RATINGS: 66   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.86/5   SEASONAL: Series   IBU: 25   EST. CALORIES: 330   ABV: 11%
There's a new sheriff in town - meet Highball Drifter, a barrel-aged sipper inspired by our favorite bourbon-based cocktails. The second entry in our Bottle Shop series, Highball Drifter presents aromatics of caramel and vanilla, dried fruit and spice while hints of cherry and bitter orange peel whisk you away like a tumbling tumbleweed. Call us old fashioned, but we think you're going to love it.

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smroush (493) - Michigan, USA - JAN 9, 2022
UPDATED: JAN 9, 2022 Aromas of bourbon, cherry, vanilla and cocktail bitters. Some alcohol burn. Not bad, though somehow the combination doesn't work that well for me. Maybe I'm just old fashion - doesn't seem like beer.

dnstone (5952) - Saarland, GERMANY - DEC 29, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 29, 2021 Pours a nice deep amber color with off white head. Bourbon, brown sugar, orange peel, and cherry aroma and taste. Well balanced flavor. Notes: bottle Dec ‘21

stevoj (12142) - Boise, Idaho, USA - DEC 29, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 29, 2021 12oz bottle from Hops & Bottles. Dark, clear brown, small, soapy beige head. Aroma is orange peel, whiskey. Taste is sweet, strong, distinct orange peel, malty. Tasty, too.

mzaar (6267) - Varberg, SWEDEN - DEC 21, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 21, 2021 Flaska. Klar mörkorangefärgad med ett medelstort beige skum. Dofter av apelsinmarmelad, vanilj, karamell och bourbon. Smakinslag av apelsinmarmelad, vanilj, karamell, läder, torkad frukt, körsbär och bourbon. Mot det söta hållet, liten beska. Oljig munkänsla.

LagerGuide122 (803) - - DEC 20, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 20, 2021 355ml bottle brewed in Michigan at 11%. Clear crimson ruby with an ample, good-duration ivory head. Vivid orange peel and flesh aroma, almost as if someone started peeling an orange right next to you, with a hint of candied doughy malt sweetness lurking beneath. Modest carbonation, intriguing body combining stickiness with light drying sharpness. Initial refreshing citrus rind hits you, then deep cookie dough and chocolate maltiness develops for some Terry's Chocolate Orange vibes and then hints of juicy raisin and leafy wood start to appear. Powerful bourbon vanilla and caramel in the long aftertaste. Wonderfully rich and lengthy flavour profile, with perhaps the most remarkable aspect of the beer being how simultaneously richly flavoured yet light and moreish it is. Founders proves they still have the magic that made them famous.

yngwie (20302) - Kristiansand, NORWAY - DEC 19, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 19, 2021 Bottle. A mostly clear one, amber in color, with a nice-looking beige head. Some lacing. The aroma has lots of orange, with alcohol, oak, bourbon, hints of cherry and vanilla, with a generic spice touch. It's full-bodied and quite warming on the palate, with quite a lot of boozyness in the flavor. Orange, cherry notes, almond hints, oak and bourbon flavor with a good dash of brown sugar. Quite bitter. Lasting finish. Rather intense this one, but with lots of good flaves. Nice to share. 211219

GoddamnNoise (722) - Pontevedra, SPAIN - DEC 19, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 19, 2021 355 ml. bottle @ home, served in a teku glass, bottled at: 2021/06/07, best before: unknown. Aroma: medium intensity aromas of orange, orange peel, hints of cherries, wood, toasted malts, bourbon, caramel malts, caramel, brown sugar, burnt caramel, burnt brown sugar. Appearance: brown to ruby color with light brown foam made of small bubbles, some of them grow over time to become medium sized ones. Medium to high head thickness, medium to high Brussels' lacing, very high retention, low to medium haziness. Taste: medium sweetness, low to medium bitterness, no sourness. Flavors of bourbon, cherries, orange, orange peel, citrus, toasted malts, caramel malts, caramel, brown sugar, hints of burnt caramel, burnt brown sugar, bread crust, vanilla, wood, cherry wood. Balance is toward the sweetness but it is not cloying. Mouthfeel: medium to full body, watery to oily texture, low carbonation, very long slightly sweet finish with low to medium sweetness and the aforementioned flavors. Alcohol is extremely well hidden and not noticeable in the aroma or flavor and only noticeable because of its strong mouth and throat warming. Astringency is not noticeable. Hop burn is not noticeable. Overall: very nice color, good looking, powerful aromas and flavors of cherries, orange, orange peel, citrus, toasted malts, tequila, wood, cherry wood, caramel malts, caramel, brown sugar, bread crust, burn caramel, burnt brown sugar. It seems imposible this beer has the ABV read on the label. Very tasty, balanced, enjoyable and with good mouthfeel. Very good.

ricardostercios (1454) - Castelló de la Plana, SPAIN - DEC 18, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 18, 2021 Color marrón claro, rojizo, turbia, casi opaca. Espuma marfil de más de un dedo de espesor y corta retención. Aroma intenso, caramelo, vainilla, miel, dátiles y uvas pasas, ligera barrica, whisky y notas cítricas, de piel de naranja y mermelada de naranja amarga, que se intensifican al atemperar hasta casi dominar el olfato. Sabor intenso, como en aroma pero más alcohólico y cítrico desde el primer trago, final largo de dulzor maltoso y azucarado elevado, posgusto alcohólico y ligeramente especiado, con un deje de raíz de regaliz. Textura casi oleosa. Carbonatación baja. Un gusto tremendo, equilibrada y reconfortante en días grises y fríos.

brnandersen (6409) - Copenhagen, DENMARK - DEC 17, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 17, 2021 355 ml bottle poured in to a Snifter. Clear deep red mahogany colour with a thin off-white head. Lovely colour. Sweet aroma with caramel malts, vanilla, dark dried fruits, cherry and spiced notes. Orange peel, liqourice and bourbon barrel. Taste is sweet. Full bodied. Sweet spiced fruity finish with lingering bourbon barrel. Slightly alcohol dense notes. Nice Winter Warmer.

fistrin (693) - Lleida, POLAND - DEC 13, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 13, 2021 Ampolla Hopt. Un altre curiosa i extrema ale de Founders. No deixa indiferent. Cervesa feta cocktail. Licorosa, punt brandy, taronja, vainilla, punt especiat... Molt bona

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