RATINGS: 282   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.13/5   SEASONAL: Special   IBU: 32   EST. CALORIES: 192   ABV: 6.4%
Full Sail LTD Series LTD means Limited Edition. But around here it means something even more: Live The Dream. And in celebration of our 21st birthday we’re doing something every brewer dreams of: Concocting an ever-changing series of small batch beers, available for a limited time only. Each new LTD Series brew will showcase an original lager recipe, pimped out by our ace crew of libationary wunderkinds. Bottling No. 02: A light-bodied, nonetheless hella good limited edition lager courtesy of the mad skills of the Full Sail crew. Crisp. Golden. Ultra drinkable. Totally LTD. Look for it Summer 2007. http://www.fullsailbrewing.com/pu_ltd02.cfm

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Bitterbill (2959) - Casper, Wyoming, USA - OCT 26, 2017
From Jul 2007 Purchased as part of a mixed 6 Pack at Wilbur's in Ft Collins. This pours from 12oz bottle(best by 091407) a hazy orange-gold with a small head of foam. It doesn't take long for it to shrink to just some spotting and there's almost no lacing. The smell is very malty. I note some caramel and some grain. The taste is pretty flavourful. I'm getting some sweet malt and grain with some floral hop pungency with a dash of earthy tones that grows in presence, especially about midway through. The finish has a touch of hop bitterness to it and all in all, this is a very drinkable Lager. I like it.

slowrunner77 (19086) - Reno, Nevada, USA - OCT 1, 2014
"eh. decently balanced beer with some biscuit malt and light floral hopping. pretty light on the palate, and the aroma. another food beer or summer beer. not worth the trouble otherwise.

OKplus (788) - Oklahoma, USA - FEB 17, 2013
A - Pours a clear dark gold with amber sparkles. Nice head with average lacing. S - Heavy mineral/metallic smell, malty nonetheless, some citrus notes, pineapple, some light wheat. T - Mineral malt, slightly sweet with caramel, mango, steady grain runs through as well as a sweet gentle citrus hoppiness in the finish. Heavy mineral and mango flavors running through this beer. A strange but fun beer to enjoy. Serving type: bottle 08-13-2010

Tabednar (139) - - JUN 23, 2012
Very well done but not as good as the one to follow. I felt the flavors and palate much more complex and enjoyable on the LTD 03.

maniac (3801) - Baltimore, Maryland, USA - JUL 12, 2011
Bottle on 12/13/2010 from the World Beer Festival - Richmond. Clear light amber body with a small frothy off-white head. Sweet bready and light malt aroma. Sweet honey and bready flavor, light caramel. Medium body with moderate carbonation.

ThaJuggernaut (309) - Washington, USA - MAY 25, 2011
Very easy to drink. Golden color with medium head. Full crisp taste. Easily enjoyed

SDalkoholic (2459) - San Diego, California, USA - FEB 5, 2011
Bottle from Bobar Liquor: Created a thin layer of head which eventually retreated to a shape of an O shaped ring while the liquid was a clear golden blonde color. In the aroma there is a sweet scent of malts that smell a lot like corn. The flavor is bland with a minor taste of sweet malt liquor like malts and grassy hay hops which is clear to me that this 6 pack is way past its prime, but it has held up rather nicely in its year on the shelf.

beerandIT (300) - Richmond, Virginia, USA - JUL 19, 2010
From a bottle on the 19th of July, 2010. Light body on the pour with a nice amount of carbonation. Light mouth feel. Strong malts in the palate, very sweet in fact almost tasting like caramel. I smell caramel and sweet malts. Not really much going on in the hop front that I can tell. Nice little beer though and definitely great for the summer. My first beer from Full Sail. I will try more of their stuff.

Drake (18900) - Appleton, Wisconsin, USA - JUN 29, 2010
12 ounce bottle from Whole Foods Market, Charlottesville, VA. Rated 4/16/10. Pours a clear golden color with a medium size dense white head. Decent head retention and lacing. Aroma of pale malts and grassy hop notes. The taste is caramel and toasted malts... just to my liking. An apple-like note and a faintly grassy hop finish. Medium bodied. I like this one.

foosnbrews (145) - Parker, Colorado, USA - JUN 17, 2010
Clean malty, slightly bready aroma. Beer poors crystal clear pale golden with lots of bubbles and a small white head. Flavor has a nice bitter bite that is exsentuated by the carbonation. Malt is present but not a key contributer to flavor. Palate is perfect. Overall the beer is great and something great for hot summer days.

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