Brewed by FIRST The Craft Beer Co.
Style: Pilsener - Bohemian / Czech
Budapest, Hungary


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RATINGS: 31   MEAN: 3.03/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.02/5   EST. CALORIES: 168   ABV: 5.6%
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Ascelja (4782) - Neratovice, CZECH REPUBLIC - DEC 19, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 19, 2021 #4728 Lightly cloudy, pale gold, medium white head. Aroma of apple, noble hops, malts. Taste is neutral, lightly bitter,malty, hoppy. Medium body, average carbonation. Ok.

Rotin (4824) - Neratovice, CZECH REPUBLIC - DEC 18, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 18, 2021 Draught at First Local, Budapest. Lightly cloudy, pale gold colored. AROMA- apple, apricot, malt, noble hops. FLAVOR- neutral, lightly bitter, the same as aroma. Medium bodied. Average.

Demens (813) - Budapest, HUNGARY - JUL 2, 2021
UPDATED: JUL 2, 2021 0,33l bottle. Cloudy deep golden colour with quickly disappearing white head. Aroma: Very slight bread and almost unnoticeable caramel notes. Taste: Malty start with a little bit of sourish tone and a mediocre bitter mouthfeel. Light body with lively carbonation. Medium lasting bitter/dry finish.

kamanova_boy (1648) - Bratislava, SLOVAKIA - MAR 11, 2020
UPDATED: MAR 11, 2020 Cloudy yellow colour with medium white head, aroma of malt and some yeast, taste is low on bitterness, slightly sweet and sour, malt, grain.

HerrBierkoenig (2960) - Bratislava, SLOVAKIA - MAR 7, 2020
UPDATED: MAR 7, 2020 From tap st Damian Bottle Shop, Bratislava, Pours light cloudy straw to golden liquid, small creamy white head, fell down after a while, Aroma: hopy lemon peel note, subtle malty, subtle metallic off notes, Taste: light sweet, light to medium bitter, light sour,

sparta (2832) - Pärnu, ESTONIA - FEB 22, 2020
UPDATED: FEB 22, 2020 Õlle on selline jook, et iga uus kord kui klaasi või pudeli suule tõstad, siis leiad midagi uut, sõltuvalt tuhandest-miljonist pisiasjast, mis hetke olukorda mõjutavad. Seega piirdun iga õlle juures selle tekstiga.

MrOrla (4954) - Odense, DENMARK - JUN 8, 2019
UPDATED: JUN 8, 2019 Clear golden. Malty and bready- grains, a bit dusty. Light bitter with slight grassy and yeasty touch.

sunevdj (4228) - Copenhagen OE, DENMARK - MAY 17, 2019
UPDATED: MAY 17, 2019 On tap at Beer Brothers, Budapest. Pours a clearish golden with a small white head. Nice malty aromas with a nice balanced hops back bone. Medium bodied. Medium to soft carbonation. Dry finish.

Gurthnar (9965) - Bratislava, SLOVAKIA - MAY 10, 2019
UPDATED: MAR 5, 2020 Bottle at a tasting at Beermalade. 10.5.2019 Mostly malty, syrupy, sweetish. Slightly fruity, very slightly oxidized. Drinkable, but all in all average. 2.8 Rerate tap at a tasting at Damian. Definitely better this time around. It is mostly clean, with only light honeyish maltiness present, hops being front. Moderate-medium-high bitterness and assertive grassy-spicy noble hops character. Easy drnking, more on the hoppy side, but very good.

Cuso (13588) - Bratislava, SLOVAKIA - MAY 10, 2019
UPDATED: MAR 5, 2020 Bottle. Deep golden color with small white head. Aroma of caramel, grassy hops. Taste, the same. Not bad.

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