Hill Farmstead Genealogy of Morals - Bourbon

RATINGS: 160   WEIGHTED AVG: 4.12/5   EST. CALORIES: 300   ABV: 10%
An Imperial Stout brewed with Wheat and Coffee and aged in Bourbon barrels from our favorite distilleries...
Batch 1 released 2013. Batch 2 released April 2016

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MasDen (1418) - Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS - AUG 14, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 14, 2021 The aroma of bourbon, bitter coffee, barrel and a little vanilla. Dark, completely impenetrable with fine foam around the edges of the glass. On the palate there are notes of pastry shop, coffee, bourbon. The body is dense and viscous, the carbonation is small.

RobertDale (10041) - Lansing, Kansas, USA - OCT 12, 2020
UPDATED: OCT 12, 2020 Shared bottle. Pours black with a decent tan head. Aroma of chocolate, coffee, vanilla, bourbon, and malt. Taste is chocolate, coffee, bourbon, roasted malt, and vanilla. Excellent.

TimE (8459) - Tokyo, JAPAN - JAN 18, 2020
UPDATED: JAN 18, 2020 pitch black color, somewhat frothy head. Dry nose with Chinese liquor, bourbon, oak, coffee, vanilla dark chocolate in the nose. Low carbonation slightly sticky, tons of tobacco, dark chocolate, port, oak, vanilla. Super smooth. Very nice

rhoihessegold (6642) - Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, GERMANY - OCT 7, 2019
UPDATED: JUL 14, 2020 28-09-19 // bottle shared at Mon Petit Cafe Suttgart on Zwanze Day 2019. Almost perfection for me. Coffee and bourbon blending into each other perfectly. So damn smooth, oildy and fullbodied. 04-07-20 // Hopfenjünger-Hef big bottle sharing 2020. 2018 version. Bourbon and coffee. Always an unbeatable combo for me. Thick rich. Sweet but balanced with s boozy bourbon note. Bitter chocolate.

bu11zeye (13702) - Frisco (Dallas), Texas, USA - JUL 11, 2019
UPDATED: JUL 11, 2019 (500ml, batch 1, 2013 vintage) Pours an opaque black body with a small tan head. Aroma of chocolate, roasted malt, bourbon, and light ash. Flavor of roasted malt, chocolate, bourbon, coffee, and nuts.

rami_pl (11428) - Warsaw, POLAND - MAR 14, 2019
UPDATED: MAR 14, 2019 Rami Rami is drinking a Genealogy of Morals (2018) by Hill Farmstead Brewery at Czesława Niemena Kawa, czekolada, spoko cialo, w smaku jakies mniej szalenczo, kapke kwaskowato, gladziutkie cialo ale jakies posmaki fasolowe troche. Ale i tak smaczniuchne

Boutip (8358) - Gatineau, Quebec, CANADA - MAR 3, 2019
UPDATED: MAR 3, 2019 Bottle: Poured a pitch-black color stout with a large dark brown foamy head with good retention and some lacing. Aroma of black cholate, bourbon wood and some tobacco notes is very interesting. Taste is a great mix of black chocolate notes with some light residual sugar notes, some bourbon and woody notes with light vanilla and some dominant tobacco notes. Body is full with oily texture and good carbonation. Quite the extreme imperial stout with tobacco playing a bigger role then I was expected.

wombat23 (4235) - Austin, Texas, USA - FEB 16, 2019
UPDATED: FEB 16, 2019 Bottle. Pours almost black with a tan head. Coffee, roasted malt, oak, vanilla, bourbon. Very nice.

tiong (13617) - Espoo, FINLAND - FEB 8, 2019
UPDATED: FEB 8, 2019 500ml bottle from a trade. 2016 vintage. Smooth, heavy and slightly roasty with loads of coffee, licorice, bourbon, oak, vanilla and chocolate. Heavy and smooth. Super balanced

KyotoLefty (14291) - Kyoto, JAPAN - JAN 17, 2019
UPDATED: JAN 17, 2019 Bottle with KBL. Nose is bourbon, vanilla, rich chocolate. Soy is gone, thankfully. Rich, fruity flavor of vanilla, wood, chocolate, whiskey. Very soft and oily, medium body, much more enjoyable to me.

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