RATINGS: 218   WEIGHTED AVG: 4.13/5   SEASONAL: Winter   EST. CALORIES: 420   ABV: 14%
Lovingly referred to by Fremonters as the B-BOMB, this bourbon barrel-aged edition of our winter ale has a warming spicy aroma and rich carmelly notes of bourbon, wood and vanilla added to dark roasty chocolatey malt flavors and subtle hopping.
2014 - 11%
2015 - 14%
2016 - 14%

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adster (1158) - HUNGARY - DEC 26, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 26, 2021 Karácsony második napján egy újabb, 2019-es évjáratú darabot emeltem ki a sajátkezűleg, önmagam számára beszerzett ajándékaim közül, a festői szépségű palackokat gyártó Fremont kínálatából, egy korábban már megismert winter ale személyében. Ez esetben kávé és fahéj emelte ki az ital egyébként is télies karakterét, amelynek kortyolása közben a körülmények is ideálisnak tűntek, a tegnap leesett havat a hőmérséklet maradandóvá tette, így járulva hozzá minden szereplő az ünnep utolsó napjának meghittségéhez. Bár ismerősek a sör jegyei: tölgyes, kakaós, vaníliás aromák karolnak egymásba, melyekhez leginkább ízében csatlakozik a fahéj finoman fűszeres és a kávé robusztus hangulatot árasztó karaktere, az ünnep öröme minden kortyot különlegesebbé tesz, bearanyozza a perceket, amik az egyébként sem mindennapi ital fogyasztása során telnek el. Bár minden napra juthatna belőlük!

ben4321 (9773) - Metuchen, New Jersey, USA - DEC 21, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 21, 2021 2019 Bottle from Tavour, 12/21/21. Pours a dark brown color with a medium brown head and moderate lace. Nice aroma of bourbon / vanilla, roasted coffee, cinnamon. All are nicely balanced. Boozy, but not too boozy. Not too sweet. Mildly bitter. Rich, flavorful, and quality. At 14% it is dangerous, but still enough of a sipper (and tasty both cold and closer to room temp), that it drinks great. B-Bonb is one of those beers I feel like I've been hearing about for many many years, and I think it lives up to the hype. Coffee and cinnamon work great with the base beer. Really nice stuff. 8/4/9/4/18

BEERGEEKRF777 (61) - SAMARA, RUSSIA - DEC 11, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 11, 2021 Цвет темно-коричневый. Пены нет. Первый нос явная корица, потом кофе, тона бурбона. Во вкусе корица, бурбон, кофе, бородинский хлеб, шоколад, зеленый перец. В послевкусии легкая приятная горочинка. Мировой класс.)

Stuu666 (24521) - Edinburgh, SCOTLAND - OCT 17, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 17, 2021 Bottle at home. Pours black, nose is chocolate, coffee, vanilla, caramel, hints of maple syrup, taste is bitter, roasted, coffee, chocolate, spice, bit thin and wishy washy.

MarcoDL (8408) - NETHERLANDS - SEP 18, 2021
UPDATED: SEP 18, 2021 Bottle at tasting. Aroma of cinnamon cookies, chocolate, caramel, malt, coconut and rich bourbon. Taste has rich cinnamon cookies, chocolate, malt, caramel, earthy coconut, ginger, earthy vanilla, bourbon and long spicey bourbony finish. Amazing.

Samuel214 (4202) - Örebro, SWEDEN - JUN 6, 2021
UPDATED: JUN 6, 2021 Flaska från Beer Republic, 2019. Bruntsvar med brunbeige krona. Kryddig, ganska skarp arom av kaffesump och kanel. Nästan lite aska. Torrare, mellanstor kropp. Väldigt skarp kanel och kaffe även i smaken, tillsammans med anis, fat och choklad. Nästan lite svårt att känna grundölen för smaksättningen. Kanelen ger en kanske lite väl torr och stram känsla.

Guaro (288) - Ello, ITALY - APR 17, 2021
UPDATED: APR 17, 2021 Aspetto: impenetrabile color mogano scuro tendente al nero, schiuma cremosa color beige dalla ottima persistenza. Impeccabile. Olfatto : cannella, caramello, cioccolato, caffè, cuoio, vaniglia, legno, bourbon. Eleganza ed equilibrio. Gusto: melassa e caramello, cioccolato, cannella, note torrefatte di caffè e malto, vaniglia, sentori di legno, cuoio, tabacco, bourbon. Retrogusto di dolce natalizio al cioccolato e caffè spolverato di cannella. Sensazione: la cannella piacevolmente pizzica una bevuta rotonda e vellutata costantemente abbracciata da un gentile calore etilico di bourbon. Un disarmante equilibrio tra dolcezza ed amaricatura. Un affinamento in botti elegantissimo. Corpo: pieno ma non ingombrante ne masticabile, rotondo e morbido, carbonazione media e fine.

Werckmeister (6298) - Vienna, AUSTRIA - MAR 21, 2021
UPDATED: MAR 21, 2021 0,66l bottle at Saeglopurs shared by me. Vintage 2019. black color, small coffee colored head. smells herbal, coffee, cinnamon, spices, very nice smell. full body, light carbonation. tastes of coffee, vanill, cinnamon, bit boozy, lightly herbal, marzipan, nutty, bourbon. finishes lightly sweet with notes of cinnamon, bourbon and vanilla notes. very nice one, but a bit on the herbal side, did not age that well, expected a bit more to be honest.

Saeglopur (3713) - Vienna, AUSTRIA - MAR 21, 2021
UPDATED: MAR 21, 2021 650 ml waxed bottle, 2019vintage, shared by Werckmeister, thanks! Dark brown body, with a medium, creamy, dak beige head. Aroma with lots of cinnamon, coffee, dark chocolate, cocoa powder, tobacco, some dark fruits, some bourbon, some vanilla. Tastes quite similar, with some more burn notes, some booze. Medium, quite creamy mouthfeel, with an average carbonation. Finishes boozy, spicy, burnt, roasty, with tobacco, cocoa powder, cinnamon, coffee, some liquorice. Very nice, while I was expecting a bit more. Some burnt notes in the taste that disturb the balance a bit. Otherweise really nice cinnamon and roasty notes. A bit on the boozy side, but not too overwhelming. Nice sipper. Score: 8 / 4 / 7 / 4 / 16

GregMooreNH (6520) - Bedford, New Hampshire, USA - JAN 28, 2021
UPDATED: JAN 28, 2021 Pours black with thin, tan head. Aroma is bourbon, dried fruit, cinnamon, coffee and roast. Taste is fig, toffee and cinnamon, moving to coffee, roast and wood. Finish is fig, cinnamon, coffee and bourbon. Smooth stout.

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