Grassroots Arctic Soirée

RATINGS: 307   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.68/5   IBU: 40   EST. CALORIES: 180   ABV: 6%
Ale fermented and aged in oak tanks with Brettanomyces, lime juice and hibiscus.

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davidezdonz (1514) - Hong Kong, HONG KONG - OCT 21, 2019
UPDATED: OCT 21, 2019 A corked and caged 750ml bottle, Batch #1, bottled in November 2013. Poured into a 3 Fonteinen stemmed glass. It was a lightly hazy golden orange colour with a thin white head that dissipated fairly quickly and left only some sparse lacing. Aromas of light to moderate funk, lime, lemon peel, floral, tea and oak. Tastes funky, light tartness, lime, stone fruit, citrus, lemon peel, tea and a touch floral. Light to medium bodied with moderate carbonation. Overall, the flavours didn’t really work for me. The lime seemed to overpower everything even the brett, and floral notes are not my favourite so it didn’t help balance it either. Not as complex or tasty as Arctic Saison.

GRM (6280) - Aylmer, Quebec, CANADA - SEP 22, 2018
Brown bottle, 750 ml, savoured on September 15 2017; eye: peach with a milky hue, hazy, ring of off-white head, slight lacing; nose: acidity, fresh, floral, tea, fruity, light alcohol; mouth: acidity, fresh, floral, tea, fruity, light alcohol, fruity finale with light presence of water, medium body, good carbonation, slick texture; overall: fine

Bouteille brune, 750 ml, savourée le 15 septembre 2017; œil : pêche avec une teinte laiteuse, trouble, anneau de mousse blanc cassé, très légère dentelle; nez : acidité, frais, floral, thé, fruité, léger alcool; bouche : acidité, frais, floral, thé, fruité, léger alcool, finale fruitée avec légère présence d’eau, corps moyen, bonne carbonatation, texture coulante; en résumé : bien

DSG (22780) - Tel Aviv, ISRAEL - FEB 27, 2018
Bottle sample at a tasting at Max's place. Thanks troubles. Clear golden. Great funky aroma, fruitiness, minerals, earth, oak, citrus, flowers. Dry, slightly tart flavor, a bit spicy, citric, funky, oaky, floral, bitter finish, medium-bodied. Very good.

fiulijn (27110) - Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA - DEC 14, 2017
Bottle at Black Christmas 2017
Cloudy golden. The aroma is mildly fruity. It's undercarbonated, with hints of pear and hibiscus, not very complex. But good.

Sledutah (10025) - Utah, USA - DEC 9, 2017
Bottle at Mikeys Christmas party, thanks to Mike
Pours cloudy light golden with a small white head. Straw, barnyard and zesty

beerplace (6389) - Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA - DEC 9, 2017
A pour from the bottle (from ES) on Black Christmas V. Batch #1, Nov-2013. Pours a hazy golden with a white head. Aroma is flowery, fruity and bit funky. Similar taste. Not overwhelming bretts. Nice!

wombat23 (4235) - Austin, Texas, USA - OCT 9, 2017
Bottle. 2015 version. Batch 2. Pours a hazy pale gold hue with a white head. Aroma is lime, brett, funk. Taste is lime, hibiscus, funk, barnyard, yeast, oak. Moderate to high carbonation. Finish is funky, lightly acidic, tart fruit. Exceptional.

darbeer75 (1301) - Round Rock, Texas, USA - OCT 9, 2017
Aroma: fruity and funky; good; Appearance: cloudy brown-orange pour with thin white head; Taste: sweeter than expected with bitter finish instead of sour; Palate: light bodied with long, bitter finish; Overall: refreshing even with sweetness; would definitely get again.

Boutip (8358) - Gatineau, Quebec, CANADA - OCT 8, 2017
Bottle: Poured a hazy yellow color ale with a nice large foamy head. Aroma of tart notes with light funky ester. Taste is a mix of tart notes with funky Brett notes and easily distinguishable lime notes. Body is about average with good carbonation. Interesting mix of lime and Brett notes with some complexities.

rejtable (3928) - Ontario, CANADA - SEP 17, 2017
Batch 1 bottle from Ian. Pours clear orange with lots of head and lacing. Nose is fruity, lemon. Flavours of mango, lemon. Taste light bitter, light sweet. Medium body with lively carbonation.

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