RATINGS: 11   MEAN: 3.8/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.58/5   IBU: 25   EST. CALORIES: 156   ABV: 5.2%
The things that inspire us are closer at hand than we might think: corn, domestic six and two row barley malts, lager yeast, barrels fashioned of MN oak, Cascade hops of local origin, a bevy of microbes. This beer is an expression of place and an homage to our local brewing tradition.

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TaktikMTL (8008) - Montréal, Quebec, CANADA - OCT 13, 2017
Bouteille de 750 ml partagée lors d'une dégustation entre amis. Arôme: Odeur de brett avec une pointe de céréales et de raisins verts. Apparence: La couleur est blonde-orangée légèrement voilée avec une très faible densité de bulle. Saveur: Goût de raisins verts avec une pointe de brett, de lactose et d'houblons. Durée moyenne de l'arrière goût. Palette: Le corps est moyen avec une texture légèrement vineuse. Moyenne effervescence en bouche. Arrière goût légèrement houblonné. (Rating #7913)

MartinT (10698) - Montreal, Quebec, CANADA - SEP 12, 2017
My Bottom Line:
Elderflower juice seeps into white wine and its elegant acidity, as mild goat cheese funk tickles this unique creation.

Further Personal Perceptions:
-A veil of foam covers the misty golden.
-Drinkability remains high despite the novelty factor.
-Mouthfeel is dry and softly prickly.
-Lactic acidity is far from intense, increasing the product’s friendliness.


ctipping (3902) - Florida, USA - SEP 3, 2017
750 mL bottle. Clear orange body. Small white head that's gone in a flash leaving nothing at all. Smells of oak, light orange citrus, and white wine grapiness. Tastes a little tart. More white wine and oak. Some light orange. Low carbonation, if any. It's very much dominated by the barrel and lacks some dynamism, but it's still very pleasant to drink.

jackl (8677) - Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA - JUN 17, 2017
Rating #8000! Bottle directly from FS. Hazy golden pour with a small head. Nose has some distinct Parmesan. Fairly assertive oakiness and white grape jellies. Fairly dry body. Light creamy lacto presence. Lemon creamsicle. White grape jelly. Lemon zest. Interesting stuff, lots going on here. sort of busy overall. Medium body, soft carb. Quite nice stuff.

Travlr (30307) - No fixed abode, South Dakota, USA - MAY 21, 2017
Bottle sample at Modern Times Festival of Funk 2017. Floral dusty aroma. Taste is dusty summer fruit and straw.

BeerandBlues2 (18499) - Woodland Park, Colorado, USA - MAY 20, 2017
Bottle at Festival of Funk. Pours clear pale yellow with a small, fizzy white head, short retention. Aroma is funky Brettanomyces and fresh oak, biscuit malt and grapes. Flavor is tart white grapes, biscuit malt, oak, farmhouse Brettanomyces with a dry finish. Light body and medium carbonation.

TheAlum (7164) - Aurora, Illinois, USA - MAY 19, 2017
750ml bottle from deyholla. Derek keeps me flush with those beers I like. Pours a pale yellow straw hue, a bit pale, mellow haze. Lively bubbles cascade uniformly through the body, a brighter glow and bright white head atop is stark, dies to a nice enough layer and laces well. Aromas present grapefruit and pine, white grape and more graoefruit. Wet wood, a tannic appeal, more pine, oak, cobwebs and a fuzzy pithy appeal that seems fresh, tart, spritzy. Some fuzzy tart white peach thst places well. Initial is light bodied, dry, oak driven. Some tart jabs stay on the periphery, but this one shows bitter grapefruit, subtle green grape, bitter hop and subtle pine moreso than a sour lean. Mellow bready malts, pit fruit, cleaner body, light, dry, funky. That funk, cobwebs, green grape, subtle melon and pineapple. This never becomes about the fruit, the wild yeast and oak play doing the work here. Cobwebs, grapefruit, funk and oak. My only regret is the peak tree pollen season I’m drinking this through. Great nose, pretty pour, a unique and quite crushable beer. Yum.

BVery (13633) - Plymouth, Minnesota, USA - MAY 9, 2017
Tap at Fair State. Hazy yellow pour with a white head. Citrus, hay, funk. Nice sour note on the tongue. Easy drinker with good depth and nuance. Digging this.

deyholla (18611) - Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA - APR 23, 2017
On tap at the brewery. Pours a clear pale gold with a white head that dissipates to the edges. Aroma has a good amount of hay and straw with a bit of oak and marijuana backing. Flavor has light tart fruits up front with a growing straw and marijuana presence plus a touch of oak.

badgerben (5647) - Blaine, Minnesota, USA - APR 16, 2017
Bottle. Slightly hazy pale gold color with a thin head. Dusty, tart lemon aroma. Grainy, dusty grain flavor. Pungeantly tart. Very dry. Hint of corn.

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