Serve in Weizen


on tap


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RATINGS: 37   MEAN: 2.59/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 2.62/5   EST. CALORIES: 126   ABV: 4.2%
Color: Golden Orange &Cloudy Body: Thick with a rich mouth feel Aroma: Sweet & Malty Flavor: Creamy with a distinct Citrus flavor Technical Data: Original Gravity: 1048 Grist: Malted Barley & Wheat Hops: Magnums, Tettnang & Centennial Type of Beer: Unfiltered American Wheat IBU’s: 13

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bigbish (760) - Fairfax, Virginia, USA - APR 21, 2016
Not the best hefeweizen I’ve ever had. Kind of boring and flat flavor. Nothing to write home about.

slowrunner77 (19086) - Reno, Nevada, USA - SEP 23, 2014
"Filtered(?) uncloudy pour, but it says unfiltered. Odd. Kind of a hybrid american/german wheat as the hefe aspects of this beer (banana/clove, etc...) are present but very very light and there’s a touch more hops than usual in a true hefe. Meh."

DedicatedToFun (3984) - Santa Monica, California, USA - APR 5, 2014
UPDATED: APR 13, 2014 Tap at the los angeles beer fest. Orange hue, very thin brew, some malt and wheat flavors, oranges and hops, nice overall.

monk191 (2021) - Portland, Oregon, USA - APR 20, 2013
A pretty good Hefewiesen. Pours a cloudy orange, almost a green tint. Smells of herbs and fruit. Taste is similar, very fruity. Had at tap at the Bay Area Craft Beer Festival ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

Guerde (1297) - Leuven, BELGIUM - MAR 31, 2013
(bottle from bhensonb, thanks!) Pours a cloudy yellow color with a very thin white head that does retain but leaves little in the way of lacing. Aroma is very strong of wheat, and smells very similar to a loaf of baked bread. There is also a little hint of something that smells sulfurous with a little bit of clove thrown in there as well. Not getting anything in the way of banana or vanilla. The flavor is much the same as the aroma, with a strong bready wheat presence, light lemon, and a faint flavor reminiscent of ketchup. Mouthfeel is very spritzy, somewhat creamy, and fuller than most wheat beers of this caliber.

mkel07 (9526) - Brisbane, AUSTRALIA - FEB 14, 2012
On tap at Bar Louie’s in Anaheim. Cloudy gold colour with a decent enough head and a fruit and spice aroma. In the mouth it was quite thin. Tasted okay but it was served in a glass straight out of the fridge which didn’t help.

blutt59 (6847) - Dallas, Texas, USA - JUN 10, 2011
on tap, cloudy yellow with white foam, aroma and flavor are very bland and lifeless, very artificial and medicinal for some reason

Ungstrup (47893) - Citizen of the universe, DENMARK - NOV 15, 2010
Draft. An unclear golden beer with an orangey head. The aroma has notes of malt as well as lighter notes of lemon and berries. The flavor is sweet with notes of malt, straw, and wheat, as well as lighter notes of banana and over ripe fruits.

badnloose (111) - North Hollywood, California, USA - JUL 17, 2010
A fair Hefewizen, though not much to write home about. Very light notes of citrus and an odd, unenjoyable finish.

GT (10001) - San Diego, California, USA - JUL 9, 2010
Tap at Claim Jumper. Really just a god awful attempt at the style. Massive amateur effort. The description at the restaurant said it was hopped with NZ hops. No freaking way. Smells and tastes like it was fermented in a urinal. Disgusting. The high point of this beer is that it looks cloudy and glowing yellow. After that, it is downhill with massive sulphur, urine. Really no hefe yeast presence at all. Is this just wort? Could pass for N/A.

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