RATINGS: 63   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.65/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 330   ABV: 11%
We think you will enjoy this beer. For our 15th Anniversary beer we decided to throw the "style guideline" books out the window and create our own style. We set out to create something that would be strong enough and complex enough to age for all future anniversaries. We think we have accomplished that with this brew. We infused the finest ingredients available to us with our relentless passion for brewing good beer and topped it off with a little bit of creativity. We combined 2-row malt with Munich malt, Caramel malt and a touch of Chocolate malt for color. From there we added Noble hops imported from Germany to give the beer its bitterness and hop aroma. We then fermented it with a Lager yeast strain at 50*F for five weeks. After that it was allowed to lager for another four months to round out the flavors. What we ended up with is a beer that weighs in at a hefty 11% ABV with 25 IBU's and a nice ruby amber color."

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brokensail (18691) - Bay Area, California, USA - MAY 7, 2014
Bottle @ 10K + OT. Thanks, Chris. Murky amber pour without much of a head at this point. Smells like sugar, caramel, raisin, and cardboard. Toast, a touch of alcohol, and lots of oxidation. The taste is flat, sweet, and papery. Lots of cardboard, stale chocolate, and raisin. Not sure why I should be surprised, but not good anymore.

fordest (2469) - Santee/San Diego, California, USA - NOV 20, 2008
Big bottle shared. Lots of sweet malty aromas. Hard sugar and caramel. Flavors were raisin, prune, and molasses. Roasted malts too. Very good

frankenstein (65) - Livermore, California, USA - JAN 18, 2008
Wow! Cool malty aroma. Beautiful color, deep rich amber. Nice complex malty flavor. I sure am glad that I was able to partake in this beer, it truly is a unique beer.

AgentSteve (1648) - SF Bay Area, California, USA - JAN 18, 2008
Pours an opaque mahogany with small tan head that fades quickly. Nose is sweet and malty with some candied sugar. Flavor is forward sweet with malt and candied sugar, along with dried fruits and a touch of alcohol burn. Nice clean finish.

nolankowal (939) - Columbus, Ohio, USA - NOV 21, 2007
Bottle RBSG 07. Hazy orange pour with a yellowed white head. Aroma is boozey, with caramel malt and candied fruit. Flvaors of hot booze, caramel, honey, and some light fruits. Medium body, sweet with a boozey finish.

Ty5592 (1024) - Lansdale, Pennsylvania, USA - SEP 19, 2007
Big ass bottle took me 2 whole days to drink. Beautiful cloudy amber color with frothy tan head. Lively carbonation. Fruity caramel nose. The flavor was rich, sweet, chewy, and nicely hopped. Nice light roasted finish.

kp (10878) - Woodstock, Georgia, USA - SEP 1, 2007
Date: 11/28/2005
Mode: Bottle
Source: Tasting

hazy amber, whispy head, big malt aroma with light hops, big body, rich sweet malt aroma, great carmel flavor, just enough bitterness to keep it it from being too sweet,

Aroma: 7/10; Appearance: 7/10; Flavor: 8/10; Palate: 8/10; Overall: 15/20
Rating: 3.8/5.0
Drinkability: 8/10
Score: **4

boboski (1095) - Alabama, USA - AUG 22, 2007
Hazy light brown body, just a few bubbles to greet the edge of the glass with some life. The aroma is moderately sweet and fruit dominated, with notes of grapefruit, orange, grapeskins, backing notes of caramel and a sheery wood foray. The flavor is very sweet, rich and caramel focused, fruit notes wringing out mild acidity and light hoppy bitterness. The finish is medium-full, lengthy and smooth, caramel, fruit and nuts lingering. Alcohol warmth is generous in the mouthfeel and finish. The palate is medium-full bodied, lightly carbonated and smooth, light graininess. Sugars throughout add to complexity but also give this a feeling of mild underattenuation. Very tasty.

decaturstevo (6342) - decatur, Tennessee, USA - AUG 2, 2007
RBSG 07. A hzed orange pour with a light tan head. An aroma of not sour not sweet a pleasantly odd aroma for me. A high abv flavor that is semi sweet. Mouthfeel and carbonation are good as well. A very warm offering. If all lagers were like this one it would change my opinion of the style I’m sure.

muzzlehatch (4975) - Beloit, Wisconsin, USA - JUL 12, 2007
Sample from 1-liter swingtop bottle, RBSG Minneapolis Grand Tasting, June 23 2007. Dark, hazy to opaque brown with no real head formation....somewhat pungent, strongly hoppy aroma with dried fruits and a bit of grape-caramel syrupiness....the body too is syrupy, quite sweet, lots of alcohol noted, sugary gingerbread cookies with caramel glazing and vanilla, very light hops do keep it from going off the deep end....light carbonation. Ehhh, ok I suppose.

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