Brewed by Brasserie Dupont
Style: Tripel
Tourpes-Leuze, Belgium


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RATINGS: 1926   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.89/5   SEASONAL: Winter   EST. CALORIES: 285   ABV: 9.5%
Bons Vœux (Good Wishes) is a blond high fermentation beer , re-fermented in the bottle. Founded in 1970 , this beer was offered earlier this year to the most loyal customers of our brewery ( hence the name "With the best wishes of the brewery Dupont "). The success this beer earned lead to it being made commercially, while retaining its original name. Although very popular, it was brewed in limited quantities, the bottles reserved many months in advance. A coppery blond beer with aromas of hops for the Bon Voeux is a beer tasting combining mellow bitterness and fruity. Our selection of yeasts and a long maturation phase with hopping gives it flavor and a characteristic and complex taste. The true fermentation in the bottle , which can be extended very long in your cellar, resulting in a balanced and harmonious beer, surprising and complex aromas .

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DraftPupil66 (429) - - DEC 25, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 25, 2021 37,5cl bottle from Doreca store @Fiumicino drinking 25/12/2021 BB 12/2025 Pours a deep golden body with thin white foam on top. Aroma of malt, citrus, orange, lemon, spices, pepper, clove. Taste is sweet with notes of malt, belgian yeast, citrus, pear and apple, cloves, floral hops in the spicy slightly bitter finish. Medium body, smooth oily texture and soft to medium carbonation. 9,5% abv yet so light and drinkable. Really great.

Franckg (3796) - Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, CANADA - DEC 4, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 4, 2021 Bouteille datée de novembre 2020, bue après un an. Belle robe jaune-dorée trouble et surmontée d'un épais col de mousse blanc et rocailleux devenant plus onctueux. Arômes de levures saisons, léger poivre, citron, muscade, nectarine, léger bois sec. En bouche, beaucoup de levures et d'épices, quelques saveurs plus terreuses aussi, orange séchée, nectarine et alcool. Finale herbacée et poivrée, arrière-goût d'alcool et de pamplemousse jaune. Texture très huileuse et sèche, corps mince.

FoamForever20 (1148) - STAVANGER, NORWAY - NOV 16, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 16, 2021 Clear golden, tall lasting white head. Aroma of banana, lemongrass and spice. Dry and complex, distinct peppery and malt driven. With bg at vaaland brydhuus.

Piepenhenrich (2821) - Steinbach, GERMANY - OCT 31, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 31, 2021 Hazy golden with a decent white head. Mild yeasty aroma. Intense yeasty and grainy taste with a savory twist. Good!

hellonearth (186) - Montreal, Quebec, CANADA - OCT 23, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 23, 2021 D'un doré velouté et voilé, avec un beau col crémeux. Nez léger d'épices et de levures belges. Goût à la fois vif et terreux, notes de pain, de banane mûre, d'épices. Un corps légèrement consistant, une amertume tranchante mais courte. On sent la petite chaleur en fait de gorgée, trahissant le haut degré d'alcool. Bien!

yann28 (1233) - - SEP 5, 2021
UPDATED: SEP 5, 2021 Liquide doré trouble avec mousse importante et compacte. Nez malté, levures et légèrement épicé. En bouche, c'est un hybride entre une saison et une triple caractérisée par une belle amertume et une présence importante de coriandre ! Correct !!!

emesc (404) - - JUL 31, 2021
UPDATED: JUL 31, 2021 Dag later.75cl. begint zurig, naar een goede bitter en licht zoet. Zacht, licht droog, goed in ballans

RoJo28 (554) - - JUL 25, 2021
UPDATED: JUL 25, 2021 This is a very good beer with the facade of a crap beer. Its below average initial smell and taste quickly gives way to something far better, like those teen makeover movies where they give a highly attractive actor a crap hair cut, then expect us to be surprised when with a quick zhuzh they're stunning

charlie_waiper (13) - - JUN 12, 2021
UPDATED: JUN 12, 2021 Buena cerveza, buen cuerpo. Baja un poco la nota por la presencia de alcohol algo desequilibrada. Lo cual no la hace óptima para el dia a día. Aún así, buen aroma y sabor.

PubMaestro56 (26) - - MAY 4, 2021
UPDATED: MAY 4, 2021 Scadenza 10/2025. Colore sull'arancio limpido fino a quando non si aggiunge l'ampissima quantità di fondo. Al naso note citriche e di frutta a pasta gialla, che danno un leggero acido. Forte sentore di luppolo erbaceo, ma malto comunque presente. In bocca stesse sensazioni, all'inizio si sviluppa la parte fruttata e speziata (si sente del pepe), alla fine l'amaro chiude egregiamente la bevuta. Straordinaria tripel, simile a una saison come ci si attende dal birrificio.

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