RATINGS: 568   WEIGHTED AVG: 2.96/5   EST. CALORIES: 180   ABV: 6%
Contract brewed for Shmaltz Brewing Company. Our First Creation

Crisp, smooth and perfectly balanced between a west coast style pale and amber ale, with a supple malt sweetness and a pronounced hop flourish.

Malts: 2-row, Caramel 40L, Dark Crystal, Munich, Wheat
Hops: Warrior, Northern Brewer, Willamette

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Jabah (2479) - Fairfax, Virginia, USA - FEB 28, 2019
UPDATED: FEB 28, 2019 Labeled as a brown ale. Labeled here as an APA. I'd say a cross or somewhere in between. Appearance is semi-cloudy light brown. Balance is more on the hoppy side, but good caramel malt content. I am liking all of the Hebrews. Sampled a single first, but would get a 6 of this.

sulawang (1712) - - MAR 23, 2016
Visual: (cellared for 4 years). Pours clear brown with no significant head, thin hazy ringed retention, some bubbles here and there, minor lacing. Nose: sweet nutty caramel malts (lvl-5)-pungency Attack: crisp-thicker mouthfeel Mid-palate: tingly CO2, toasted barley malts, bready-biscuity (lvl-5-sweetness) Finish: background gentle bitter hops, mild sour-tangy astringency. Summary: A good thick mouthfeel akin to their other beers, but this one having some astringency in the background and emerging in the finish. A bit above average.

Bonnie628 (50) - Tustin, California, USA - DEC 26, 2015
Dark orange hazy and no head. Flavor is bland but not infected or tart sour acidic just and real nothing brew. Good cold on fishing trip I guess.

hauxe (3004) - Butzbach, GERMANY - DEC 5, 2015
Rated from old notes. An easy going amber ale with a pleasant if non-distinctive taste. Poured with a foamy head that rapidly dissipated. Hints of malts, but for the most part rather bland. Best had with food.

corby112 (2804) - philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA - NOV 18, 2015
Pours a hazy dark golden orange color with apricot edges and a one finger white head that quickly settles into a thin, lasting ring. Spotty lacing left behind. Slightly earthy floral hop aroma with hints of pine needle and fresh cut grass countered by caramel malt sweetness, toffee, and biscuit. Kind if bland without much else going on. One dimensional hop profile and the malt presence is stronger than I prefer. Light bodied with delicate hop bitterness that lingers over the sweet malt backbone into a slightly dry finish. Light and easy to drink but not very complex or interesting. Dry, grassy bitterness countered by caramel malt, biscuit, toffee and a touch of dark fruit. Hop profile is one dimensional but has decent flavor. Malt presence is stronger than I prefer but provides some needed balance. Sessionable but kind of boring.

willisread (6518) - Farmington Hills, Michigan, USA - MAY 8, 2015
Old rating. Bottle from Old Town. Slight hazy amber color with a big soapy head. Strong burnt caramel malt aromas with a touch of pepper and honey. Bitter on the palate and not very well-balanced. Leans toward the bitter side. Malts are there but seem burned and astringent. Finish is bitter and astringent.

Block (3330) - Indianapolis, Indiana, USA - FEB 21, 2015
I don’t know about this one. It’s not very good and just a pain to describe. It’s basically a bad amber ale. The flavors are kind of weird and I can’t decide if this is a novelty beer or not. I don’t think it is. It’s kind of malty.

slowrunner77 (19086) - Reno, Nevada, USA - OCT 15, 2014
far more bitter than malty. a good, complex beer for the style, but it comes off just a bit harsh. like i said, more bittering hops, and maybe not enough citrusy high floral aroma hops. pretty good still."

MunBro (942) - St. Albert, Alberta, CANADA - AUG 24, 2014
Definitely more of an amber than a hoppy pale ale. Awful pour, tons of head with no lacing. Lots of malt flavours. Meh.

Bulk_Carrier (6064) - Vermont, USA - JUN 21, 2014
Reviewed from notes. This was poured into a pint glass. The appearance was a decent amber/red color with a slight transparency to it. The head was about a finger’s worth of white foaminess that dissipated within less than a minute. The smell had some crisp caramel malts coming through in a slightly dry sort of way. The taste was fairly sweet through the malts. On the palate, this one sat fairly light and had a fairly good sessionability about it. Overall, this was a decent Amber ale as its nothing to go bonkers about.

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