Flying Dog Snake Dog IPA (through 2007)

Formerly brewed at Flying Dog Brewery
Style: IPA
Frederick, Maryland USA
Serve in Shaker, Tulip


on tap


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RATINGS: 977   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.25/5   EST. CALORIES: 172   ABV: 5.75%
Snake Dog is a traditional IPA, brewed with imported English Maris Otter pale malt and Golding Hops. Dry hopped with Chinook and Golding hops, contributes to the fruity-floral hop aroma characteristics of this IPA.

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wade's rating

   AROMA 6/10   APPEARANCE 3/5   TASTE 6/10   PALATE 2/5   OVERALL 12/20
wade (59) - Decatur, Georgia, USA - MAY 4, 2000
Light aroma and flavor (strangely enough for an IPA). Leaves my throat kind of 'scratchy'.

Jabah (2479) - Fairfax, Virginia, USA - OCT 16, 2019
UPDATED: OCT 16, 2019 One of the first craft IPAs I sampled. Must have been around 1999-2000. Don't really recall how it compares to the recent one, which I just sampled last week. Seemed kind of mass produced on both occasions...with about average quality for the style. At the time was one of the better choices...not so much nowadays.

Tjeerd (765) - GERMANY - JUL 14, 2016
Lovely label. Good beer. Ipa like an an ipa should be. Mouthfeel could be better. Aftertaste a bit too alcoholic imo.

rouhlas (5549) - Thessaloniki, GREECE - JUL 30, 2015
From old notes. 330ml bottle. Light unclear golden orange color with off white head. Malty and hoppy aroma, caramel, citrusy fruity, light pine. Sweet and bitter taste like aroma. Medium oily body with soft carbonation.alcohol,

willisread (6518) - Farmington Hills, Michigan, USA - MAY 10, 2015
Old rating. Bottle from Old Town. Pours a copper color with an off-white head. Aromas of floral hops, citrus and some malt. Taste is fairly well-balanced if not boring. British style IPA for sure.

BierMeHoos (804) - Maryland, USA - OCT 3, 2014
From an old bottle. Pours amber with white head. Aroma is light malty with hoppy aroma. Flavor is malty, some hoppy. Pretty good.

danielyabu (2248) - União da Vitória, BRAZIL - DEC 21, 2013
average white frothy head. translucent thick dark yellow body. fair lacing. mostly diminishing. aroma: orange, flowers, heavy hoppy, honey, caramel. if: light bitter moderate sweet. ff: moderate bitter sweet; long duration. palate: light body, lively carbonation, watery texture, metallic finish. average, nothing special. R$40. 60s

Beerhammaren (1851) - Jyväskylä, FINLAND - SEP 12, 2013
.35l bottle @ Vihreä Haltiatar Pours clear golden with low head. Leaves lacing. Aroma is hops, yeast, malts and dried fruits. Flavor is hops, malts and fruits. Some yeast.

jensgam (159) - , DENMARK - SEP 7, 2013
Bottle. Pours amber with white head. Aroma is light malty with spizy hoppy aroma. Flavour is malty with bready caracter, some citruzy hop caracter.

skoisirius (1908) - Earth, Washington, USA - AUG 23, 2013
Obviously been a minute, but I don’t remember this being so different than the newer version, so here’s the same rating: Well balanced well hopped single IPA. Nothing special here, just a good drinking brew, especially in summer!

adavis234 (290) - Charleston, South Carolina, USA - JUL 12, 2011
This rating is a memory of the old brew. I’ve always been a fan of Flying Dog (and have also long been a fan of IPAs) and remember being very excited to try this years ago. The result was not what I had expected and was a huge disappointment. Having had the newer brew on numerous occasions I have to say it is much more like what I expected out of a flying dog IPA when I first had this a long time ago.

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