RATINGS: 1843   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.77/5   SEASONAL: Spring   IBU: 50   EST. CALORIES: 294   ABV: 9.8%
This Old Ale conjures up thoughts of classic sea fairing ports, there local pubs and the weathered fisherman that frequent them. In traditional style Curmudgeon is brewed with an intense focus on the malt bill creating a very strong, rich, malty characteristic and a sweetness indicative of its cousin the barleywine. We are especially proud of the balance in this beer making it deceptively smooth and drinkable at 9.8% alcohol by volume.
Editor’s Note - The 2006 bottled version has been aged in bourbon barrels.

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Cunningham (12125) - Halden, NORWAY - AUG 31, 2020
UPDATED: AUG 31, 2020 Lovely tasty evening sipper this one Clear deep amber in the glass with a fine head Good lacing. Looks nice and inviting Pleasant intensity in the aroma Balanced fine sweetness and a mellow fine carbonation level Easy to drink this one Dried fruits, nutty, some spices, toffee, oak and a solid nice malty backbone Yummi [Bottle from Systembolaget in Sweden]

cfrancis (4577) - Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA - JUN 17, 2020
UPDATED: JUN 17, 2020 Pours dark brown with a small white top. Aroma is sweet maltiness, raisin, molasses. Taste is sweet mixture of purple fruit, molasses and raisin. Small boozy content but just an overall great sipper.

Stoutwhiskas (48) - - FEB 19, 2020
UPDATED: FEB 19, 2020 Bottle from The Freo Doctor. Does it get any better than this? Appearance: Light brown with a reddish hue. Roxky ivory head eventually leaves behind form lacing. Aroma: Dark fruit, molasses, booze and sherry. Right from the off there is a pleasant degree of oxidised character. A touch of vanilla and oak. Flavour: Similar to the aroma with plenty of molasses and toffee-ish malt and a toasty undertone. Oak and vanilla complement nicely. More gentle boozy warmth and sherry notes too. Finish: Lingering sherry-like character, perhaps even port like. Mouthfeel: Smooth and decadent with medium carbonation and medium-heavy bodied. Gorgeous!

LocalMuse25 (152) - Templestowe, AUSTRALIA - OCT 17, 2019
UPDATED: OCT 17, 2019 A nice old ale. Plenty of molasses, spices, dried fruit and tarty malt. Tiny bit on the sweet side, but that's not such a bad thing.

RoJo28 (554) - - JUL 15, 2019
UPDATED: JUL 15, 2019 Friendly enough, but right on the edge. It’s like your mate’s mate who’s good fun, but also deals the odd pill.

Cousin_Larry (1001) - - JUN 22, 2019
UPDATED: AUG 11, 2020 Sample at WOB Fest 2019. Pours dark brown with a small white head. Smells like raisins. Taste is sweet, mostly plums and raisins. High alcohol content is noticeable. Not a great drinking beer - more like an after-dinner sipper.

DraftDodger (5615) - Copenhagen, DENMARK - MAY 15, 2019
UPDATED: MAY 15, 2019 Copenhagegen 15/5 2019. 35,5 cl bottle from Meny, Østerfælled Torv, Kbh. Ø. Painting of old geezer on the label just ti’o underlige that this is indeed an very old ale. Pours murky mahogny with a red hue. Medium-sized off-white head. Settles as 1 cm thick layer of foam covering the surface. Moderate Lacing. Aroma is malty, sweet and boozy. In a dark and nice way. Fermented sweet fruits, caramel, Wood, brown sugar, sherry, chocolate. Medium carbonation. Medium thick, oily, tough, soft texture. Flavor is intensely sweet followed by a very light bitterness. Aftertaste is sweet with a strong presence of alcohol. Lingering. A very sweet and intense, ass-kicking Master work.

Jabah (2479) - Fairfax, Virginia, USA - APR 5, 2019
UPDATED: APR 5, 2019 9.8% ABV- I'd best describe this as an in-between their Dirty Bastard and Backwoods Bastard (minus the bourbon flavor). Maybe not as malty as the scotch ale, but has some flavor in there. A little bitter up front, but balanced out by sweet molasses and oak. Tastes a lot like a barleywine. Some bread and mild fruit flavors. I was given a single in a trade, but this is a beer I will look out for in the future.

Majek (1032) - Ząbki, POLAND - MAR 23, 2019
UPDATED: MAR 23, 2019 Clear amber colour with medium head. Quite intensive aroma of maple, malts and hint of wood. Taste is sweet and sticky, fully dominated by sweetness. Full body. Interesting, but only for sweet lovers.

piraat83 (155) - Rochester Hills, Michigan, USA - MAR 16, 2019
UPDATED: MAR 16, 2019 Pours amber with a thin white head. French toast, cola and licorice flavor. Gets a little smoother as I drink it. A bit too sweet for me. After drinking this I just want to try an old ale that wasn’t barrel aged with molasses.

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