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RATINGS: 1308   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.72/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 276   ABV: 9.2%
Le Freak is a modern ale created by converging two beer styles, Belgian Trippel and American Imperial IPA. The use of two yeast strains further marries the styles and American hops give the beer its modern flare.

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Cheeseboard (2971) - Somerset, ENGLAND - JAN 7, 2022
UPDATED: JAN 7, 2022 Bottle at Brewdog, Birmingham, sampled April 2017. Pours light hazy, dark gold/amber with a cream head. Aroma: malty & hoppy with honey hints. Taste: robust, complex malty & hoppy with notes of orange, coriander. Warming, bittersweet finish. Medium body with frothy carbonation. Decent.

Beese (12774) - Tooting, London, Greater London, ENGLAND - SEP 22, 2020
UPDATED: SEP 22, 2020 Keg at The Rake, Borough Market on 12/01/2011. Really nice. The Belgian esters really dance on the nose and mix very well with the west coast hops. Great melding of fruity, piney, citrus and grainy flavours.

nickel (1683) - UKRAINE - JAN 26, 2019
UPDATED: JAN 26, 2019 Aroma: malt, yeast, tropical fruits. Taste: pineapple, banana, malt and hints of grass. Good mix.

Concealer (1555) - Denver, Colorado, USA - JUN 23, 2018
UPDATED: JUN 23, 2018 Bottle. Cloudy gold with a large, thick off white hear that lasts and laces a lot. Aromas spice, pine, banana, biscuit, light grapefruit. Flavor is the same, plenty of Belgium spice, yeast, banana with some pine and citrus as well. Medium bodied, smooth with a spice and dry finish. Highly drinkable for 9%

Cokemonkey11 (1755) - - JUN 14, 2018
Big huge bottle from Burmondsey bottle shop. Medium pale golden with a big white Belgian ale head. Scent is somewhat mild Belgian yeast and bittering hops. Taste is lovely Belgian blonde ale, generously and continuously hopped for gorgeous bitering and mature flavors - pepper, mango, caramel. Residing flavors of Belgian ale yeast including some peppery saison like qualities. Herbal. Excellent.

cmacklin (3166) - Lethbridge, Alberta, CANADA - MAY 1, 2018
On tap. Pours a slightly hazy medium orange with a small, creamy, short lived, off-white head that leaves spotty lacing. Sweet aroma of bready malt, caramel, orange, grapefruit, pineapple, coriander and funky yeast. Sweet flavour of pale malt, caramel, orange, grapefruit, peach, pineapple, coriander, pepper and earthy yeast with a dry, bitter grass finish. Medium body with an oily texture and soft carbonation. A solid hybrid.

J_man (1166) - Tustin, California, USA - APR 3, 2018
Grassy hop aroma with a little citrus on the side. Crystal clear golden medium yellow with a billowing white head. Pineapple sweetness hits first with a little taste of orange. Then a full on Saison flavor comes bursting in with hay, coriander and a touch of lemon. Nice alcohol bite that cuts through the sweetness and keeps things nice and balanced. A full malt body and tastes develops that adds a lot to the mouthfeel and flavor. Finishes sweet and dry with a little residual earthy bitterness. Very interesting combination of styles done in an excellent way.

Pipelori (8) - - MAR 12, 2018 does not count
UPDATED: MAR 12, 2018 Color dorado oscuro turbio con espuma beige de burbuja muy fina y tersa. Aroma dulce a frutas tropicales, estrés moderados y notas a resinas. Sabor muy balanceado comenzando por dulzor a maltas y ligero caramelo, acompañado de amargor frutal, resinoso. Cuerpo medio-robusto con sensación cálida. Regusto seco sin ser molesto. Magnífica

Bricks (1316) - Delaware, USA - DEC 26, 2017
Earthy malty IPA at first taste, but then some Belgian on the back... good, not great.

Cavie (5952) - Arlington, Texas, USA - DEC 2, 2017
Retired? Bottle off the store shelf. Hazy appearance. Some sediment. Tiny bubbles. Some citrus and spicy notes in the aroma. Very dry, hoppy flavor. Spicy notes, fruit, grass. Malt backbone but subdued. Yeast character comes through as fruity esters. Alcohol is hidden but a slight warmth.

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