Edenton Horniblows Tavern American Ale

RATINGS: 51   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.19/5   EST. CALORIES: 177   ABV: 5.9%
The Tavern, or "Ordinary" as it was usually called during the eighteenth century, was one of the most important institutions of the period. In Edenton, North Carolina, there stood one of the most notable of its kind, Horniblow’s Tavern, a hot-bed of political activity with patriots rallying for the American Revolution. In honor of this establishment and it’s followers we offer this American Style Ale. A hoppy ale, combining Cascade, Centennial and Columbus type Pacific Northwest hops, yet the Pilsner and Caramel malts give it a good balance. A medium body beer, you will find it has a somewhat dry finish and is recommended as a good companion to the Americn traditionals - Burgers and Steaks, as well as Sushi and Spicy Thai Cuisine.

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DarkElf (3424) - La Jolla, California, USA - SEP 27, 2007
23-Jun-06 (12 oz bottle: Obtained 25-Mar-06 in trade with Jonathan3584, thanks Jonathan!) Yet another mildly infected beer from Edenton. Funk and gentle tartness are obvious, but not overwhelming, but I don’t expect any funky tartness in my American pale ales. Behind the tartness and funk is a modest, dusty hoppiness, but it’s in the background and isn’t the first thing you notice. If this were supposed to be some funky farmhouse style, I might be tempted to be more lenient, but the flavor is not all that enjoyable and lacks character, and as a pale ale, it’s obviously infected. The funk is far more apparent in the nose, and because it definitely has the farmhouse character, I’m enjoying the smelly aroma. Aside from being overly carbonated, there’s also a strong dusty mouthfeel to this beer, and the sourness at least makes the palate somewhat clean. Dark orange-amber in color with small particles suspended in the beer and plenty of carbonation bubbles of all sizes rising at different speeds through the beer. Off-white head is of average size and settles to a film and ring while leaving a few small patches of lace on the glass. Despite the infection, this isn’t awful, but it’s still a drain pour anyway. I’m just not in the mood, and beside, the mistake-driven aroma is much more enjoyable than the flavor. Definitely a retry when I get around to it.

kp (10878) - Woodstock, Georgia, USA - SEP 1, 2007
Name: Horniblow’s Tavern
Date: 11/04/2006
Mode: Bottle
Source: Tasting, Bend Brewing

opaque orange, scant head, drops of lace, nice bitter floral hop aroma, good body, big hop flavor with enought dry malt to balance,
-------- /> Name: Horniblow’s Tavern
Date: 12/18/2006
Mode: draft
Source: brewpub

clear amber, dense off white head, light dry caramel malt aroma, rich dry caramel combined with earthy hops makes for a strong malt flavor, some caramel sweetness keeps trying to break through but keeps getting held back by the strong earthy hop presence, it slowly grows on you

Aroma: 5/10; Appearance: 7/10; Flavor: 6/10; Palate: 6/10; Overall: 11/20
Rating: 2.9/5.0
Drinkability: 7/10
Score: *4

Davetopay (54) - Leesburg, Virginia, USA - JUL 28, 2007
This bottle was found at a local retailer for a lowly 99 cents, so I tried it! Upon opening it presented big caramel on the nose and a healthy dose of yeast with the hops lingering to the back. It poured a bright copper with a firm off white head. It was difficult to keep the sediment in the bottle, but it is too be expected with bottle conditioned beers. There is a rather germanic quality to the way the malt hits your palate, but the carbonation reminds me of some of the fizzier examples from Belgium. It finishes with a dryness you would not expect from a beer with this much malt sweetness, a very welcome surprise. I will be returning to the store later this week to buy the rest of the bottles.

ucusty (2692) - raleigh, North Carolina, USA - JUL 13, 2007
the house beer at horniblows... very nice flavoe seemed like it was dry hopped. very nice head and carbination. excellent service...

alexanderj (3605) - Branson, Missouri, USA - MAY 19, 2007
Bottle; poured copper with a medium almost white head. A lot of lacing. Aroma of caramel malt, more caramel malt and some citrus. Body and mouthfeel were off; dry finish. Tasted like it was dry hopped; which is normally not a favorite of mine. Hoppy for the style. Some good caramel flavor; but overall it did not mesh all that well for me.

obxdude10 (2512) - Pottstown, Pennsylvania, USA - MAR 2, 2007
Copper in color, overly-huge off-white head, way too carbonated, nose of caramel malt & a touch of hops, spritzy body with too much fizzy carbonation, made for a much less enjoyable & drinkable ale, caramel in the flavors with notes of bitter & spicy hops, rich & hoppy finish, but the big fizziness of this beer really drags it down

IrishBoy (4503) - Bakersfield, California, USA - DEC 14, 2006
Bottle;Nose of hops, caramel, and light citrus; Hazy copper with a huge, glass filling, yellowish head; flavor of citrus, cereal, yeast, and a little hop bitterness which lasts to the finsh. Body is medium. Glass is laced all the way down as I finish the beer.

decaturstevo (6342) - decatur, Tennessee, USA - NOV 16, 2006
A hazy orange pour with a sticky lacing. A nice hops aroma. A thick malty flavor with a decent mothfeel that is good. A beer I enjoyed muchly. thanks kp

zebracakes (1339) - Washington DC, USA - OCT 25, 2006
Bottle. Pours amber, off white head. Aroma is caramel, vanilla, hops, and malt. Flavor is malt, caramel, pine, and slight hops. Too sweet.

FROTHINGSLOSH (11821) - GREENSBURG, Pennsylvania, USA - SEP 18, 2006
UPDATED: AUG 27, 2007 Sampled from a 12 oz brown bottle this beer poured a cloudy orange-copper color with a small tan head. The aroma is sour, nutty and lightly fruity. The flavor is sour nut, light grapefruit and floral hops. The finish is dry and bitter.

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