RATINGS: 255   WEIGHTED AVG: 2.89/5   IBU: 40   EST. CALORIES: 165   ABV: 5.5%
American Pale Ale: Balanced malt and hop flavor, a great showcase of American Hops. Pale Amber.
William Crisp Malts; Columbus, Fuggles, and Northern Brewer Hops. 12.8º

Beer Stories
Mad Anthony’s APA is named for General Anthony Wayne, Brigadier General of the American Revolutionary War. It is rumored that during the war, General Wayne was shot numerous times and that his “madness” can be attributed to lead poisoning caused by the lead filled bullets which entered his body. He died in 1796, and was buried in Erie only to be dug up years later by his angry son, upset that his father had not been buried in the family plot. Driving Mad Anthony’s remains back to St. David’s Churchyard, his son drove so fast, causing many of the General’s bones to fall out of the wagon and be strewn across various parts of Pennsylvania!

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hogan873 (547) - Joliet, Illinois, USA - SEP 1, 2018
UPDATED: SEP 1, 2018 Pours a hazy amber with a slight white head. Aroma is nice but not exactly representative of an APA. Some citrus, a touch of pine, and malt. Medium mouthfeel, moderate carbonation. Flavor is good but again not like an APA. Tea, lemon, and some sweetness. No hop bite to speak of. Not bad...just not an American Pale Ale.

tnkw01 (2854) - Knoxville, Tennessee, USA - MAY 8, 2018
Bottle. Nothing really great about this beer everything about it is either average or sub-par.

alexsdad06 (16451) - West Chester, Ohio, USA - NOV 28, 2017
UPDATED: NOV 29, 2017 Draft to taster at BC’s Bottle Lodge. Pours a clear dark golden/amber color with a medium sized off white head. The aroma and flavor have pale malts, lightly toasted, mild fruit character, mild earthy, mild to moderate bitterness, very forgettable.

bigtaster (1046) - Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA - APR 8, 2017
From a bottle into pint glass. Cloudy copper color some, a few floaties. Nose is butter, biscuits, lemon. Medium body, normal carbonation, sweet. Tastes like an extra kit home brew.

Larry_Duffman (1031) - - JUL 16, 2016
I poured it from the bottle into a glass. It pours copper with a white head and lacing. The aroma was tea, fruit, bread, and earthy hops. The taste was the same with the hops coming in subtle. This was a decent pale ale.

Dacrza (1557) - Great Meadows, New Jersey, USA - MAY 20, 2016
DATE: May 20, 2016... OCCASION: just returned from the Relay For Life event tonight... GLASSWARE: Kisatsky Tavern.. APPEARANCE: strong, effervescent, light golden body... thick, white, crunchy crags of head solidify with resilience... equally thick, equally resilient lacing... beautiful, full rings create a rib cage around the glass... AROMA: punchy watermelon, grapefruit, and some sour elements.... slight bread malts bring some balance to the aroma... PALATE: medium-bodied, slightly acidic impact... long, metallic draw as an aftertaste... TASTE: the pineapple and watermelon are pleasant enough, while the lightly toasted bread balances... some off-color flavors that detract from the experience, and few other dimensions to entice seeking it out... serviceable... OVERALL: the quintessential "average" American pale ale... more malt than the average, perhaps, but enough citric hops to make clear its pale ale appellation.... useful, sessionable, and flavorful enough to engage the palate, but blends in among the many other pales offered...

fluffy (2459) - St Petersburg, Florida, USA - APR 14, 2016
I'm not a big pale ale fan, there is nothing special about this. Not terrible just weak. ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

bnokk (549) - Lee, Massachusetts, USA - APR 4, 2016
APPEARANCE- Light golden color, white head. Looks like it’d be very refreshing on a hot summer day. NOSE- light bitter hop scent a bit grassy. FLAVOR- what you’d expect for a light ale. Slightly bitter at the end of the sip. Very light flavors at the beginning - nearly no flavor. NOTES- I’d happily drink this on a hot summer day on the lake.

beertholomeus (1814) - California, USA - MAR 18, 2016
Pours a pale golden amber color with a white head. Caramel, biscuit, floral, pine and light hop aroma and flavors. Medium light body and moderate carbonation. Floral, caramel and biscuit finish.

Patrickctenchi (7259) - Cox’s Knob, columbus, Indiana, USA - FEB 28, 2016
Bottle: Clear orange-gold, with a small white head. Lemon, barley, grass scent. Taste is a bit on the sour side.... Grain malt, lemon-peel, citrus. Decent, but a little too sharp tasting after about a third of the way through.

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