RATINGS: 168   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.3/5   SEASONAL: Autumn   EST. CALORIES: 180   ABV: 6%
Technically speaking, this ale can be described as an Extra Special Bitter. What that really means is that more of everything that goes into our bitter is added to the Halloween Ale -- more imported barley and more fresh Goldings hops from East Kent in England. This strong ale is also given some extra time in the conditioning tank, allowing it to mellow considerably.

12 oz. version, which is filtered, is brewed at Shipyard Brewing in Portland; 22 oz. version, which is not filtered and only sold locally, is brewed at Gritty McDuff’s in Freeport

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Drake (18900) - Appleton, Wisconsin, USA - OCT 5, 2015
LSAT Freedom Trip #51. Keg at the Auburn location. Clear dark amber, medium sized fizzy off-white head, good retention. Aroma of toffee, caramel, spicy hops. The taste is toffee, caramel, dark fruit. Medium bodied, moderate carbonation.

DiarmaidBHK (7594) - Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, USA - OCT 3, 2015
Sample at brewpub. Pours copper with a white head. Leaves trace lacing in glass. Not getting a lot on the nose. A bit fruity on the tongue which might be from its extra slight hoppiness. Finished clean. Eh! ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

Scopey (21884) - Oldmeldrum, SCOTLAND - SEP 23, 2015
Tap at Becky’s Diner. It pours clear deep red - brown with a small white head. The nose is toasty, bitter - sweet, caramel, pie and wood. The taste is bitter - sweet, woody, dark caramel, leather, soft pumpkin pie, toasty brown sugar and leather with a dry finish. Medium body and moderate carbonation. Quite a nice bitter - sweet balance. Not too shabby.

johnnnniee (6326) - Bedford, New Hampshire, USA - DEC 12, 2014
Bottle from Harvest Market Pours a deep amber/copper color with a good sized off white head that persists for quite a while. Aromas of rich caramel malt with a bit of a mineral/sulfur edge, light earthy hop aroma. The flavor is rich caramelized malt sugars with lots of toffee. Light fruit, earthy hop, light mineral flavor. Medium body moderate carbonation. Decent brew.

two7offsuit (448) - Massachusetts, USA - NOV 29, 2014
Pours Amber/brown with an off white head. Aroma of malt and spice. Flavor hints at malt with a bitter finish.

Ed5388 (3488) - Forked River, New Jersey, USA - NOV 6, 2014
12oz bottle from Lacey Spirits. Pours a clear dark Amber color with a finger of frothy off white head. Aroma of caramel malt, hints of citrus skins, and cheese. Taste is better then the aroma. Toasted grain, roasted Amber malts, rotted citrus bitterness, and yeast.

GIJOE (1269) - North Berwick, Maine, USA - OCT 18, 2014
Pours dark brown with a frothy tan head that stays. Nose is malty with a hint of pumpkin and spice. Taste is balanced, nice hop bite in the aftertaste. Medium body. Lively carbonation. Tasty brew. ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

Beerdedone (4044) - Croydon, Pennsylvania, USA - MAY 10, 2014
Bottle. Pours dark amber with a thin tan head. Aroma of caramel and spices. Flavor was lightly sweet with caramel, bread, earth, mild spices and had a slightly bitter finish.

Bulk_Carrier (6064) - Vermont, USA - APR 16, 2014
Reviewed from notes. The appearance was a burnt brown colored body and gave a small off white/brown head. Some haunting lacing slowly slid down the glass as the beer went down. The smell had slight caramel and apples with a bit of a woody yeast and earthy hops to it too. The taste was sweet through caramel, light ginger, and apples, mainly an cooked apple aftertaste, hops once the beer warms a bit. On the palate, it sat at/about a medium, sessionable, yeasty finish with some light hops in that. Overall, full-flavored beer that I used to drink when I lived in Maine.

Berard (639) - Salem, New Hampshire, USA - OCT 27, 2013
Draft. Pours medium brown with white head that dissipates. Light carbonation mild caramel aroma. Caramel up front with mild spices and brown ale like flavors. Has mild hop flavor and very slight pumpkin taste. ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

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