sweet malts. Flavor is nice. Refreshing. Slight ruby red notes with perfect bitterness and a touch of sugar in the finish. 637313

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