Brewed by Brauerei Flügge
Style: Sour / Wild Beer - Flavored
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
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RATINGS: 61   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.8/5   EST. CALORIES: 114   ABV: 3.8%
Fränk ist sauer, wird mit einer norwegischen Hefe vergoren und anschließend auf Maracuja Püree gelagert.

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Lore (5131) - Budapest, HUNGARY - NOV 14, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 14, 2021 hazy pale yellow colour, huge, dense white head, which lasts for a few minutes; aroma of mango, maracuja, citric acidy and musty notes; taste is dominated by citric acidy notes with maracuja and salty notes; quite ok-ish

markoijelena (4745) - Belgrade / Amsterdam, SERBIA - JUL 14, 2021
UPDATED: JUL 14, 2021 Can 0.33l from rhoihessegold. Thanks a lot Moritz. During Euro Swap 1. 10.7.2021. Pour it hazy yellow color with medium white head. Aroma nice fruity notes and light funky touch taste easy drinkable, fruity, light sourish lemon flavor, long after taste, really good balanced.

Lubiere (19735) - Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA - APR 17, 2021
UPDATED: APR 17, 2021 A hazed blonde ale with a thick frothy lacing white head. In aroma, sweet fruity malt with loads of passion fruit, Epsom salts, light acidity, pleasant. In mouth, a nice sweet fruity malt with Epsom salts, light passion fruit, mineral notes. Bottle from Sébastien.

Saeglopur (3713) - Vienna, AUSTRIA - AUG 16, 2020
UPDATED: AUG 16, 2020 Taster, many thanks to Werckmeister! Pale golden, slightly hazy body, with a big, creamy, white head. Aroma with lots of fresh passion fruit, lemon, some lactic sourness, some straw, some vanilla. Tastes similar, while a bit lighter. Light, slick mouthfeel, with a quite lively carbonation. Finishes smooth, medium sour, a bit dry, grassy, citric, yeasty, a bit lactic, with passion fruit and some straw. Tasty. Beautiful, clean passion fruit notes throughout, especially the nose is really lovely. Greatly balance, just enough sourness and yeast notes. Outstanding for the low ABV, so refreshing and characterful. Score: 8 / 4 / 7 / 4 / 16

Calisky (4636) - ALSACE, FRANCE - JUL 20, 2020
UPDATED: JUL 20, 2020 Jaune légèrement trouble, bonne mousse. Nez acidulé sur le fruit jaune pamplemousse passion, zeste frais. Gout bien acidulé sur pamplemousse jaune, passion, citron vert, vraiment bien fruité, acidulé, avec un coté zeste aigre amer et très bonne amertume fruité en fin de boucvhe. Bon corps et superbe avec juste 3,5c°

Werckmeister (6298) - Vienna, AUSTRIA - JUL 11, 2020
UPDATED: JUL 11, 2020 0,33l bottle at home bought from Beerlovers, Vienna. Bottled 23.05.2020. BB 23.02.2021. very light yellow rather hazy color, small white head. smells intense of passion fruit, lightly citric, lightly grassy. very nice smell. light body, soft carbonation. tastes citric, passion fruit, lightly sugary, grassy, lightly earthy, light lychee. finishes dry and lightly sour with notes of passion fruit, grassy and citric notes. super easy drinking, very refreshing. this is great, especially considering the ABV.

tgrtnr (2060) - Germering b München, GERMANY - JUN 20, 2020
UPDATED: JUN 20, 2020 330 ml February 2020 bottle. Cloudy yellow, creamy foamy head. A lot of passion lactic acid, lime, grapefruit, white balsamic vinegar. Acidic sourness. Medium bodied, milky texture, lively carbonated, dry sour finish. Great.

AssKicker (2577) - Strasbourg, FRANCE - JUN 19, 2020
UPDATED: JUN 19, 2020 Couleur dorée claire voilée. Mousse abondante qui devient grossière tout en ayant une relative durabilité. Nez d'abord sur un mélange d'oeuf, de souffré, de fruit de la passion et de poudre à canon. Avec le temps c'est le fruit de la passion qui persiste, heureusement. Et pour le coup c'est très fruité. En bouche aucune saveur précédemment évoquée ne se fait sentir, c'est direct sur le fruit de la passion, tout en douceur, sans excès, sans violence, mais avec une bonne présence. L'acidité est modérée. On retrouve légèrement le côté poudre à canon. Perso j'aime bien. Pas vraiment l'impression que ça tape à 3,5%, c'est pas du tout aqueux et pas du tout fat. C'est bien équilibré. Autant le nez est un peu bizarre, autant en bouche c'est clean, propre, bien équilibré et agréable à boire. Cool !

nathanvc (4147) - Gent, BELGIUM - MAY 22, 2020
UPDATED: MAY 22, 2020 14 March 2020. Pre-Lockdown (in hindsight) Tasting with Anke & Pieter. Bottled: 30/7/19; best before: 30/1/19. Pours hazy yellow with a lasting, thin, frothy, white head. Fresh aroma of passionfruit, maracuja, fresh sour cream, yoghurt, peach, white nectarine. Taste has sour maracuja, passionfruit, lemon, sweetish peach, lactic edge & yoghurty maltiness. Tart, fruity finish, very low hoppiness, still creamy & lactic. Medium body, oily texture, fizzy carbonation. Too bad this was past its prime, but I'm not taking it into account. Looking forward to get a fresh sampe sometime.

hrabren (5491) - Zagreb, CROATIA - MAY 10, 2020
UPDATED: MAY 10, 2020 RBESG 2019 Grand Tasting. Murky greenish pale golden, small off-white head. Sharp acidity, vitamin drink aroma, passion fruit and lemon. Green unripe fruit, white grapes and gooseberry flavour. Soft acidity, light sourness, light body, high drinkability. Wonderful aroma, some sharpness in the flavour.

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