Brewed by Paulaner Brauerei
Style: Märzen / Oktoberfest Bier
München, Germany
Serve in Dimpled mug, Stein


on tap

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RATINGS: 1359   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.37/5   SEASONAL: Autumn   EST. CALORIES: 174   ABV: 5.8%
Bavarian barley slow roasted, caramelized to a rich, red amber color combined with the purest spring waters from the Alps, exclusive yeast and the finest Hallertau hops.

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didierlewallon (362) - ponferrada, SPAIN - DEC 26, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 26, 2021 Cerveza de color Ámbar cristalino con una cabeza de espuma blanquecino con una buena retención. Aroma a malta tostada, caramelo y ligeros lúpulos herbáceos. Sabor equilibrado a caramelo y malta tostada y lúpulo. El regusto es ligeramente a pan. Cuerpo medio, carbonatación media con un final seco. En general, esta Oktoberfest esta muy bueno, muy equilibrado y muy suave al beber, muy bien hecho.

Rex_Remes (647) - Bonyhad, HUNGARY - DEC 25, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 25, 2021 (500ml pop top bottle, Berlin. 25 Dec 2021) AROMA: nice malt, some sweetness, brown sugar, dried stonefruit or dates, some herbalness, slight mediciney, leather, shoe polish APPEARANCE: brownish amber, clear, a bit opaque, off white head with residual film, TASTE: malt, grainy wort, slightly sweet, figs, fresh wheat/barley, some roast and toast, easy hops and bitterness, touches of caramel/chocolate PALATE: lighter in feel than the color, medium-ish body, quickly stringent upfront, creamy fluid center, bit earthy with light dryness inside cheeks on the finish OVERALL: pretty good beer. really nice nose, not super complex in flavors but well placed and balanced, a bit wishy washy in the middle but solid finish. Overall, a very good beer that is both interesting and quite drinkable.

PubTun33 (279) - London, Greater London, ENGLAND - DEC 23, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 23, 2021 Intro- 330ml capped dark glass bottle, best before 07/2022, served fridge cold into a stein Appearance- almost ruby copper colour, crystal clear, micro streams of carbonation, a nice frothy off white head Aroma- malty, lighter side of the dark breads, some bitterness, some very light caramel Taste- malty, bready, medium sweet, low bitter Palate- medium bodied, medium low bitter with longer sweet malt Overall- not a style I drink a lot of, but a very tasty marzen

MarcoDL (8408) - NETHERLANDS - DEC 21, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 21, 2021 Bottle. Amber-ish golden pour. Aroma of grainy malt, grassy bitters, lager yeast, herbs and caramel. Taste has creamy bitter herbs, grainy malt, grassy bitters, caramel, lager yeast and a bitter herbal finish. Nice.

ludos68 (182) - - DEC 7, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 7, 2021 Birra dal colore ramato chiaro sormontata da una bianca schiuma abbastanza persistente. Al naso è seducente con note lievemente fruttate, caramello, cereali tostati, lievito e frutta secca. In bocca è dolce con note di caramello biscotto lievi tostature che ci accompagnano per tutta la bevuta. Finale in cui si percepisce appenaun amaro erbaceo.

Gangstergafje (2697) - Capelle aan den IJssel, NETHERLANDS - NOV 27, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 27, 2021 27-11-2021; bottle; at home (bought at Saveur Bière, as part of their September 2021 discovery box). The looks of the beer are nice. It is a clear beer, with a nice amber colour and a lovely frothy white layer of foam. Foam retention is garage but a nice thick drape is left on the beer. Looks good. The beer has a nice aroma. The malts are pretty prominent. They give some biscuity aromas, but mainly some caramel and green. Hops give some nice herbal notes, but also some zest. There is a nice touch of lemon, quite fresh. The freshness of the hops goes well together with the crisp malts. Yeast gives some slight spicy notes. Quite nice! The taste of the beer is also quite nice. Bitter hops, sweet malts and quite an acidity from the malts in a citrus note. Quite nice! Well balanced. The mouthfeel is also quite nice. Medium body, smooth texture and a nice medium carbonation. The finish of the beer has a nice hoppy note, with quite a citrus note. All in all, a surprisingly fresh Märzen/Oktoberfest Bier. Lovely.

mkcmagico (1100) - Mezokövesd, HUNGARY - NOV 22, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 24, 2021 0,5 bottle. A klasszikus márkahű kinézet csatos üvegben és a címke is hagyományos. Szép bronzvörös színe van, habja is érdekes kicsit capuccino színű, nem túl tartós, de vékonyan megmarad. Nagyon finom illata van. Mazsolás, gyümölcsös, malátás, nyalókás :) Ír vörös ale-hez hasonló az íze, annyira nem testes, de épp nem is vizes. Karamelles, cukros , és sajnos kicsit savanykás ízvilág. Egyébként finom, jó sszomjoltó. Illata ahogy melegszik még jobb, konyakos, gyümölcsös, érdekes. *** The classic branded look in buckled glass and the label are also traditional. It has a nice bronze red color, its foam is also an interesting little cappuccino color, it is not very durable, but it remains thin. It smells very delicate. Raisins, fruity, malt, lollipop :) It tastes like Irish red ale, not so full-bodied, but not wet. Caramel, sugary, and unfortunately a bit sour taste. Otherwise delicious, good sedative. It smells even better as it warms up, cognacy, fruity, interesting.

ThreeCats (1210) - CZECH REPUBLIC - NOV 14, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 14, 2021 Nice clear copper color with a foamy head. Aroma grainy with light toast and caramel notes. Taste is light with caramel notes

Cantabrian (1211) - Christchurch NZ, now Brisbane, AUSTRALIA - NOV 13, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 13, 2021 Yes, this is better than the Paulaner, with a darker, more cloudy appearance and a more respectable, creamy off-white head. The aroma of caramel and again that juicy-fruit touch, almost like a Weizen. Flavour is still lacking, a bit more of a body, and overall another overrated beer - which certainly does not explain the wonders of Oktoberfest.

s3quin (711) - Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, ENGLAND - NOV 1, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 1, 2021 Aroma: Caramel, grain, bread. Clean. Appearance: Deep gold, amber, good white head. Crystal clear. Taste: Sweetish, low bitterness. Palate: Medium body, average carbonation. Overall: Good, well-executed Märzen.

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