RATINGS: 335   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.39/5   EST. CALORIES: 231   ABV: 7.7%
Lunacy is brewed exclusively with Belgian Pilsner malt, Styrian and English Goldings hops and freshly ground coriander. It begins its life with a long patient boil and is cast into the fermenter at 17.5 P. It then undergoes a vigorous fermentation and extended cold conditioning. After bottling, the beer receives an additional 2 week warm rest before it is released. This yields a surprisingly refreshing brew with spicy notes, sweet malt and subtle fruit.

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OldGrowth (3472) - the Containment Area, North Carolina, USA - FEB 1, 2013
bottle, no idea where this came form, Maybe Somerville Supersaver, maybe trade. good aroma, sweet. fig, oxidized but not fatally so. minor yeasty spice, coriander. clean brownish orange color, small head, faded quick, little to no lace. sweet flavor. Medium body, smooth creamy oily mouthfeel, bitter spiced finish, Well, call this bit old, buried in the fridge for too long. still respectable brew.

jtclockwork (21083) - , New Jersey, USA - MAY 11, 2010
Pours a nice brownish color with a generous creamy head. Very strong alcohol presence. I’ve had beers with double the abv that are smoother. Seems unfinished. Rated 11/17/2000

Acetobacter (815) - Pennsylvania, USA - MAY 11, 2009
Enjoyed from a wine glass via a 12oz bottle. Pours a nice medium to medium-light brown. Aromas of apple come through first in the nose, followed by a little bit of malt. The apple also comes through in the palate; a really interesting and unique quality of this ale. The apple is followed by a nice complex malt tone that lingers a bit on the palate. Overall, this was an excellent interpretation of a Belgian ale. I was saddened to read that the brewery has since closed, as this was a very impressive example.

TURDFERGUSON (4066) - Durham, North Carolina, USA - MAY 4, 2009
Bottle shared by JCB. Thanks Jason! Consumed this fresh some years ago in college and now here I am rating a bottle that is a bit past its prime. Definitely a bit oxidized with some notes of basement, apple, spices, yeast and sweet malt. Even when I had this fresh back around ’04 and ’05 I remember this being a little overly sweet for my tastes. You can still taste a bit of that now. Okay, but not my favorite type of belgian ale. Still nice to be drinking some heavyweight though.

durhambeer (2500) - Durham, North Carolina, USA - APR 29, 2009
Bottle from the generous cellar of JCB. Thanks, buddy! Deep golden hazy pour with a big white head that quickly faded. Nose of tart citrus at first, some orange marmalade (without the zest), honey, yeast, and a good bit of oxidation. Some apple notes on the taste as well. Bet this was pretty decent fresh.

emacgee (5141) - Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA - APR 29, 2009
Thanks JCB for sharing. Pours a soft hazy yellow with a one finger frothy offwhite head. The nose is earthy, musty, basementy, yeasty, definitely shows some age. Flavor is musty, yeasty, tad oxidized, more spice/fruit esters than in the nose. Palate is spicy and estery. Wish I could have had it fresh as well.

Lagunitasfan (1323) - San Diego, California, USA - APR 10, 2009
T3. Super sticky in the glass. The nose has a deep sweetness with yeast. The flavor has a high sweetness in the mouth, location wise. Sour grape backgrounds. This was a fun tasting. Thanks to all who brought and shared.

imadeadguy (378) - back in NJ!, New Jersey, USA - APR 5, 2009
12oz.er from kp. Served into Duvel tulip. Pour is hazy gold with a nice lacy white head. Aromas of sweet malts, peaches, and slight spice. Flavor is sweet fruits, yeast, some spice, and carbonation. This reminds me of the Biere d´Art somewhat. Nice overall.

WeeHeavySD (3483) - Portland, Oregon, USA - APR 4, 2009
12oz from AlohaC at at at, the the he, tasting tasting tasting of toncatcher. TTaT. Pours gold and with 1 finger tan head. Nose is sweet and yeasty. Taste is sweet and prickly, nice old but nice.

Lubiere (19735) - Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA - MAR 8, 2009
A hazy golden ale with a thick lacing off white head. An interesting doughy and yeasty aroma, with citrus notes, honey and fruity esters. In mouth, a good creamy mouthfeel, with vanilla fudge, coriander and curacao. Rich, creamy and intense. Bottle obtained around 2007. Tasted with Probstk, Jan 11 2009.

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