Edenton Joseph Hewes Revolutionary Ale

RATINGS: 42   WEIGHTED AVG: 2.52/5   EST. CALORIES: 150   ABV: 5%
From Edenton, North Carolina where he began as a businessman and colonial leader to Philadelphia, PA where he served as Continental Congress delegate, Secretary of the Navy and signed the Declaration of Independence, Joseph Hewes left his mark on American history. As a businessman, he and his associates had many interests, none more important than the "King’s Arms", later to be resold and named "Horniblow’s Tavern". It is here we find him where "talks of politics and schemes of rebellion occur". We believe this golden ale to be a perfect thirst quenching tribute to the memory of such a great man. Although our lightest beer, the combination of Perle, Tettnang, and Hallertau hops lend itself a pleasing amount of flavor. Smooth and refreshing, this beer is perfect to enjoy with friends and pairs well with a light dinner of seafood, perhaps shellfish or crab, and grilled veggies and salad.

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jgb9348 (9218) - Arlington (Pentagon City), Virginia, USA - MAR 5, 2009
Clear golden coloured body with a thin white head. Aroma of pale malt, metal and funky hops. Light to Medium-bodied; Strong assertive malt up front with a sugary taste touched with a bit of hops. Aftertaste shows some funky metal and not much copmlexity. Overall, not such a great beer, but not horrible either. I sampled this twelve ounce bottle purchased from Chevy Chase Wine & Spirits in Washington, D.C.

ucusty (2692) - raleigh, North Carolina, USA - SEP 25, 2008
Way past its prime. Found at the infamous Team Beverage. Why doesn’t that place put all their old beer on sale to move it out??? This was an unbalanced mess skunky

mhelgason (495) - Salem, Oregon, USA - MAY 13, 2008
bottle. murky yellow body with small particles afloatin’. small white head. decent lacing. aromas of caramel and some light hops. flavor is light and easy to drink. actually much better than expected.

JCB (3999) - Durham, North Carolina, USA - JUL 30, 2007
Hmph. You’d think a beer named after a historical figure would have more character, or would at least be palatable. This is mostly ass, I must say. Gold and mildly hazy on the pour, with a ripe yeasty aroma that promises good things. But this one is either way past its prime or just, well, ass.

emacgee (5141) - Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA - FEB 19, 2007
The first time I cracked one of these open it sucked frankly. However, i was looking in one of the remaining bottles and realized that there was some sediment in there that i dumped in last time. So, round two. Pours a thick golden brew. Definitely some chacater to it, sort of hazy. not bad. The head is hard to get if you pour carefully enough not to stir up that stuff. Thin and white, not bad. The aroma is sort of ill begotten. Sort of sour (bad), some hop bite, mainly just this funky smell. Unfortunately the taste suffers the same fate. Just weird. The palate has an interesting twang to it, but not enough to be like "wow, thats good". The finish is just there, nothing to be said about it. Overall it just tastes weird. Not complex, just like it went bad (maybe/hopefully it has).

Juelze (1146) - Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA - JAN 17, 2007
Trade from Ross. Glugs out of the bottle and still no head. Color is a golden color with lots of sediment that leads to the haziness. Aroma is slight caramel malt, faint not much else going in the aroma or in the taste. Maybe a slight fruitness in the taste. Bleh.

zebracakes (1339) - Washington DC, USA - OCT 25, 2006
Bottle. Pours clear gold, white head. Aroma is caramel, allspice, and cookies. Flavor is malt, slightly bitter and pine. Watery.

apoptosis (1317) - Denver, Colorado, USA - SEP 19, 2006
Highly cloudy, bright yellow with no head. The slightly bitter aroma of stale, spoiled hops is not pleasant. It is not complex. The buttery flavor has a tneder hoppiness. It has smooth mouthfeel, but this is due to its lack of carbonation. Overall, it is thin and bland.

FROTHINGSLOSH (11821) - GREENSBURG, Pennsylvania, USA - SEP 13, 2006
UPDATED: AUG 27, 2007 Sampled from a 12 oz brown bottle. This beer poured a dark golden color with a trace of a white head that fades almost instantly. The aroma is fruity, citrusy and sweet with a bit of pineapple in the finish. The flavor is sweet and fruity with a pine element and sweet ginger like finish. The mouthfeel is just a tad thin but this is a nice quaffing brew.

notalush (6725) - Denver, Colorado, USA - SEP 8, 2006
Bottle from ross - murky golden with no head at all - musty, earthy aroma, and a slight quality that seems like yeast at first, but starts to seem more like a bacterial sourness after a few sniffs - mild fruity flavor, with a decent hop combination - light bready, cask-ale-like yeastiness - watery finish, though - I think that if I had this on cask it would be a lot more enjoyable.

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