RATINGS: 24   MEAN: 3.24/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.19/5   SEASONAL: Special   IBU: 30   EST. CALORIES: 270   ABV: 9%
Our Belgian-style Tripel is lightly colored with hints of peppery phenolic and fruity esters produced by the yeast during fermentation. The alcohol is balanced by a bit of residual sweetness.

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StefanSD (2449) - Ouray, Colorado, USA - AUG 21, 2016
Bomber as "Dry Dock Tripel" (the word Topsail is not on the bottle’s label so I hope I’m rating the right beer). Translucent brass color with a small white head that quickly diminishes to a fine film. The aroma is fruity with apples and pears. The taste, like the aroma, features ripe white fruits--I get lots of apples, pears and some peach. Perhaps there is a just a trace of white pepper, but fruity esters really steal the show here. The malt base is way in the background, adds body, but its not discernible in the taste. The palate is full and a bit oily. Finishes long and sticky sweet, almost cloying. Overall: I have not had a Tripel in a long time, its one of my least favorite styles, but this was pretty good. I guess absence really does make the heart grow fonder. Edit note: The last pour of the bottle was very cloudy and much more spicy than expected. Also picked up a bit of apricot, and the palate thickened.

GarrettB (2381) - San Diego, California, USA - APR 26, 2014
August 18th, 2012 - Regular visits to Dry Dock remain some of my fondest memories of the Summer of 2011, but the Summer of 2012 put me slightly out of reach of the brewery, tucked away as it is way far away in Aurora. Not wanting to miss out on the very excellent work Dry Dock was doing for itself and for Colorado as a whole, I picked up a bottle of what was new to me Tripel. It’s a pretty beer, clear and bright yellow, with a tenacious yet loose aspen white head that drips down the side of the glass. It emits a powerful and potent smell of pear and overripe, sugary and dark bananas, topped with whipped cream and masticated raspberries. This is clearly rich, and maybe even excessively so. The palate is soft and cottony, and all the poignant aromas in the nose return in the taste, though somewhat restrained, and therefore, absolutely perfect. Each sip generates a sharp flair of flavor, a kind of sensual starburst, which disappears soon afterwards, commanding another to follow shortly. This is a wonderfully, flavor packed beer, and might be up there in the top on or two beers I’ve had from Dry Dock. It’s unfortunate that Ratebeer’s other reviews don’t accord with my experience, but I’m sticking to my notes - this is a rich concoction, and good, intense drinking.

UncleKorm (1337) - Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA - DEC 8, 2013
Bomber bottle poured a hazy orange hue w/ small diminishing white head. Moderate fruity aromas. Initial flavor is bold sweet w/ a light sour finish. Tastes are apple, peach, banana, apricot, pepper, biscuit, and white wine. Medium bodied, lively carbonation and warmth in the finish.

jeremyjojola (20) - Denver, Colorado, USA - AUG 13, 2013
Aroma is very fruity. A surprising sweet taste but not too sweet. Light and crisp. First try: ALE HOUSE in Denver. ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

cthomas2390 (228) - Colorado, USA - MAR 20, 2013
Clear straw pour with little head. Fruity esters on the nose. Light, malty characteristics with a hint of orange but not as much spice as you get in most tripels. A little light on the palate as well.

Pawola22 (3262) - Woodridge, Illinois, USA - APR 24, 2012
On tap at the brewery in Aurora, CO. Pours a crystal clear, golden colored body with a finger-width, creamy and frothy, white head that dissipates slowly and leaves a moderate lacing. Aroma is slightly bready malts with a light caramel sweetness along with a soft Belgian yeast. A light clove and banana as well as some faint florals. Flavor is better with a slightly sweet bready malt backing and a light caramel. A bit of coriander with some clove and smooth banana. More fruity esters than the aroma with a touch of yeasty pepper and a light bitterness that helps this dry a bit while it finishes mostly sweet. Fairly lengthy aftertaste with a light alcohol heat following a medium body and a moderate carbonation. Overall, not a bad tripel, but fairly straightforward and on the sweeter side. Okay.

cubs (10772) - Fort Collins, Colorado, USA - APR 6, 2012
Tap @ brewery. Transparent, golden appearance wit ha white head. A bit spicy, light lemon/orange, pale malty, somewhat spicy yeasty aroma. Very rich sugary flavor that’s effervescent and has a citrusy, spiciness to it. A little hard to drink as it’s a bit cloying.

arminjewell (9756) - East Lansing, Michigan, USA - MAR 31, 2012
Pour out of 22 oz bottle is clear orange with thin white head, aroma has notes of slight phenols, hints of biscuity bread and some clove, fruity notes, touch of other spices as well as an earthy tone. Taste is fairly sweet with notes of sweet esters, some spicy phenols with a touch of clove, more sweet from the biscuit, finishing with a hint of heat and fairly sweet.

RZahler (102) - Scottsdale, Arizona, USA - MAR 23, 2012
Poured very golden clear little head no sediment. Aroma was Pleasant, very sweet tasting. Clove, sugar, banana. Decent beer overall.

Steve_0 (3744) - Denver, Colorado, USA - MAR 16, 2012
Poured a ridiculously clear straw yellow. Nice big head with great lacing. Smells of funk, banana, yeast, pepper, and phenol. Taste is peppery and sweet up front, yeasty in the middle, with a nice bitter/estery finish. Rating this as just a beer, it is alright, but it definitely does not stand up to other tripels.

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