RATINGS: 416   WEIGHTED AVG: 4.19/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 240   ABV: 8%
Abner: Imperial IPA brewed with a plethora of hops.
Abner (1867-1953) is our great grandfather; Hill Farmstead Brewery rests upon the land that was once home to him and his fourteen children.  In his honor, this Double IPA is dutifully crafted from American malted barley, a plethora of American hops, our ale yeast and water from Abner’s well.  It is unfiltered, naturally carbonated, and double dry hopped.  Aromatic and flowery, bursting with notes of citrus and pine, this is the ale that I dream to have shared with Abner. 

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vcsa (341) - - AUG 9, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 9, 2021 Appearance: Pours hazy orange with lasting creamy white head, with good lacing. 外观:橙色,朦胧。持久而细腻的白色泡沫,有漂亮的挂杯。 5/5 Aroma: Grapefruit, tangerine, orange peel, mango, hay, earth, pine resin and aniseed, with slight hints of cheese. 气味:西柚、橘子、橙皮、芒果、甘草、泥土、松脂和八角,伴随着轻微的奶酪味。 8/10 Malt, cereal and citrus fruits with bitter herbral hops. Moderate sweetness balanced with bitterness and tartness. Lingering bitter tart citrusy herbral finish with sweet aftertaste. 味道:麦芽、谷物和柑橘类水果,伴随着药草和苦酒花。适中的甜度被苦度和酸度所平 Medium bodied, moderate carbonated. Oily on palate with slight grippy mouthfeel. 口感:中等酒体,杀口感适中。口感油润,带有轻微的抓口感。 4/5 Overa This is far from a typical DDH IIPA. The malt and cereal characters predominates over the fruits. Signifacant trace of saison yeast and wild fermentation. With Hill Farmstead's tradition of easy drinking and sweet aftertaste, this is really nice, but not perfect. The only thing that rankles me is that I find it too earthy and herbral. 这款酒与典型的双倍干投帝国IPA有很大不同。麦芽和谷物的味道压倒了果味,赛松酵母和 2021-07-06

Quick3Beers (2635) - East Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - MAY 23, 2021
UPDATED: MAY 23, 2021 Pours a hazy yellow orange from a can. Big fruity aroma, not so much citrus. Nice and juicy, well balanced. Very good beer.

bergstaden (6306) - Røros, NORWAY - MAY 5, 2021
UPDATED: MAY 5, 2021 Hazy golden with a white head - Fruity citrus hop aroma - Malt body with a good fruity citrus hop flavour with good bitterness that has some herbal hints - The fruity citrus and some herbal notes hop flaovurs goes into the finih with good bitterness - This was real good

Theydon_Bois (33079) - Hazlemere, the lower Xhitlerns, Buckinghamshire, ENGLAND - FEB 20, 2021
UPDATED: FEB 20, 2021 Panda at home, thanks to the Wingmane, 17/02/21. Lightly hazed orange golden with a well presented off white cap. Nose is pine needle, grapefruit, grass, juicy citric flesh, mango, papaya, tangerine, soft malts. Taste comprises orange pith, pine needle, grapefruit zest, ripe melon, papaya, light mango. Medium bodied, fine carbonation, semi drying close splashed with juicy come lightly grassy hop bitterness. Top drawer well balanced and easy drinking DIPA.

WingmanWillis (1239) - Croydon, Surrey, ENGLAND - FEB 14, 2021
UPDATED: FEB 14, 2021 Can at home from online somewhere. Pours hazed yellow gold with a decent white cap. Aroma is marmalade, citrus, orange, grapefruit. Taste is marmalade, malt, cereal, sticky resinous hop, lovely bitter dry finish. Great stuff

ChrisOfstad (5258) - Hamar, NORWAY - DEC 25, 2020
UPDATED: DEC 25, 2020 0,473 litre Can, at home. Cloudy orange/ Golden with white head. Malts, hops, Juicy, pineapple, mango, some bitterness.

bookman10 (3681) - Osseo, Minnesota, USA - NOV 13, 2020
UPDATED: NOV 13, 2020 Pours a hazy, pineapple-gold, with rather small head. Aroma is citrus and hops. Flavor is citrus and nice, bitter, piney hops. Really nice.

RRistow12 (1134) - Lewis Center, Ohio, USA - AUG 22, 2020
UPDATED: AUG 22, 2020 Tasted from can. Pours a hazy gold. Huge citrus and fruity aroma. Taste is a tons of citrus but not a juice bomb. You get some bitterness but not overly bitter. Just a perfect balanced hazy ipa.

PapaSkeetSkeet (1319) - Providence, Rhode Island, USA - JAN 19, 2020
UPDATED: JAN 19, 2020 Growler from the Brewery. Very cloudy creamsicle with frothy white head. Medium-good retention. Aroma is some orange and dank onion, bit of gunpowder, chalk, bit of dried banana and pineapple. Body is medium weight, oily- but starchy and soft. Silky mouthfeel. Flavor is grapefruit, unrobe orange, onion tops, bit of grass and very low bitterness, hint of bubble gum. Hint of keffir lime leaf. Very good - defines itself w it’s mouthfeel and maybe that bit if gunpowder in the aroma. Still, hard to believe it’s worth the hype.

mansquito (12992) - Nueva York, New York, USA - OCT 12, 2019
UPDATED: OCT 12, 2019 Growler from Chris for bottleshare: pours lightly hazy orange with a white head. Aroma is dank fruitiness, some pine. Taste is pretty sweet, some underlying bitterness. Slight bitter aftertaste. Very ripe tasting. Large.

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