RATINGS: 142   WEIGHTED AVG: 4.03/5   IBU: 60   EST. CALORIES: 330   ABV: 11%
Double Stack is our Imperial Breakfast Stout fermented with an irresponsible amount of maple syrup & aged on whole bean Sumatra from our friends at Clutch Coffee.

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Reid (3322) - Salem, Oregon, USA - MAR 26, 2021
UPDATED: MAR 26, 2021 16 oz can dated 01/06/2021 Oh Holy Father the aroma as i cracked this open! Natural maple syrup, pancakes, honey and sweet coffee. Wow. And it aint a bad looker either. Black body and beautiful inch thick creamy tan head. Taste not as sweet as one ( me) would expect but it has all the taste profile of a down home old style diner pancake feed. Mouth feel is thick and silky. Not one to have multiples off. Great beer for the style

DenverLogan (2900) - Burien, Washington, USA - NOV 7, 2020
UPDATED: NOV 7, 2020 On tap at the Great Notion taproom in Georgetown (Seattle). Listed here as Double Stack Double Pastry at 11%, I'll assume it's the same or similar brew. Overall big, bold, rich, sweet, flavorful with perhaps a touch of lactose. Overall quite nice.

alexsdad06 (16451) - West Chester, Ohio, USA - MAR 15, 2020
UPDATED: MAR 15, 2020 16 oz. can at Listermann during a release, from notes. Pours a dark cola brown color with no head. The aroma and flavor have roasted malts, maple syrup, coffee, chocolate, pancakes, it is crazy how much this is liquid breakfast in a can.

johnnnniee (6326) - Bedford, New Hampshire, USA - MAR 1, 2020
UPDATED: MAR 1, 2020 Draft sample at The Extreme Beer Fest Boston February first twenty twenty.

Gerbeer (5947) - Nanoose Bay, British Columbia, CANADA - JAN 26, 2020
UPDATED: JAN 26, 2020 On tap. Pours black with moderate head. Aromas of chocolate and maple syrup. Flavors follow same with additional rich oily roasted malts, vanilla and a little coconut

Thisis12ptfont (2663) - Los Angeles, CA, California, USA - DEC 31, 2019
UPDATED: DEC 31, 2019 Big bold maple syrup tree bark roasted malts chocolate roasted barley sweet honey alcohol sugars roasted bread brioche French toast sugared caramel brittle toffee coffee cappuccino licorice and star anise.

vcsa (341) - - DEC 19, 2019
UPDATED: DEC 19, 2019 Appearance: Pours opaque black with a generous frothy creamy brown head, with lacing. 外观:黑色,浑浊。丰富、多孔却又细腻的棕色泡沫,有挂杯。 4/5 Aroma: Ground coffee, roasted malt, smoke, cocoa, caramel, maple syrup and chocolate, with slight notes of soy sauce. 气味:咖啡粉、烤麦芽、烟熏、可可、焦糖、枫糖浆和巧克力,伴随着轻微的酱油味。 8/10 Savory soy sauce with chocolate and roasted malt, suitably coffee and maple syrup, rich, powerful and balanced. Pleasant acidity. Finish is bittersweet chocolate and roasted malt with dried fruits. 味道:咸鲜的酱油味伴随着巧克力和烘烤麦芽,再加上恰到好处的咖啡和枫糖,浓郁、强劲而平 Full bodied, moderate carbonated. Oily texture, smooth palate. 口感:酒体饱满,杀口感适中。质地油润,口感顺滑。 5/5 Overall This is a savory and classic soy sauce, totaly different from Stacks of Coconut. A must-drink for stout drinkers. 这是一支美味而经典的酱油,跟椰子堆叠完全两码事。世涛爱好者必喝。 17/20

piwnanuta (1051) - Warsaw, POLAND - DEC 10, 2019
UPDATED: DEC 10, 2019 pite jakiś czas temu. uzupełnienie profilu. Ocena przepisana z utpd. Miłego dnia.

ajnepple (12995) - Lakewood, CO, Colorado, USA - OCT 7, 2019
UPDATED: OCT 7, 2019 Black appearance with a light brown head. Alluring aroma of espresso, maple syrup, chocolate malt and light roast. Similar flavor, rich, strong, sweet and smooth with light bitterness. Medium to full body with a soft feel and a lingering coffee/maple finish. Excellent.

Cybercat (10436) - Atlanta, Georgia, USA - AUG 31, 2019
UPDATED: AUG 31, 2019 Pours dark chocolate with a good golden tan head. Aroma yields roast malt, maple, smoky and woody hop notes. Flavor features chocolate, maple syrup, roast malt and woody hop notes. Texture offers good body and fizz. Double your pleasure, double your beer!

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