RATINGS: 175   WEIGHTED AVG: 2.88/5   SEASONAL: Autumn   IBU: 17   EST. CALORIES: 165   ABV: 5.5%
For thousands of years, fall has been a time of plenty ~ plenty of food and plenty of good brew, carefully crafted in anticipation of one heck of a party. If summer is exercise, bikini diets, and baking in the sun; fall is recliner Sundays, cheese in a can, and basking in the glow of a robust, flavorful brew like Dundee Oktoberfest. So in the fall, be full-bodied. After all, as much as we love bikinis, there is a lot to be said for cheerleader sweaters. 15°

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hopdog (19493) - Lansdale, Pennsylvania, USA - MAR 27, 2019
UPDATED: MAR 27, 2019 12 oz bottle. Poured an amber color with an averaged sized head. Earthy pile of leaves and lighter toasted caramel. Thin.

wlajwl (10859) - Quad Cities, Iowa, USA - APR 16, 2017
Aroma and flavor is malts, fruit, slightly watery and a sweet/hint of spice finish.

superspak (9600) - Greensboro, North Carolina, USA - FEB 18, 2015
12 ounce bottle into dimpled mug, bottled on 7/16/2014. Pours fairly crystal clear deep orange/copper color with a 1-2 finger dense off white head with good retention, that reduces to a small cap that lingers. Spotty soapy lacing clings around the glass, with a fair amount of streaming carbonation. Aromas of caramel, toast, toffee, biscuit, brown sugar, brown bread, light nuttiness, herbal, grass, and yeast earthiness. Nice and pleasant aromas with good complexity and balance of dark/bready malt and light earthy hop notes; with decent strength. Taste of caramel, toast, toffee, biscuit, brown sugar, brown bread, light nuttiness, herbal, grass, and yeast earthiness. Light earthy herbal bitterness on the finish; with lingering notes of caramel, toast, toffee, biscuit, brown sugar, light nuttiness, and herbal/toasted earthiness on the finish for a good bit. Good robustness, complexity, and balance of dark/bready malt and light earthy hop flavors; with a good malt/bitterness balance and zero cloying flavors after the finish. Very clean on lager flavor with minimal yeast ester notes present in taste and aromas. Medium carbonation and body; with a smooth and fairly creamy/bready mouthfeel that is nice. Alcohol is well hidden with minimal warming present after the finish. Overall this is a nice Oktoberfest style. All around good robustness, balance, and complexity of dark/bready malt and light earthy hop flavors; and very smooth to drink. A nicely enjoyable offering.

bkurtz (1337) - LITHUANIA - DEC 6, 2014
Bottle -Pours a clear copper/amber with a smallish creamy head. Slight grass and malt aroma. Nice malt base with some caramel notes. Not a bad beer, but not good.

ElCapitan22 (363) - Pennsylvania, USA - NOV 10, 2014
Pours an attractive honey color with no lacing and fair head retention. Tastes sweet, of honey and malt. Not a bad beer!

milewide (2648) - Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA - OCT 17, 2014
Malty, grain aroma and taste. Light hops. Clear, medium Amber color. Modest head.

steelhead3686 (291) - Jacksonville, North Carolina, USA - OCT 4, 2014
Pours a clear copper/amber with a small white head. It smells a lot like a crisp fall morning. It have a very sharp sweetness that is almost a cider with almost no bitter. The body is light, thin, and crisp like a cider with a slight bitter finish. It’s not like a lot of oktoberfest beers I have tried with is a nice change of pace. I’m not a fan of either oktoberfest or ciders, but this is a nice balance between the two.

slowrunner77 (19086) - Reno, Nevada, USA - SEP 24, 2014
"Not a great reintroduction to the style in 2012. I had the Pyramid first this year, and that one was nice. This wasn’t a bad beer, but too sweet and one dimensional. Didn’t do much for me. "

KyotoLefty (14291) - Kyoto, JAPAN - SEP 1, 2014
Tap at Genesee Brewhouse. Malty nose, caramel and grains. Very sweet caramel flavor, lighly roasted, light grain, some husks. Too sweet and simple.

Bork (461) - Rosewood, Georgia, USA - AUG 13, 2014
UPDATED: SEP 10, 2014 Mild aromas and flavors of sweet fruit and malts. Somewhat watery and with a short finish, but rather clean and refreshing.

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