RATINGS: 542   WEIGHTED AVG: 4.05/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 450   ABV: 15%
A Belgian Quad by recipe, but aging it in spirits barrels garners its own category: Central Coast Quad. A beer formulated to sit on the sweeter and malty side so that we could utilize it for blending. Turbinado brown sugar from Mexico and Belgian candi sugar add wonderful molasses flavors. It has a full body and lush texture with barrel expression all over this beer: toasted oak, coconut, leather and cigar tobacco.

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BlackBeerPG (2339) - Darien, Illinois, USA - NOV 29, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 29, 2021 Taste: the 2021 vintage, rich, oak wood, bourbon bite, raisins deep toasted malts, and smooth out at the end. Same with the nose. Dark cola brown hue, semi opaque, tan head, delicate lace. Full body. A refined and darker Quad.

beerwarbler (88) - - JUL 25, 2021
We had this at Bavarian lodge in Lisle Illinois in July 2021 this is a very good Belgian quad we liked it a lot ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

Samtzu (1644) - Palmerston North, NEW ZEALAND - MAY 18, 2021
UPDATED: MAY 18, 2021 330ml bottle. Pours a deep black with mild off white/brown head. Enormous nose full of rich malts, sugar, plums, spices, vanilla, and hints of alcohol heat. Medium to full body with a rich sweetness at the front which develops into roasted malts, toffee, and molasses. Sweetness near the end with luscious red fruits and spices. Little to no alcohol heat in the flavour. An amazing beer.

SimonBlok (1732) - Groningen, NETHERLANDS - MAY 16, 2021
UPDATED: MAY 16, 2021 66 cl bottle at Richard’s. Appearance: dark brown with minimal head. Aroma: Dark malts, caramel, banana, dried fruits, some barrel character. Taste: high sweetness and fairly high bitterness. Notes of caramel and molasse, barrel, banana, raisins, some dried fruits, candy sugar, woody and a slightly harsh component too. Palate: full bodied, sticky texture and soft carbonation. Overall: good stuff, but not quite as good as I expected. Slightly harsher and a little less complex than expected.

gyhallmanti (1299) - Groningen, NETHERLANDS - MAY 15, 2021
UPDATED: MAY 15, 2021 Bottle split with SimonBlok and Richardvv. Courtesy of SimonBlok. Pours a dark brown colour with a slight amber hue and almost no head. Aroma of candy sugar, caramel, roasted malt, dark malt, dark ripe fruit, slight banana sweets, pepper. Taste is medium sweet, medium bitter with a medium dry finish. Notes of roasted malt, candy sugar, wood, caramel, dark chocolate, slight hazelnut. Texture is oily to watery, medium to full bodied with moderate carbonation

corkyrory66 (5311) - BELGIUM - APR 21, 2021
UPDATED: APR 21, 2021 Quadruple de 12,5 % abv, mûrie en fût de bourbon. On est allé chercher pour elle du sucre brun turbinado de Mexico, et un peu de candi (brun sans doute) en Belgique .. Elle était destinée à ma 2000 ème bière de style belge, et à envoyer une pensée profonde à quelqu'un d'infiniment cher disparu il y a 1 an. Mon exemplaire était de la cuvée 2017, et était donc dans sa 4ème année. Couleur marron sombre aux reflets châtain roux, opacité moyenne. Mousse qui se réduit vite pour laisser seulement une fine couronne, soulignant la beauté du breuvage. Arômes de fruits mûrs, pointe de St Emilion grand cru, figue confite. 1ère bouche souple, douce, sur un ensemble fleurant le cabernet sauvignon. Arrière-bouche avec raisins secs, figue, touche de miel de châtaignier 2ème bouche avec un peu de merlot de derrière les fagots .. (amusant) Arrière-bouche longue, vineuse, avec un bourbon qui se pointe lentement Longueur qui développe le tout de façon quasi divine, avec un équilibre et une harmonie splendide. Jambes finement huileuses, très longues Levure fine, racée, très belle ligne Alcool juste ce qu'il faut, il souligne magistralement les notes caramélisées et vineuses de notre quad, dont il semble légèrement amoureux !! ( C'est d'ailleurs son droit le plus strict ..) Finale merveilleusement vineuse, douce, proche de l'élixir CONCLUSION : cette bière est tout à fait remarquable et hautement louable. Elle souffre seulement de deux petits défauts : d'abord une édition annuelle et donc variable, et ensuite un passage en barrique qui doit aussi la changer sous certains angles d'une année à l'autre .. Je suis donc très peiné de devoir la coter aussi bas !! Mais de mon année, on en redemande, comme d'autres choses parfois .. et qui ne sont pas possibles devant l'éternel.

Zlotta (7579) - Hagen, GERMANY - MAR 22, 2021
UPDATED: MAR 22, 2021 #7000: 0.65 l bottle from 'Ace Drinks', 2016 vintage No. 003 at 11.6% abv, best before glory, about five years old. A little hazy, dark ruby with a thin, frothy, almost stable, beige head. Intensely sweetish, malty, quite fruity aroma of molasses, raisins, figs, candied cherry, massive bourbon, vanilla and a touch of oak. Rather sweet, malty, gently fruity taste of molasses, raisins, prunes, caramel, vanilla, a rouvh of coconut and lots of bourbon, followed by a medium long, moderately bitter, quite boozy, just slightly yeasty-spicy and a little woody finish. Medium body, slightly oily and a little effervescent mouthfeel, soft carbonation. Massive, very rich beer, lots of bourbon and even alcohol but in a pleasant, satisfying way. Doesn't have much in common with a classic Belgian Quadrupel, I'd rather put it into the American Strong Ale category, doesn't harm the experience in any way though. I was trying to get my hands on a bottle for quite a while and managed to do so only a few months ago, keeping it in the cellar for this milestone since then. The purchase was worth every cent, it's simply a treat.

AleSantini (12) - Carpi, ITALY - JAN 4, 2021
UPDATED: JAN 4, 2021 2017 - An American version of a Quad recipe that brings this beer back to the levels of an IS. Chocolate, coffee, ash, licorice, coconut, plum, molasses, accompanied by the sweet bourbon. Final with an important warming. Intense on the nose but less defined than in the mouth. Excellent beer with a full and undemanding body.

tmrmwel (3784) - Bergen, NORWAY - JAN 2, 2021
UPDATED: JAN 2, 2021 8-4-8-4-16 Bottle, vintage no 5, 2018. Pours an almost black dark mahogany with a small creamy mocha head. Aroma is dark fruity yeast, sweet dark malts with rye bread, molasses and candi sugar, as well as leather, liquorice tannins and wooden barrels. Full, velvety body, with soft carbonation. Flavour is dark roasted malts with bread, chocolate, molasses and sweet licorice, as well as vanilla, tannins and wooden barrels.

bdleedahl (4795) - , Saxony, GERMANY - DEC 16, 2020
UPDATED: DEC 16, 2020 Possibly the strongest beer I've ever tasted. This beer has more flavour per oz. than any beer ever made possibly. A box of belgiams caramel in your mouth, if you like that, which i do. It smells like candy. Beer Hall sf. 

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