RATINGS: 401   WEIGHTED AVG: 4.04/5   SEASONAL: Special   IBU: 35   EST. CALORIES: 192   ABV: 6.4%
Coffee Porter.
Evoking a complete diner-style breakfast in a glass, Maple Bacon Coffee Porter is a complex beer with a multitude of flavors at play. It pours an opaque ebony brew with a frothy tan head. Aromas of sticky maple syrup, coffee, and cream creep forth from the glass. The mouth feel is luxuriously creamy, with layers of sweet malt, toffee, and roast giving way to waves of smoke, coffee, and salted chocolate. It finishes sticky, rich, and sweet, with the flavor of maple syrup lingering pleasantly on the tongue.

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AshtonMcCobb (12461) - Edinburgh, SCOTLAND - AUG 30, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 30, 2021 Bottle shared by cgarvieuk. Appearance - deep black with a fawn head. Nose - syrup and chocolate mainly. A hint of coffee but looks like the bacon aspect has faded. Taste - again syrup and chocolate dominant. Some coffee. Palate - medium bodied and creamy textured. Light roast. Overall - very nice.

jw0406 (1758) - atlanta, Georgia, USA - JUN 20, 2021
UPDATED: JUN 20, 2021 22 oz bottle pours a dark brow color with a small tan head. Aromas of maple, molasses, dark fruits. Full bodied, heavy, an interesting beer

Arbitrage411 (73) - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA - APR 26, 2021
UPDATED: JUL 19, 2021 Beige head with infinite myriad of bubbles. Opaque brown to black body of fluid in the glass. Think milkshake head along with aroma of pancake (maple syrup). The real thing flavor. Chocolate like taste. Not as sweet but delivers same to the taste buds. None of an hoppy suggestion sneaks through the glass. Another healthy sip reveals dark fruits, date? Raisin or a blackish banana here was put into making a sugary creation. On the sweet side, different but does not deter - this beer is a keeper.

nick76 (4540) - Tampa, Florida, USA - APR 11, 2021
UPDATED: APR 11, 2021 The aroma is rich with coffee roasted malt bacon and chocolate milk and a good bit of maple bacon. The appearance is dark brown with a big head that fades fast. The taste is like the aroma. The palate is typical for the style but a tad thin. Overall it's a very good beer.

tennisjoel (1933) - Rochester, Minnesota, USA - MAR 26, 2021
UPDATED: MAR 26, 2021 12 oz pour picked up from Corner Store in West Palm Beach, FL. Dark brown pour with a thinnish off white head. Aromas of maple, coffee, bacon, molasses, cream. Flavor very much mimics the nose. Slight smokiness from the bacon. This is quite delicious. Didn't know what to expect since some of these gimmicky type beers can be quite over the top. Really enjoying this.

AnokaBrewer (673) - Anoka, Minnesota, USA - FEB 28, 2021
UPDATED: FEB 28, 2021 Black pour with a tan head. Coffee and maple aroma. Initial taste is maple with a hint of coffee. Letting it warm up and I still do not get any bacon flavor.

OsuStu (495) - - FEB 13, 2021
UPDATED: FEB 13, 2021 22 oz bottle brought back from Tampa. Split with my wife. Black coffee pour with a short tan head. Significant maple syrup butterscotch aroma with coffee, cookie, and a little soy sauce. Creamy coffee with maple syrup, vanilla. Light smoke.

tfontana (3801) - Fremont, New Hampshire, USA - DEC 14, 2020
UPDATED: DEC 14, 2020 Bottle (bottled 1/21/19) pour from trade with Chalumeaux--thanks, TJ! Appearance is very, very dark brown--virtually opaque black--with lots of sparkle at the edges of the glass, crackling, fizzy, finger-width light brown head and no lacing. Aroma is strong coffee, maple, dark chocolate, vanilla, light bacon. Taste is strong coffee, maple, roasted malt, vanilla, creamy chocolate and mild bacon. Mouthfeel is light-to-medium bodied with smooth, creamy texture, soft carbonation but with late lively sting to the tip of the tongue (diminishes as it warms), and finish as taste. Overall, good deal of complexity with strong flavors. A bummer that the bacon has faded but pleased the coffee is hanging in there after 23 months.

DialSquare (5859) - Columbus, Ohio, USA - MAR 8, 2020
UPDATED: MAR 8, 2020 2017 bottle I've had for couple years now, bomber brought back from tampa. definitely captures the maple donut. coffee, roasty late. thin creamy palate. clean cocoa bitter finish.

lavaaaron (2245) - - FEB 17, 2020
UPDATED: FEB 17, 2020 Bottle pour, almost black. Aroma of Smokey bacon dipped in maple. Lightly sweet, distinct bacon note, maple and vanilla. Good that this is a porter because it’s more drinkable than a stout.

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