RATINGS: 34   MEAN: 3.26/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.23/5   EST. CALORIES: 240   ABV: 8%
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djd07 (26246) - Houston, Texas, USA - AUG 13, 2020
UPDATED: AUG 13, 2020 On tap at Big Texas Beer Fest. Pours a hazy yellow with thick white head. The aroma is yeast, floral, honey. Medium body, honey, yeast, banana, citrus, light finish, very good.

annunz123 (997) - Taunton, Massachusetts, USA - MAY 15, 2018
Caramel, bread, candy, and some Belgian funk in the aroma. More of the same in the flavor--pretty sweet but with a little tart funk and some drying alcohol in the finish. More like a Belgian blonde than a saison, but better than I expected.

achtungpv (345) - Austin, Texas, USA - MAY 5, 2018
Golden color with grass and mild malt on the nose. High alcohol is hidden well and is immensely drinkable. ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

brandon1989 (847) - Lewisville, Texas, USA - APR 1, 2018
Pours a hazy golden color with a frothy white head. The aroma is banana, yeast, some funk, and coriander. The flavor is more of the same.

dlihcsnatas (994) - Temple, Texas, USA - JAN 14, 2018
Got it in the CAN, but an interesting CAN. Like the chicken on it with the top that comes off, just says stick this up a chickens behind and smoke it. Anyways, for the beer in the funny CAN... Slightly hazy golden brew with head that hangs on forever. Has a banana, sugar cookie, dry bitterness thing going on. It's alright but still not really doing it for me. For the price, not worth it. Got three more of these CANs to go.

wombat23 (4235) - Austin, Texas, USA - NOV 18, 2017
12 oz. can. Hazy pale gold, white head. Aroma of coriander, Belgian yeast, mild fruitiness. Taste follows nose with honey notes, cereal, and spices. Banana notes. Okay.

rougeau13 (4486) - Katy, Texas, USA - SEP 15, 2017
Can. Hazy amber. Frothy off-white head. Aroma of banana, toast, and musty yeast. Sweet, a bit cloying, and yeasty. Medium bodied and fizzy.

omhper (33492) - Tyresö, SWEDEN - MAY 13, 2017
Canned. Clear golden, brief head. Aroma of coriander and citrus marmelade. Mid sweet with medium-full body and rounded mouthfeel. Marzipan and marmelade, lightly peppery. Fairly low bitterness. Solid.

Itzjerm (3950) - Taft, Tennessee, USA - MAY 10, 2017
A nice earthy yeasty saision. Nice flavors refreshing good body. No off flavors. Thin fading head. Average

AmEricanbrew (8281) - Oaklatx, Louisiana, USA - DEC 31, 2016
12oz can. Clear dark golden with lasting white foam. Honey, rye bread, herbal, saison yeast aromas. Medium bodied. Dry rye spicy, bready, spicy yeast, lightly sweet malt flavors---tangy finish___good.

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