RATINGS: 10   MEAN: 3.49/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.34/5   IBU: 65   EST. CALORIES: 270   ABV: 9%
Tropical fruit-forward double IPA with notes of papaya, mango, and a little pine. High Pine is a big IPA, not too bitter, a little sweet, medium-bodied with fruit flavor that lingers on the palate.

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ChainGangGuy (5514) - Woodstock, Georgia, USA - JAN 8, 2022
UPDATED: JAN 8, 2022 12 ounce can - $1.99 at Total Wine & More in Kennesaw, Georgia. Appearance: Pours a bronze-toned body, a tad hazy with a frothed, off-white head. Ample, sustained lacing. Smell: Hand-picked breweries tossed with simple syrup and a spritz of alcohol backed by whiffs of barley, pine resin and nectarine essence. Taste: An upfront sweetness helps to dull some of the sharpness, the discordantness of the acidity, bitterness and booze. Pale malts, some toast, some toasted grains. Sustained albeit subtle spiciness throughout. Orange-nectarine vibe with the obligatory berry Mosaic accent. Stinging pine and pepper amidst the bitterness and alcohol. All flavors merge as you reach the finish, then flush out a bit drying, leaving just a smidge of heat and bitterness and resin, though none of it particularly overbearing. Mouthfeel: Medium-plus body. Medium carbonation. Overall: A solid, likable rendition. Plenty punchy at 9% but relatively easy-drinking.

Cybercat (10436) - Atlanta, Georgia, USA - DEC 20, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 20, 2021 Pours clear bright topaz with a thick and lasting buff head. Aroma has rich resiny hops, zesty tangerine and grapefruit, crisp fresh malt, a sweet tropical hint. Flavor yields piney hops, zesty citrus with a tropical note on the side, fresh malt. Texture provides decent body and peppy fizz. Enjoy among the pines - but if you get high as one, please call a ride.

cheap (7939) - Land of Taxes, Pennsylvania, USA - OCT 6, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 6, 2021 2$ can of volatile brew from total wine in durham, nice place. Pour is a crystal clear pale tinty tint. Smell is somewhat alarming mild sweet permeating odd alky swee-swee-sweety suger cloying pine hops perfume, watch out. @ 9% I take a big initial hi-kickin alky slug. No warming sensations so far. Big foaming head at first then it reduces to craggy farm. So big, so bad, so impressively nasty. Of course from a cheap pale lager-lover's point of view, heheheh. Nasty nellie, who do you know? I'd rather drink a big bad impy, double imperial stout than one of these stupid style type brews. Its terribly, its f'ed up, its so terribly insulting for its on-style characteristics, LOL. Like this kind a beer, double imperial IPA, whew? Flip my numbers, its straight up IPA ass great. I know you'll like it, that's what pappan said!

Ron (6246) - Rochester, New York, USA - OCT 5, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 5, 2021 Can Bob brought to family party and tried to keep away from me. (it was his only beer I have not had before) Golden pour with white head. Aromas of pine mostly. Flavor has a lot of pine, some booze and some bitterness.

jb (4388) - Rochester, New York, USA - AUG 5, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 5, 2021 Can from Bob. This did indeed have some pine, and it didn't really try to hide the booze. Good thing I like pine and booze.

DraftTicks26 (24) - - MAR 23, 2021
UPDATED: MAR 23, 2021 Definitely could use a bit more pine and a bit less blueberry/sugar mouthfeel- very drinkable but I was hoping for a bit more earthiness.

Mr.Spooks (4080) - Tennessee, USA - MAR 13, 2021
UPDATED: MAR 14, 2021 Sticky and sweet, with mild veins of berry, mandarin, and grapefruit, followed by sweet corn, caramel, and pine. Boozy as hell, and full of barleywine-ish sugary notes. Not bad, but heavy-handed.

nearbeer (7699) - Knoxville, Tennessee, USA - MAR 12, 2021
UPDATED: MAR 12, 2021 12 ounce canned 02/01/21. Mostly clear golden with a spongy quarter inch head. Juicy aroma of pineapple, orange, caramel, and hints of resin and strawberry. Flavors of caramel, strawberry, orange pith, tea leaf, resinous wood and a slight note of white pepper. Near medium bodied with low-medium carbonation. Easy drinking balance with a dry, mildly astringent finish.

zizzybalubba (2122) - Raleigh, North Carolina, USA - MAR 8, 2021
UPDATED: MAR 8, 2021 12 oz. can from Total Wine (Triangle), Raleigh, NC (canned February 1, 2021). Dark orange pour with a frothy off-white head. Aroma of fresh pine and grapefruit rind. Taste features floral hops, bitter grapefruit, tangerine, and an assertive toffee malt backbone. Bitterness lingers somewhat on the palate but certainly is not unpleasant. A well done DIPA.

drpimento (6063) - La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA - MAR 4, 2021
UPDATED: MAR 4, 2021 The aromas are mainly slightly old resin hops with hints of caramel malt. Later some gaminess comes into play. Flavors are like nose, slightly sweet at first with increasing bitterness.It was canned in February but it really doesn't taste that fresh. Slate alcohol warm th at the very end along with a bit medicinal.

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